Cassiopeia's View love you like the movies
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay had taken up @Teya on her offer to look after the children finally. It was at the end of the day when he searched for @Maia in the Fen's territories and asked her if she wanted to get away for just a little while. He knew that things had been tough for her. There'd been many losses and she had barely had any time to process it all through having to raise the kids. Now they finally had a chance to hopefully unwind a little.

As they set off, Eljay brought Maia to a path that lead up towards Cassiopeia's view. He wasn't much of a mountain man himself, but he knew that the views could be beautiful and it was what Teya had recommended; the mountains just west of the Fen. That way, they wouldn't need to get too far. Unless Maia wanted to, of course. As they neared the top of the path up Cassiopeia's view Eljay said softly, Thanks for taking this trip with me.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia had worried that the timing might just never be right for a trip. She'd waited anxiously for something to happen, and something else to go wrong, but finally it was time. Even if they couldn't be gone long, it felt so good to be out and seeing new places. Outside of the odd hunting trip, Maia couldn't remember the last time she'd left.

It was even better that it had been Eljay's decision. It was amazing still, to her, how far he'd come from the wolf who was afraid to leave the Caldera. She'd loved him then just as much as she did now, of course! But she was so gosh darn lucky. She let him take the lead as she felt the stress of parenting, and everything, slowly begin to unknot from within her chest. Out here they weren't anything but Eljay and Maia.

Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this for anything! Or, almost anything. Her smile said it all, most likely, but she laughed a little on the last bit. Of course if the kids had needed them to stay, neither of them would have gone! Fortunately they were old enough to spend a bit of time under the careful watch of someone else.

Weaving her steps a bit so she'd bump into him gently, Maia came up alongside, but looking at him was pretty quickly interrupted by the view ahead of him. Oh, wow.... I forgot how pretty it was up here. She added, almost more to herself even than him. The climb had worn her out a little more than her usual walking, but she still felt a playful energy buoying her. Everything was so light right now.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay was a little nervous being out here, and finding the way was definitely a challenge because Teya had given him some descriptions but he didn't know exactly what to look for. And he was one to get lost in a heartbeat. But he knew they'd find their way back eventually, and at the very least the way back should be easier considering they could practically see the Fen (albeit not every tiny detail) from up there anyway.

He smiled when Maia said that she wouldn't have wanted to miss this trip. Suddenly Eljay realised how long ago it must've been for her to have gotten out. He thought that maybe when the pups were older, she'd be able to get out a bit more again. Meet wolves. See things. The thought was terrifying to him, but he also knew that he needed to let her go. He couldn't cling onto her like he had to his mother. In part it was Wildfire's death which had taught him many things about that: Even when someone was completely safe in your home they could just.. die. Better that they enjoy life the way they want in the time they had.

As they reached the top Eljay smiled at Maia's enthusiastic response. It really is beautiful, he said, though he didn't get too close to the edge once they arrived. There was something a little scary about standing too close to the ledge. Have you been here before? Eljay had never seen this before, and he'd never really been high up except on the Caldera.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I don't think so. I mean, I've seen mountains, but not this one. She didn't notice him hanging back at first, too caught up in the view. But when she turned to look at him, she noticed the gap and took a step back without even thinking to close it. How did you know this place?

She always loved learning new things about Eljay's history here. Her own was so tied up in her own little family that it barely connected to the wilds at all, especially now. But Eljay's recollections, even if they were typically close to home, always encompassed so many ties to here and the packs around them.

She couldn't wait until Sylvia and Hymnal were old enough to see things like this. Of course her mind would wander to them - this was their first trip away and she couldn't help it. Despite the break being welcome, she missed them already like crazy.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
I'm glad I got to show you something you hadn't already seen, then, Eljay said with a soft smile as Maia closed the distance between them. He felt relieved that she stepped back from the edge, too. As for her question, Eljay answered, Teya suggested it, said there were some pretty places here. I figured it was nice so we didn't have to go too far from home, in case, y'know... It was nice to be close to home in case something did happen with the children. This was their first time leaving them to their own devices, after all. They were honestly getting to the age where it was fine for them to be on their own, but it was still good to know that they could and would be called if something was wrong.

