Stavanger Bay If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris

Nerian nodded in agreement, in her nervousness of pregnancy and pups she began to babble. The female body is a wondrous thing, able to protect the unborn children within against great odds, and though I have not been pregnant before Thistle is right everything you describe is likely from your pregnancy. Your body is working against itself, drawing everything into your pups. Causing you to need nourishment while your pups take up so much room you feel nauseous and bloated. At least that is what I have been told.

Mint leaves might settle your stomach but if you have not eaten then you might not want to swallow the leafs just spit them out plant matter and an empty stomach do not go well together.

Nerian paused a moment then smiled, hiding her nervousness below her quest for knowledge. oh! Oats and the Oat Straw it's Rich in calcium and magnesium which is good for your pups and the oats straw helps relieve anxiety or stress, so it might help you feel better all the way around, Did you want me to find you some? I'd even venture to the hotsprings and make you a tea though it'll be a cold tea by the time I get it back but it'll be more palatable that way. Nerian nudge Jalooke's cheek gently and whispered and before you say anything, Do not think you are putting me out, if I wasn't prepared to do these things I would not offer it.

Nerian really wanted to feel useful as of late she felt like she was a nusience to everyone, it was rather awkward for her, to get away even for a few hours would be wonderful for her. not that she needed an excuse to leave, she just wanted the excuse.

Messages In This Thread
RE: If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it. - by Nerian - August 15, 2014, 09:25 PM