Ouroboros Spine I just want to start a flame in your heart
102 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Limit Two 

the clouds above turn scarlet and rose as the sun begins to sink beneath the horizon. the creatures that resided within moonglow — those that stirred through the frigid winter months — wind down for day and begin to retreat to their respected homes.
all but two. a goat, much smaller than its herd that stayed at the tips of the mountains. It dug through the snow with its nose to graze the grass beneath.
a bit further away, hidden within a patch shrubbery, was lómion. his tongue swiped over his lips as he carefully watched the creature.
120 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Wilwarin most definitely filled the role of annoying little sister. Though she spent most of her time trailing after Inkalorë, Vairë and Lómion were not safe from her pestering -- not even @Kausiut and @Samani could seem to shake the silent, pale shadow of their sister. 

It seemed the girl could just not abide being in her own company, to let the silence that marked her existence press in on her eardrums. She preferred the chatter of her many older siblings to keep the memories of the bear at bay. Thus, when she found herself alone, she searched until she happened across her eldest brother's scent trail and followed it determinedly. 

She found Ló in the upper reaches of the mountain, worming her way into the shrubbery where he hid with a triumphant grin -- as if they'd been playing a game of hide and seek and she'd been clever enough to locate him. 

'Ló,' she mouthed, nudging his shoulder to get the twilight child's attention persistently, 'what're you doing?' her brow drew together, a little grin on her rosy lips as if she thought him very odd to be hiding in the middle of a bush. 
102 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
a little nudge broke his concentration. lómion inhaled sharply, his eyelids fluttered for a few moments, then stared upon his little sister. 
she’s a shadow, much like inkalorë. always at his heels. on most days he didn’t mind it, but today — 
he glanced back at the goat.
ah, no matter.
watching, he whispered. his tongue feverishly swiped across his lips.
we can hunt it i think. he turned to wilwarin. like the adults.
120 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Wilwarin promptly beamed at the suggestion. Her downy dome of white bobbed eagerly. 'Yes, let's,' she mouthed in agreement, using a few of the signs she remembered Towhee showing her to emphasize her silent words. 

Huddling next to her brother, the youngest Nuiruk crept forward an inch to peer through the branches of the bush. She thought hard on the few lessons they'd received about hunting thus far as she eyed the goat Lómion had been observing. 

'How should we do it?' she mouthed, turning back to the sooty boy with a wrinkle in her brow. 'We could try running at it from both sides..?'
102 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
she agreed, much to his relief. he hadn’t enough faith in himself to take down anything, let alone a beast of this size, on his own. but with his sister’s help they had more of a chance.
her movements that paired with her mouthing did not go unnoticed. he stared for a moment, clearly confused, but said nothing.
maybe… his eyes returned to the goat again. or maybe one of us could hide somewhere. and the other could chase it towards the hiding spot?
120 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Seeing her brother's perplexed stare flicker to the movement of her body, Wilwarin mouthed and attempted to sign, 'It's called Ptero. Towhee is teaching me. It's a way to talk when you can't talk for real.' 

When the obsidian he-pup drew her focus back to the impending hunt, the runt nodded her ivory diadem in an eager bob. It seemed like a good plan to her. 'That sounds good. Do you want me to chase it?' Even at this age, the youngest Nuiruk knew she was smaller and weaker than the others. Their mothers and father, even their oldest sister, had begun explaining that some people were better suited to different tasks -- just like how the adults had different trades to suit their skillset. The pale youth thought they might stand a better chance if Lómion attacked first since he was bigger and bulkier -- despite the fact that the entirety of their litter was willowish and sprightly. 

'You could just hide here!' Wilwarin exclaimed silently, quivering with excitement and frail nerves. 'And I could chase it to the bush and help bite it.' She summed up clumsily, full of false confidence. 

We could roll if you'd like to see if they get lucky and actually catch a goat by themselves? XD
102 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
that sounds good to me!
she called the movement, well. he couldn’t decipher the word. but whatever it may be, she’d learned it from towhee, someone he’d yet to meet himself.
he could ask about her at a later time, for now his muscles buzzed with anticipation for the hunt. lómion did not realize how badly he wished to chase it down until his sister asked to do it herself. he felt his heart rise, ready to protest, but the excitement in wilwarin’s tone hushed whatever voice he was about to be given. he fell back into his usual passive state. he could save a chase for another day.
that’s a good plan. then he urged softly, please be careful. of all the children she was the smallest. a brother can’t help but worry for his little sister.
120 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
rolled a 4 = the hunt goes well for them!

Wilwarin bobbed her downy head, shooting her brother a toothy grin before turning and squirming from the bush's confines. The brumal sprite's movements were exaggerated as she crept downwind, circling around the grazing goats with utmost care -- determined not to mess this up. 

Belly pressed low against the ground, the pup inched painstakingly closer as adrenaline swelled in the pounding of her heart, coursing through her veins as she wiggled through the underbrush silently. At last, the ungulate was close enough to see the individual hairs of its coat -- to cloak the girl in its musky scent. 

With a deep breath of steadying courage, Wil burst towards the goat's heels with a frenzy of snapping snarls -- hoping she seemed more fierce than she felt, for her heart raced in fear now that the moment was truly upon her. 

The small herd panicked, the goats bleating and darting in various directions as they scrambled away from the young hunter. Their target dipped towards her, sweeping its short horns dangerously close to Wilwarin's face. She felt the sting of a horn slicing against her cheek as she flinched back. Terrified of being trampled and inexplicably angry at the pain, the runt leapt towards the goat with flashing fangs. 

It wheeled from her, seeming to recognize she was a threat in spite of her size and supposed solitude, and raced towards the bush where Lómion crouched by the grace of the spirits. Wilwarin was quick to pursue, paws scrabbling as she launched after the goat -- nipping at its ankles to herd it along.

When her brother had attacked, Wilwarin latched onto the creature's underbelly -- both children struggling but managing to take it down.