Shimmering Sands whale's way
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Ooc — Van
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@Ariadne? Fjall had been quiet the last few miles of their journey. He was concentrating on his pace, which was slow, given how battered his body was. Are we almost there? Though there were no visible wounds, save for a few healing scrapes beneath peachy fur, the boy was still fairly bruised up from a steep fall down a snowy cliff a week ago, and he had not eaten enough since to keep himself fit.

He was panting from exertion, walking slower and slower as the hours passed.

Half an hour ago, the pair had come upon a field of sand, patched here and there with an inch or more of snow. The ground here was incredibly cold, and the wind clawed its way through their fur like an icy rake. There wasn’t a speck of freshwater or shelter ahead of them, with the roaring sea to their left, and a distant cluster of trees over a mile to their left.
writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
"I am afraid not," Ariadne replied. She hated to be the bearer of bad news. "Still a day or so to go, but closer than before." At least they had that going for them.

They continued their trek towards Ouroboros Spine. Although their pace had started steadily at the beginning of the day, she could tell that Fjall's momentum was waning, and she knew they couldn't push him to travel much further. So she nudged his shoulder to try and get his attention."We should start to look for a place to stay the night," she said. "Rest and save our strength for when we go tomorrow." 

"Maybe we can find dinner after that," She was starting to get hungry, too, but finding shelter was her top priority.
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Ooc — Van
Fjall could not help but to look absolutely crestfallen at her answer, but the boy was quick to fix his face, smiling. He wouldn’t let a bad mood take him, not in front of sweet Ariadne. She had already done so much for him; he dared not seem ungrateful.

This is good news, he declared, staying positive. If we keep going, maybe we can get there by this time tomorrow. This was overly optimistic of him. His spirit was willing, but his body felt like it was rebelling against every step they took forward.

His travel companion was far wiser on that front, and Fjall seemed somewhat relieved by her suggestion. He didn’t want to be the reason their progression stopped, even though this was precisely the case. He would have pressed on if she didn’t say anything. Let us find shelter then. She’d find no disagreement there. I see nothing ahead, but, he motioned southward. There are trees that way. Prey, too, I bet.
writing letters addressed to the fire
720 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne had been fortunate to have traveled with those who were more experienced. It had given her a chance to learn things she wouldn't have necessarily thought of on her own—like pacing, as they were experiencing now. She felt sadness in her heart when he looked crestfallen, but the feeling soon faded when he switched the script and became optimistic and delusional. "Yes," she replied, staying positive and not wanting to upset him again, "We will see where our paws take us tomorrow." 

When he suggested heading into the forest, she agreed immediately. "I think that is a good idea," she wasn't craving crustaceans, and the forest would provide more satisfying and filling options. She moved in that direction, leading them away from the shoreline. 

The forest was well-protected from the snow—the oak trees had only allowed a light blanketing to cover the ground. "I think we have found the perfect place to stay," she said, looking around. "It will be nice and warm wherever we decide to sleep." 

"Have your journeys ever brought you to this forest?" she asked next. "Mine have not, so I do not know what to expect here."
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Ooc — Van
Entering the treeline, it was immediately warmer there. The slicing wind was broken up by the tall, withstanding tree trunks and their claws could actually touch the earth beneath the powdery layers instead of just more compacted snow.

Fjall brightened, giving his frost-limned coat a good shake. It’s possible, but this place does not seem familiar… His words trailed off as he looked around them. To be fair, everything smells like snow right now. Maybe I’ll know this place if we visit after snowmelt. The boy chuckled a little, tail waving.

Oh, hey, that could be a good spot! He had picked out the thickest-looking tree in their vicinity and now pawed at its base, freeing a patch of roots from the clench of snow. Can we both fit behind this one? he asked, squeezing in and beckoning Ariadne to snuggle in for a test of the shelter.
writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
She nodded. "We can do that," It'd be nice to come back when the weather was more favorable. "I will show you the ocean, too. It is much more enjoyable in the summertime." She wouldn't dream of taking him into the water now; the cons outweighed the pros. 

He spotted shelter from a distance, hidden by the coiling, firm roots of the oak tree. She followed him, squeezing herself through the entrance and into the shelter. It was tighter in here than she had initially anticipated, but it was cozy, and she could manage for a night. "I think that we can make this work," she said, not considering how claustrophobic it'd get as the hours drew on. "I also don't think we are stealing another's home—it does not smell like anybody has been in here for a few weeks." Although she could sense that a badger had made its home here at some point, the scent had faded with time. 

"But do not worry. I will protect us if it decides to come back," she said, grinning. "We will take its meat and fur if it comes to that."
108 Posts
Ooc — Van
Fjall thought he would enjoy a summertime beach trip with the golden-eyed adventurer. In fact, he could not think of a single place he would not want to visit with the savior from Moonglow at his side. He trusted her implicitly after she had found him in his lowest days and then proceeded to show him nothing but generosity and kindness. It was only sheer luck that she was also from the very place he knew to return to, now without his mother.

He hummed appreciatively as she settled in against him. The space was quite cramped, but Fjall much preferred it to sleeping alone at the bottom of a snowdrift. He could only wonder if it was uncomfortable for Ariadne, as he was too afraid of losing this closeness to ask. O’ great shieldmaiden, he laughed without making fun of her. I say I will be glad to be rescued by you. Again.

And again. And again. As many times as she dared.

