Northstar Vale it's like candy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
All Welcome 

the consort's cove had become one of kalika's preferred resting places. when not resting atop the stone perch at the territory's heart, she could often be found wandering through his little paradise. 

as evening descended upon the vale, she made way for the falls. once there, she bounced toward the water's edge, chirping for his attention.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Not sure how that entry post exploded like that. XD

More often then not, Aiolos found himself wondering by the light of Mother Moon. A constant companion of his, no matter where he went. Even Mother Sea could not do this and there was a nurturing and guiding nature of the Moon which the Sea more so lacked, even if she were wild and beautiful. 

Anyhow.... Aiolos tried to catch up with @Tundra at nights, finding comfort in her prescene and her tales of the stars and sky intrigued Olo. But when breeding season came he lost track of her more, either because she wanted to avoid men or because she had found one in particular she favored now. 

The fiery wolf had noticed Kalika's scent more and more so around his densite. How could he not?  She enjoyed this place and it was becoming more and more apparent, she enjoyed him too. He was happy knowing she had come to him here, making herself happy and comfortable in his presence. That was much more then what he would have been offered on the island even if he was chosen to breed there. 

The hollow which he rested in, was a hole created naturally between two rocks along the footfalls of the mountains where these trinkling waters lie. He had dug it out bigger for himself and thought he may more so build to it to accommodate Kalika, Siren, as he so knew her by. He would slip from the den at her call and stand up with a stretch as he looked towards her. Ah, theres my mystery woman.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
kalika lifted a brow at aiolos's greeting, a wry smirk teasing at either corner of her mouth. i thought that you belonged to me, she replied. the siren took a few steps forward, flagging her tail beside his face before settling into a seat. though visibly amused in expression, her posture communicated her intent behind this meeting: business, nothing more.

how well do you understand the themiscyran tongue? she asked, an milíso étsi, tha katalávete? aiolos had already proven to have some comprehension, but she wondered if he knew well enough to reply. she was wary of curious ears and preferred that the conversation remain private.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A smirk toyed at her lips and with her words, a returned expression is offered. He steps down the rocky trail along the edge of the pool to meet her. Of course, Siren. He spoke, grumbling lightly as she allowed her tail to dance around his face before settling into a sit before him. He then too followed suit. ναι. He replied with the native island tongue, allowing her to know he understood.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
kalika looked over each shoulder and sniffed the air for lingering scents. if there was someone nearby — specifically, the magician — she wanted to know before beginning to speak. eímai étoimos na páo stin aktí, she told him, face clearly conveying the sincerity of her words.

prin érthei to kalokaíri, thélo na káno mia axíosi. it would be upon them sooner than later, as would the responsibilty of motherhood. once the daughters were born, there would be no time for such ambitions. the siren wanted this done now, while she could still manage it.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Kalika's attention shifted, looking around the area as though to make sure no one was nearby. Aiolos understood now why she wished to speak the island language. What she wanted to say was not only a serious business manner, but a secret. Aiolos was both curious and worried. His forelimbs shifted with anxiousness. 

... She was ready to go to the coast. So soon, even? And in winter? He didnt think it was the right choice and yet waited for an explanation. Όχι μόνο πριν από το καλοκαίρι, αλλά πριν από πολύ πολύ κατά τη διάρκεια της εγκυμοσύνης σας. Δεν πρέπει να ταξιδεύετε όταν είστε πολύ μακριά στην εγκυμοσύνη και πρέπει να είστε καλά εγκατεστημένοι πριν από τη γέννηση για εσάς και για την ασφάλεια των μικρών.  Of course, it was not his choice to make. Usually, men not only did not have a place in their pups lives, but were not known as a father all together. After their breeding, he was nothing. Just a sperm donor. Still, it was obvious he cared. It would be his first breeding. His first litter. He had not  been hardened not to care yet.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
kalika considered aiolos's input and nodded in agreeance. he was right; putting too much stress on her body would be bad for both herself and the children she would be carrying. ti proteíneis? she asked, boroúme na kánoume arketá taxídia, an chreiasteí.

the siren wondered if he'd anticipated his mandatory participation. without stopping to ask, she continued, tha eímai gónimos sýntoma. tóte, den tha ypárchei chrónos gia na stereopoiísoume ta prágmata. tha prépei na páme sýntoma.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She nodded in agreement to him, which was good. If she willed healthy pups and her own safety, then keeping herself from being strained, stressed, and protected was really the only option. What he didn't expect, however, was her asking him what he suggested. Since when did a male's thoughts, especially during leadership discussion, matter to a Nereides? He held back the smile but was very much so happy he had proven himself to be worthy of making sound advice. He was not just another grunt. 

