Haunted Wood Inside my heart feelin' the Inferno!
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Weather: sunny

TERRITORY: Haunted Wood

TAGS: @Serem

He had been hesitant to leave Valour's side after the pit incident, fearful of what would become of him if left alone with the other wolves. At nights he would sleep outside his friend's den, in the day he would trail along the pawprints left, at evening he would play with the boy. But as the days stretched on Clay began to feel a tad guilty for his clinginess.

But could guilt overrun the feeling of fear?

Apparently yes. For clay, at least.

He had slipped away from the boy this time, promising himself it would only be for a few hours as he went to go explore on his own. He kept a considerable distance from the others of the pack, actively avoiding them at the sight or sound. However, he came face to face with a figure today. One he had not met before. She was tall, dark, and carried the scent of the pack. It put the boy on edge, but he wondered if she would be nicer since she was female. Maybe he could find entertainment in her company.

He slowly walked up to her, hesitant with his head bowed low and tongue licking his lips. "Ma'am?" he called tentatively, bent tail wagging slowly behind him. "What is your name?"
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
These days she kept to the borders and watched out for any damage that the tremors could have caused. Serem kept herself fed and put the remainders into the cache for the others. 

She was caught off guard a little bit when the young wolf approached her. She had heard of vengeance taking on a new ward and she looked down at him and gave a soft smile at his manners. At least he wasn't like hela all snippy and stuff. "I am serem, and who may you be?" She asked in return.
”Common” "Spanish"
185 Posts
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Clay perked his ears as the woman turned around and offered a smile. He smiled back at her, it was only right to. "I'm Clay," He responded, straightening up a bit to no longer be cowering. He was glad she seemed nice, pleasant. The only other female he had met was Hela, and she pushed him down into the pit to be eaten by the 'Pit Wolves.'

"Would my company burden you, ma'am?" He asked whilst taking a step closer to see what she was doing before he arrived. She had given him her name, but Clay saw no use in using it if they weren't close. Thus he continued referring to her as politely as he could while stepping closer to peer around her leg. The boy could see nothing at her paws, but the smell of kill was present. Had she recently gotten something to eat?

He shifted closer, hesitantly sniffing at the air in earnest. Truth be told, the boy was quite hungry. Prey had gotten scarce, and he didn't eat much due  to his small size and stature among the pack.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He seemed like a good kind and he was a bit different from the rest and she gave a soft expression. "I don't see why it would." She tucked his name away for the future. "I was just doing a short patrol." she stated simply.

He seamed to be smelling the air perhaps it was just her he was smelling but she didn't know for certain. "You seem to be looking for something?" She questioned.
”Common” "Spanish"
185 Posts
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A patrol? Clay distantly remembered his father doing such a thing. The patriarch would get up before the sun touched the horizon and return just as it was. Clay was curious as to why he would do such a thing—Serem too. He tipped his head, looking down and puffing his cheeks up as he thought. "A patrol? Why do we patrol?"

He fell into her foot-falls, his own paws pattering after hers. For ever step she took the boy had to take at least two just to catch up. When she asked about the smell he sheepishly looked away. "Nothing! I was just... smelling."
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He was inquisitive; serem likes that about the younger wolves. "We patrol to make sure our claim on the land is refreshed frequently so others know not to trespass and that there is a pack here." She started off with the basics of it. "Now more than ever we must do patrols because we can't just have random wolves roaming can we? Possibly raiding our caches."

Her question was quickly denied and Serem didn't press that issue any further.
”Common” "Spanish"
185 Posts
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He listened as the tall woman explained. It was basic, basic enough for him to understand, and the boy found that he appreciated it. Though he didn't fully understand why it was bad thing to keep wolves out. If wolves came here surely they would be looking to join, right? And that's what The Warlord wanted, right? To have more wolves? Plus there was always food to catch.

The boy came to the conclusion that the Nightwalkers were just being greedy.

"Thank you, ma'am. You're rather nice for being in this pack," he responded chipper, still trailing after her. "I've only met one other wolf as nice as you. He's my friend! His name is Valour, do you know him?" Clay tipped his head as he spoke, interested in Serem's answer. Maybe she could tell him a bit more about the boy. Valour didn't tend to tell him much about himself. It made Clay a little sad.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The young wolf had much to learn about surviving in this pack; Serem chuckled however when he had called her nice. If only he knew. "I'm only nice because you haven't given me a reason not to be." She stated simply. He then asked about Vengeance's other ward Valour. She knew of him from the hunt. "I know of him briefly."
”Common” "Spanish"
185 Posts
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Clay tipped his head once more at the chuckle that exited the woman's mouth. Was he funny? Clay didn't think anything he said or did was humorous. He huffed at that, turning his head away and puffing up his cheeks in annoyance. "Well then, I'll try to not give that reason then." He replied, voice a bit tense and disappointed at Serem's reply. He wanted her to be nice. Nice as he believed she was at first.

"Can you tell me what you know about him?" Clay asked in response to the dark womans answer.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He seemed disappointed but about what she knew not and didn't care. "Good." She stayed simply with a smile.

He was inquisitive and she'd rather have that than one who didn't talk it showed he wanted to learn and she appreciated that. "Only thing I know is he has much to learn about hunting with a pack. I can't really tell you more."
”Common” "Spanish"