Altar of Twilight waxing gibbous
9 Posts
Ooc —
All Welcome 
the world became heaven here.

or something close to it. otherworldly and mystical. which had led julian to laugh with a fierce breathlessness into the cold night air. then he had begun to dance, overcome with the grandness of the place.

the clear sky offered the moon to shine freely here and the place most certainly lived to it's name.

yet he had not realized just how far and wide his singing voice might carry against rocky walls. that his melody might awaken any on that moonlit night.
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The night called to her. Drew her in, closer and closer to the territories hugged close to Moonspear. Pulled in by some unseen force, not yet understood. 

Her thoughts often went to Sialuk. To her generosity. To that little flicker of a connection sparked in her, yet so out of place. 

The chilled winter air and dancing shadows made her heart soar. Brought out the joyous wild in her. She explored freely and boldly, leaving her scented calling card for anyone and everyone to find. Her voice rose up in the night, just as another's did, the silence broken.
9 Posts
Ooc —

a voice called back out to his and julian, with panting breath, halted in his uncoordinated dance. he was not sure if he had expected the moon to be so powerful as it bring a visitor upon his newfound place! yet why doubt it? the stars had not failed him so far!

he tilted back his head and let out a song of invitation.

so that she may come enjoy the revelry under the moon with him!
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
And, with a short but no less melodic note in reply, she accepted the invitation. Curious to see what joyous soul the moon had lured out tonight. 

Under the pale light, her dark figure cut like a crawling shadow against the snowy valley. Slate and silver illuminated, setting her apart from the night itself. How very coincidental it was, that tonight, she whose name translated to Queen of the Stars, came out under the beckon of the moon.

Cresting a gentle hill, she moved freely. Without hinderance. Blue eyes contrasting against her face, she found him, immediately. Tail carried high and waving amicably, she drew closer. Dipping her muzzle down to peek at him, with a ghost of a shy smile at sealed lips.
9 Posts
Ooc —
she was...beautiful.

the dark sky, the mountains, the stars. they had seemingly all joined hands to make the beautiful lass before him. even her eyes! of the sky! his heart thrummed with a boyish glee. enchanted all at once by her.

it might have been best to offer words, to perhaps offer her a song with proper words!

instead his brain seemed to fumble over the woman's presence alone. instead he offered a toothy smile back, boyish in its charm. if it held any at all, of course!

he dipped down low for a moment and then — sprang!

off to dance through the moonlight more.
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Her pulse quickened. He was handsome! His smile, in her eyes, endearing and infectious. A soft, joyous little laugh escaped her.

No words were exchanged between them. There needn't be. Not for the moment. Let their eyes and bodies do all the talking, while they danced together in the moonlight. He sprang playfully, inviting her to come with him.

Down low she bowed, then leapt up. Her legs took her racing after him. Cutting around to his left, then the right. Circling back in front, always keeping just out of reach.
9 Posts
Ooc —
he let his voice rise in only melodic notes.

weaving them beneath the moonlight and the trees. fae come to life. he was enchanted by her and perhaps he would feel the ill effects in the morning!

for now he wished only to entertain her.

reaching with gentle teeth for pale tufts shining like a lighthouse on her — even if he would not reach them! she was worth the hunt, he felt.
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The chilled air made her lively. Overcome with the sense of thrill, in just the simple act of dancing with this handsome stranger tonight. A melody...a song recited in her thoughts, stemming from her heart. Though, words were lost to her, now.

From the corner of her eye, she saw him reaching for her. Her eyes twinkled while she smiled mischievously. She allowed him just the slightest tickle of platinum ticked fur at his grasp. In return, she went to mouth softly at his shoulder, seeking only fur, not skin. Then she peeled ahead, just barely out of reach. 

If he truly wanted to catch her, he must prove he had the skill. But maybe...she wanted to be caught.
9 Posts
Ooc —
she turned and reached back!

his voice raised in laughter. delighted by her wholly! the moon had never led him astray and it had not done so yet either here.

yet she was off again just as quickly as she had been in reach.

and he moved on long legs that hungrily gave chase after her. desperate and eager in turns he was unable to control!
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
His was infectious! Her own voice bubbled up, airy and elated. Guided here by the moon and dancing under its light, weaving in and out of shadows.