Eljay brushed his nose against Maia's cheek and he asked her, while looking at the view, Do you think Sylvie, Hymnal and Roswell will like exploring when they're older?
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She's been really great. Sometimes Maia felt like Teya didn't like her much, but she was always so nice that the feeling faded quickly. That was another thing it felt like it had been forever since she had - adult friends outside of Eljay. Ukelele kind of counted, but if she didn't already think Maia was a hot mess, she was probably crazy too.

Eljay's touch pulled her from that recollection and let her focus on what he asked. She was quiet for a moment, imagining it. Jasmine and Diantha had already gotten a taste of the outside world, and the latter kind of hurt to think about. She'd had one paw out the door for a long time, no matter what any of them did.

I hope so. I really want them to see Brecheliant as home. But I think it's important, seeing other places. And just not being afraid. She turned to look at him with a loving smile. But I do hope they want us along when they do.

It was hard to remember, but she liked to think she'd have loved to have her parents along anytime she had left home. That probably wasn't the case at the time but, in hindsight, she couldn't imagine ever feeling differently.

I want to take them to the Caldera, maybe. Show them where you grew up and let them meet their.... cousins? If you wanted to. Or if you wanted me to. She added with a small tail wag. If he did not want to come, that would be totally alright with her. She knew that the Caldera was still a bit of a heartache for him, but he'd settled in so well at Brecheliant, and the girls deserved to know their grandparents and family as best they could. She couldn't really show them her family's home, but his was in easy reach.

If she'd known the Caldera would soon be empty, she might have put more emphasis behind the trip.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It went completely over Eljay's head that Maia might feel like Teya didn't like her. To him, Teya was a bit like a daughter — she was Weejay's age, and they had gotten closer over Teya's grief, so both age and role played a part in his feelings there — and she'd been so helpful; he didn't even consider there might be any animosity between her and Maia. If Maia'd shared those feelings with him, he would've been completely flabbergasted.

Maia shared that she hoped that the children would like exploring when they were older. Eljay felt a conflicted twist in his gut. He knew that Maia was right. He knew that it was better if they weren't afraid of the outside world, like he was. But... Another part of him, the part that was afraid, could not help but fear for them. He knew he'd messed up with Elfie and he wanted anything to prevent another mess like that. It was hard to let them go, but he knew he'd have to, eventually. Maia said she hoped they would ask their parents along when they got to that point, and Eljay nodded. A little nervously he said, Yeah, me too.

It was a surprise when Maia suggested taking them to visit Redhawk Caldera, but then again, maybe not such a huge surprise after all. Redhawk Caldera was important to him, it was nearby, and there were wolves there, after all. An easy first place to visit. Yeah, that's a good idea, he said with a nod. It would be nice to show them all the good places at Redhawk Caldera. And meet their family.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was glad that he didn't take anything she said personally.  There was nothing wrong, in her eyes, with wanting to stay home.  But she never ever wanted fear to remove their choice, not if she could help it.  She thought she heard a touch of the nerves in his voice but she appreciated it.  He'd told her a few times about how dangerous the world seemed to him, but he was still willing to let them try.  It meant the world to her.

I think they'd have a lot of fun.  Especially meeting other kids.  She wished, a lot, that there was another pair in Brecheliant who had kids for them to form friendships with.  Siblings were always going to be different!  Though she guessed she hadn't grown up with many friends outside of her own family either.

It'd be nice, too, to have someone to go to for advice.  Maia knew she was doing her best but sometimes she wondered... and there wasn't anyone really for the first-time mother to go to. 

Maybe next year.  Thinking about it, she blushed.  It was probably a given that they'd have more, but they'd probably need to talk about it.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded when Maia said that it would be nice for them to meet the other kids. Yeah, he agreed. There were always lots of pups in the pack when I was young. I mean, the others were a bit older by the time I was born... He thought of Wiffle in passing, though thinking about her and how short they'd actually been able to build up a new relationship together did not sting as much as it used to. Time really did heal some of the wounds, at least. He wished that he could show her all that he and Maia had built up. He was sure she'd be happier for it, too.