I must think of a way to repay you… he trailed off, settling his head down on her paws so that she might drape her crown across his nape. I owe you every pelt on earth.
writing letters addressed to the fire
720 Posts
Ooc — Chan
”I know that you would do the same for me if I were in your paws,” Ariadne wasn’t used to such flattery. ”But it is nice to know that I am owed every pelt on earth.” She draped herself around him and laid her head along his nape. It was so nice being close to him, and the warmth their nearness provided was an added bonus. She couldn’t explain it, but he made her feel warm even when they weren’t touching. 

”I hope that you know that I will take you up on your offer,” she warned with a sly smile, ”Rabbit fur are my favorite, but one of the trickier ones to get.” Catching a rabbit required patience, endurance, and smarts—three crucial traits that often worked against one another. 

”I will have to put your skills to the test once we are back at the village.”
108 Posts
Ooc — Van
Rabbit fur, huh? Fjall hummed with laughter beneath her, happy to lay with Ariadne like this until the seas had gone dry and the mountains eroded to dust. It was different, somehow, than curling up with his mother – who he loved more deeply and wholly than anyone – though it would be impossible for him to explain how or why it was. There was an edge of nervousness there, as if afraid she were uncomfortable with him and only being nice about it. That is a tricky choice… but I will show you. I will perfect rabbit-catching. Then you will have so many rabbit pelts that you’ll look like a giant rabbit whenever you wear them all.

It was all childish boasting, a lofty goal he may or may not come to realize was impossible, but Fjall felt that he did want to impress her. No matter what it took. Do you know of any villages outside of Moonglow? he asked out of curiosity.
writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
She couldn't imagine being dressed from head to toe in furs—especially if it made her look like a rabbit. The mental imagery she conjured was funny, and she laughed as she thought about it. "Maybe that is a new hunting trick," she marveled, her whiskers twitching, "If we dress up like them, then they will not suspect that we are hunters!" What a lucrative plan! He was so clever! "We will have many furs for years to come."

Ariadne nodded when Fjall asked about other villages. "Yes. There are many that Moonglow knows. There is Sapphique, who lives along the ocean. Sialuk's village sister, Meerkat, lives there." At least she did the last time that she'd talked with her sistraa. A lot had changed in the time she'd been away. "Then there are the villages of Mereo and Paleo. I do not know much about them, but they are ilax̂tal to our village."

Sialuk has been staking out Moonspear to start her village," It had been admirable to watch her sistraa's progress from the sidelines. "I would like to visit and bring gifts to her on our way home," It'd be rude to show up empty-handed!
108 Posts
Ooc — Van
As the two of them snuggled together and giggled over rabbits, Fjall grew more comfortable in their cramped space. It was easy to forget their surroundings as they talked. What is Sapphique like? the boy asked, assuming that Ariadne had been there herself, or at least new more about it than the other two villages she mentioned. He tried to place the word she had used to describe them, but could not remember his mother teaching it to him.

What does ilax̂tal mean? He knew some words, but he was by no means fluent in the language spoken freely in Moonglow. Will you teach me more?

At the mention of Moonspear, Fjall’s ears perked up. Of course, we will stop there. What do you think we should bring her? Ariadne was the one with all the thoughtful ideas, plus he didn’t think he’d be much help with hunting at the moment, so he wondered what she thought.
writing letters addressed to the fire
720 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"They are like my taataa and some of my sistraas—wolves of the sea." Even she, to an extent, was also a wolf of the sea. But she wasn't drawn to the water like some of her family members; she was content in the village of Moonglow. "Big family village. Lots of generations." That was the extent that she knew. "Maybe we can visit one day to learn more of their ways," she suggested. 

She smiled when he asked about their language and said he wanted to know more. How exciting! She loved to teach others. "Yes, I am happy to help you." she answered first, not wanting him to wait while she explained what she'd said. "You will have to tell me what words you have learned, and we will go from there." A beat; it was time for him to learn a new word. "ilax̂tal means 'friendly'."

She was delighted to hear that he was willing to visit Sialuk. "I was thinking that we could collect some herbs for her uluq—to help boost her supply so she can dry them out and make medicine." She would even help her sister prepare them if need be! "Maybe we will look for borage leaves for all of the anaaqs. If Mother Tooteega gives them her blessing, of course." A new light danced in her eyes, and her tail thumped against the ground. "It is an exciting and sacred time for Moonwomen." And it'd be her time one day—not now, but in time. She would have to wait. [/b]
108 Posts
Ooc — Van
I’d like that, he said of visiting Sapphique. Fjall was interested in life lived oceanside, and he was sure the seawolves could give him a grand perspective of such a thing. It seemed difficult, if he thought about it, so he also imagined that the wolves there were very hardy if not entirely different from those who lived in the mountains or woodlands.

As their conversation shifted to learning more of Ariadne’s language, the boy made a thoughtful face she could not see. Umm… I mostly know words for relatives, he chuckled a little. I do not know much else. I speak best in this tongue and in the native language of my amil, from the Land of Many Elms. Do you know it? Hers was a rare tongue. He wouldn’t be surprised if Ariadne was not familiar with it.

Storing the new word away in his memory bank, Fjall’s tail wagged beside her at the suggestions that they should collect winter herbs. That would be easy for him to do, and it could be just as welcome as hunting for a pack only starting. I am sure she will be happy to receive such gifts from us, he praised. But he was curious too! Who is Mother Tooteega? Why is this a sacred time?