High above, the dark sky was canvas to a smattering of twinkling stars, infinite in their numbers. Witness alongside the lunar moon to the spectacle below. 

She felt, no sensed him giving chase, behind her again. Her legs burned. Her lungs heavy with each intake of air. But she had never felt so exeuberated. 

One last little glance over her shoulder at him was all it took. Flashing a grin, she quite suddenly changed tactics. Swerving, she rounded fully to face him, incoming. Balancing on her hind legs, braced to intercept him a delightful collision.
9 Posts
Ooc —
he had not expected this!

her swivel caused him to attempt to stop himself. the key word would be attempt, for suddenly he was sliding across the cold land. set to crash straight into her.

which was perhaps the furthest thing he wanted in that moment. it would be rather ungentlemanly and certainly did not fit the theme of whimsy! he could only strangle out a choke sound of warning and hoped she did not meet him with fierce teeth!
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Oh but it had not been her intention to startle him so! As he slid through the snow towards her, and she went oncoming towards him, there was no harsh gleam in her eyes. No raised hackles or the lift of her lips. Perhaps he had misread her. Though she too may be at fault for allowing her exuberance to get the better of her, just by a bit.

She dropped down back to all four legs, slowing her path at him. But, the dark female did not waver. Instead of meeting him with her teeth, like he may have feared, her contact was much more...welcoming. She raised her left front leg, draped it gently over the rise of his shoulder.

Elentari grew still then, save for the slow wagging of her tail. Tentatively, if he would let her, she nosed at the side of his neck, just above where her leg rested. She was ready to pull away if her closeness was unwelcome.
9 Posts
Ooc —
he had not expected to be embraced.

history so far stated he had not expected anything he had been shown by her so far! who on earth was she? had the moon taken form and become a woman. here to return all the appreciation he had given her.

his cheeks burned hot at the thought.

boldly! daring!

he turned his head to chance placing a kiss upon her cheek.
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Her closeness to him wasn't shunned. She sensed that maybe, he even welcomed it! The ebony Archer eased closer, more comfortably. Breathing deep, to catch the scent of him in his multi toned fur. She was pleased he seemed to have enjoyed her surprises.

But then, it was his turn to surprise her! With a kiss on her midnight cheek bone. Her eyes fluttered, color blooming beneath the dark of her fur. Ears slanted back peaceably. A soft nosing under his chin, with a tentative flick of her tongue.

Her leg draped on his shoulder slid away, but she stayed. To dance with him now, closer than before. A frolic turned delicate, deliberate. Into his eyes she looked, finding her voice. A hushed sound of wonder. Far from it's usual even tone. "Who are you? Tell me your name, man of the Moonlight..." She implored. A plea for his voice.
9 Posts
Ooc —
she did not send him away.

he sighed softly against her fur as she placed a kiss upon his own chin. how wonderful it was and how he longed to live every moment like this.

boyish and free, beneath the stars with a pretty face that admired him too.

he might have tried to kiss her more if her voice had not pierced the air. it did not ruin the whimsy, but it would connect them. names exchanged were not often forgotten in these moments.


he only whispered warmly.

then reached to pull her close and comb softly at the ebony waves of her fur. like she might hide stardust in them for him to find.
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The world fell away beneath her. Compelled to close the last inches of space between them, the inky fur of her chest grazed his of soft cream on contact. Her aroma was of pines, dew and fresh lavender. A combination of earthy elements. Once, she would have smelled of granite and sea salt, but those times were long passed.

At last, she would hear his voice. Learn of his name. The very sound made her heart skip. So full of such youthful, masculine charm! But oh, he was such a gentleman too! Julian. His name would be seared into her mind, deep in her memories. She would not allow herself to forget this night. Nor his face, his voice or his scent.

Freely, she breathed a reply. "Elentari." Would he know the meaning of such a name? It did not matter now. She was far too content just to be. Held close, groomed with the gentleness of his touch. She sighed appreciatively, leaning the line of her neck against his own. Grazed softly at his nape, teeth just out of reach of his skin. "Tell me me this isn't a dream... Tell me you are real..."

How had she fallen so far, so quickly?