Ravenshook Cliffs rain falls down my cheek, i wish i knew better than i know now
slowly drifting, wave after wave
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deirdre was consumed by all that had been occurring, and pondering what it all might mean. but her father had spoken to her--she had heard him, clearly--and she was becoming at ease. she only wondered what her brother might think of it; he was not one, she understood, for the supernatural as she was. casmir was not, either--constantine and casmir thus far, however, had embraced her proclivity for it, and embraced her being a witch as well as they could in not understanding the powers she beheld. but they supported her, this she knew. they would see her ascend, too. 

the question skellige asked was met with amusement on her own behalf; there was much deirdre did not know of the duo, but this she knew for certain. no--never. he had not taken another mate aside from my mother, blue willow, the raven-haired beauty. others could only dream of being lasher's wife, even if he bestowed physical affection unto them. even rowan would be but his mistress--and to his very last breath, her fathers devotion, his true love, was for the woman. but as skellige spoke of love, deirdre's eyes cast sharply to skellige. i know he has loved no other but for my mother, and in this she spoke truly. though she did not know the intimacy rowan and lasher had shared physically, his heart was held by the woman who had conceived her. if she were older, wiser, her belief would not be different. in others he sought comfort, and truly there was only one other he might have ever loved as her own mother, but the fur of that wolf was equally as pitch as her own mother, and this was not something deirdre would likely ever come to know. 

deirdre looked over the ridge and thought over the sound of the rain. when skellige spoke next, she felt her heart raise to her throat. and when he moved to nose along her jawline, she felt her heart explode there, and her tongue feel quite heavy, and her cheeks caught fire. it was the strangest sensation she had ever endured, and she felt suddenly quite giddy and off-guard. her dominant demeanor seemed to relax entirely as she grinned a silly little grin, her head swinging toward him. she nearly lost her footing, too, but caught herself smoothly enough; the girl seemed to hesitate only a moment before returning the gesture, slowing her step to do so, very watchful, now, of him.
[Image: BCay9TG.png]
in oceans deep. my faith will stand