But there were always at least two litters, I think. I mean, I guess technically... He trailed off, thinking of Ibis in passing. But yeah. Let's make it happen. Little did he know it wouldn't be long before the Caldera would be found abandoned and they wouldn't have a chance anymore.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She liked hearing about his childhood whenever he told her about it. It was neat to think that all of that had happened kind of here! It was just me and my sister and brother. I love them a lot, but it would have been awesome to have a friend who wasn't them. Or mom and dad. She added with a smile and a small laugh. She'd hung out with both of her parents a lot, especially when she and Cori or Cass argued. Which was pretty often, especially her sister and her.

She knew what he meant by Ibis', but at this point, she hoped they were more siblings than anything else. At least from Sylvie and Hymnal's perspective. They'd been so young when she took the other three in.

Then she started to laugh again. Here we are, on this perfect date you planned, and we can't help talking about the kids. They could work out the details of the Caldera trip later. She didn't want to spend all of their time here talking things that made either of them worry.

So she stood up and looked at him playfully, her tail waving. Want to explore a bit?
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Maia seemed to regret that she didn't have any friends her age. Eljay nodded. Yeah, I could see how it could be nice. Though Elfie and Weejay had plenty of young pups in the pack, and they didn't seem to get very close to them. Perhaps it differed per wolf. Sugar Glider and Weejay'd found a common interest in the flowers, but that was about it. Oh, how he missed Weejay, and the flower garden they'd tended to together.

Eljay then said, Wildfire was one of the children that was born a few months before me. Kinda funny to think about. He didn't talk about Wildfire often. Actually, it was possibly the first time he had ever mentioned her on his own accord with Maia. Perhaps time was finally starting to mend some of what was broken within him the day his beloved Wiffle had died.

When Maia said that they were talking about the kids again, Eljay chuckled. He didn't mind the subject, but he supposed that they could be talking about other things, or doing other things. Maia suggested exploring, and after a moment of pause Eljay nodded to agree to that. Yeah, alright. Lead the way, m'lady scout. With a smile on his face Eljay got up, following Maia's lead, and his tail waved a few beats. He wasn't as much as an explorer as Maia, but being away from home wasn't as anxiety-inducing when he was with Maia.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia didn't miss that he had mentioned Wildfire very casually. She noted it the sense that she was grateful, but she didn't feel much temptation to pry further. When they first got together, Maia had been sure she'd never live up to Eljay's former mate. It was a tall order - mother, leader, and dead far before her time. There might still be times she felt a bit insecure, if certain things triggered it, but hearing her name was never enough anymore. She knew that Eljay loved her now, and that didn't need to mean anything when compared against the past. If he was beginning to feel more comfortable talking about it, she was glad. A part of her wanted to know more about a wolf she really hadn't had a lot of time to get to know well.

That, however, was for another time.

She couldn't resist giving him a soft, playful nip, then turning and setting off, at a gentle run, down the direction they'd come. The path was wide and open enough that she wasn't worried, even with her clumsy tendencies. It had been so long since she'd just played. She looked back once to see if he was following, but wouldn't speed up much more than this. Instead she tried to lead him into a half-run, half-chase as the ground leveled and then opened up in front of them.

Lake Rodney and Brecheliant lay before them, but she turned north, ready to take him on a short trip to a spot that she knew. It was a beautiful little valley, tucked in the southern side of the Moonspear, and it hadn't been touched by the mountain's misfortune. It would be the perfect spot to finish out before they needed to start back home.

We can fade here or keep going, whatever you prefer!
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
i'll archive it, ty for this sweet thread <3

When Maia nipped at him playfully and started to run, Eljay followed with a playful growl bubbling in his throat. His tail swayed happily back and forth as he set in the chase (even though if she wanted to, he'd never be able to catch Maia, and he knew it). Maia seemed to know exactly where she was headed anyway, so Eljay allowed her to take the lead and guide him while he followed closely behind, and at times next to her.

When they found the valley, Eljay was amazed at how beautiful it was. It was exactly the sort of thing he liked: it was hidden and tucked away, which made him feel safe in some way to be there. For a moment, he could even forget about the kids and worries at home, and just be with Maia as they explored it.