Redtail Rise But quite a different matter to do it
Redtail Rise
58 Posts
Ooc — Van
All Welcome 
The sun swung low towards the horizon, deepening the rise’s shadows and promising a night cooler than the last. A chorus of unnamed insects rallied in the tall grasses, their shrill hums becoming louder as the shift change from afternoon to evening began its timely procession.

Avicus’ fifth child picked her way across the territory in search of @Lilia. She paused at nearly every sound, as alert as a rabbit on watch duty. There was a look in her eyes that most might mistake for a sense of wariness or hyper-vigilance, but the berserkr would know it to be hunger.
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Lilia patrolled, enjoying the changing foliage of the leaves in their last, burst of beautiful colours before they’d begin dropping. With each rising breeze, more fell and the ones underfoot had begun to soften in the morning frost. There would be another frost overnight, she thought; she could feel the chill in the air. 

She caught Fifth’s scent on the air and continued on, knowing that if Fifth was seeking her out, she would likely play on the Berserkr’s weak spot. She had recently eaten, but she did want to keep that nutrition for herself. But saying no was hard, even though Fifth wasn’t exactly a child anymore. 

As soon as she made eye contact with Fifth, she knew what the girl wanted. Still, she had to try and steer her toward sourcing her own food, but gently. She woofed quietly in greeting.
Redtail Rise
58 Posts
Ooc — Van
Shining new-minted golds met perfectly sheer ice blues in the waning afternoon light. Her tail hurried to wag, feet barely touching the ground as she skittered over like a greedy housecat to the sound of a can-opener. She dove beneath Lilia’s chin with an imploring whine, pressing eagerly into her golden throat and stamping her cheeks with a cold nose. She did not like to do this, but such childish, saccharine-sweet performances had rewarded her before, long after it was appropriate, and the berserkr was (nearly, presumably) the only one who relented these days, which meant that this kind of behavior was reserved only for her.

It fostered an extraordinary bond between them, even if it was… unhealthy.
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Lilia knew that if she reached out to attempt to placate Fifth with a lick or a nuzzle, that the teen would likely stiffen or recoil. She fought the urge to do so even as Fifth’s nose peppered her cheek, and in spite of herself she chuckled softly. Sure, it was an immature request but part of Lilia wished that the kids would never grow up, so she could always feel this protective of them. 

She’d only have to feel that way for a little bit longer- soon enough, she knew, there would be more children and the satisfaction of feeding kids would come from feeding a new generation. 

She huffed and gestured for Fifth to follow her. They shared a secret, and Lilia wished to keep it that way- so she led the way toward a dip in the terrain, where prying eyes might not find them.
Redtail Rise
58 Posts
Ooc — Van
A chuckle! It was a glimmer of mirth from the young leader, and a good sign for the scavenger’s odds on receiving her preferred meal. She followed closely at Lilia’s heel, nearly tangling their legs together as they slunk down into a shallow gully together. Eagerness colored her every movement, and her eyes flitted to their surroundings, double-, triple-checking that they were alone.

She practically vibrated with anticipation as she looked to the beserkr expectantly. It was an ingrained show; the most emotion that this self-serving worm had ever cared to show.
828 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The act sufficed; seeing the carrion-eater this jovial always managed to brighten Lilia's spirits, even though she knew it was likely just a show for personal gain. Once they were secluded, she circled, head held low, and with little effort she brought up a pile of slimy, red meat, licked her lips and stepped back to allow the adolescent to devour it. 

"Thingh'th are gonna change, thoon," She said, once the girl had had her fill. "Anthuhlin an' I are gonna be leavin' the pack in the Thpring. I need to keep ath much weight on ath possible, tho thith...Thith hath to be the latht time." She said softly, but sternly.
Redtail Rise
58 Posts
Ooc — Van
While scarfing down the liquid-y, steaming goods, it was fairly easy to ignore most of what Lilia was saying – none of it seemed very pressing anyway; a problem for another day, if you will – that was, until the lead-warrior attempted to put her foot down on this happening ever again.

Her lapping stilled for a beat, quiet as the words sunk in. She resumed eating, but it was a much slower affair, not so much savoring as she was chewing on a multitude of thoughts in her head. The girl was silent until every morsel of dirt and discarded twig had been thoroughly licked clean. She then straightened and sat back, her reedy frame tensing. You and Ancelin can chase as many butterflies as you want, but I can be a butterfly for you, too.

There was the audible sound of pouting in her voice.