Θα χρειαστεί να είστε έτοιμοι να δηλώσετε μια αξίωση πριν το στομάχι σας μεγαλώσει ή αφού τα κουτάβια βγουν από το κορμί τους και μπορούν να ταξιδέψουν. Once her stomach grew large, likely she would get sickness, tiredness, and unable to both travel or spend time staking claim and asserting herself as a new lead. 

She stated then perhaps they should go soon, before her pregnancy. To move quick. It was sudden, but he didnt bother to ask what made her want to leave so quickly and in the middle of winter. She had made her choice and it would be a waste of time to convince her otherwise. And he realized, ever more so, she had no intention of not having him go with her. Θα μου βρεθεί αυτός ο ισχυρισμός στο πλευρό σου;
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
the suggestion was a good one, but kalika shook her head. den tha fýgo afoú gennithoún., she told him. through tone, aiolos should have known not to challenge her. eínai polý dýskolo. 

moving with children, especially without a set destination was an easy way to ensure sickness and death. their bodies were too small for such ventures. kalika would not have her daughters die by her own doing.

softening her posture, she gave him another smile. den empistévomai kanénan állo. a consort, yes, but aiolos was the closest thing that kalika had to home. akantha was gone, as was calypso.. who else could she have turned to?

prépei na eímaste diakritikoí, she told him. the siren trusted that he knew what she was getting at. the other nereids would not take kindly to their companionship, potentially deciding to excommunicate them both — if not worse for the consort. katá tin próslipsi, prépei na analávete ton paradosiakó rólo.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He nods, ginger ears perking as he listens to her words and, the nightfall around them. Not all wolves wandered the night as he and Tundra did and expected none would come snooping around his corner of the territory. Even so, it was not like any other in the ranks spoke their language. 

She spoke of trust, then, with a delicacy to the smile in her features. A trust he would not take advantage of. He hadn't and wouldn't amongst any of the few allies he held. Φυσικά, Σειρήνα He spoke. Though he was happy she treated him with much more respect and equality then other Nereid, likely because he had been here for her when all the others were gone, he understood why the need to keep their secrecy. He didnt know, if it the longrun, the tradition would hold. Other then he and herself, he knew no others from their island holding their tradition which could judge them. Time would tell.

Επιτρέψτε μου να αναζητήσω μπροστά, να βρω ένα σπίτι που να ταιριάζει. Αν βρω τους οπαδούς, θα προσλάβω υπό την ονομασία της νέας βασίλισσας των Σειρήνων. He didnt know if she would go for it, her staying behind, but perhaps it would give herself enough time to collect herself and perhaps find any wouldn't within the area here in the mountains when wished to join. 

Θα επιστρέψω όταν βρήκα ένα χώρο τοποθέτησης και μια κρεβατοκάμαρα για το καταφύγιο σας. Αν δεν είναι προς την ικανοποίησή σας, μετά τη γέννηση και το κουτάβι μπορεί να ταξιδέψει με ασφάλεια, μπορούμε να μεταφέρουμε.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
wanna fade?

kalika did not argue against aiolos's offer. he could handle the external affairs, leaving her at the vale to pine for beta. if successful, it would mean an immediate alliance; second only to finding the other nereids, being promoted was the siren's top priority.

for a long moment, she was silent. a slow smile drew itself onto her maw, accompanied by a low-pitched growl. páre me sto domátió sou, she commanded of him, warmth spreading across her body, écho káti na sou deíxo.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Works for me. Last post then archiving.

She didnt object. In fact, she had object to nothing this entire discussion. An important one too, considering it was of a future pack they would be founding together, one fit for the seafarers and of course, whatever pups became of their union. 

Show me anything you want. He spoke freely, a smirk edging his expression as he turned, leading her up the small trail into the hollow of his den.
moonglow daddy