Dragoncrest Cliffs count all the bees in the hive, chase all the clouds from the sky
587 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Ranger
All Welcome 
Bat's mothers had meant to take her on this field trip themselves, even make a family event of it. Yet with the commander down for the count and Kiwi still missing, they instead asked @Artaax and @Tirgatao to take Bat through Hougeda to the seashore and asked @Dalia if she'd like to go too. Wildfire had been tempted to ground Bat for straying much too far the other day, yet with Kiwi still missing, she just didn't have the heart for it. Besides, she knew the Goufa was already struggling enough with her nomi's debilitation and now Kiwi's absence.

"Stay close and listen to them," Wildfire was saying as she fussed over Bat just outside Hougeda. "I wish we could go with you today. But I've got to get back to nomi, then keep searching for Kiwi." She tried very hard to keep the distress out of her tone. Surely she had just strayed a bit too far and would be delivered safely back home, like her sister, hopefully by the ranger's own hand. "Anyway, they're waiting for you on the far side; just walk straight through the cave to the other end. I love you. So much. Have fun." She kissed the Goufa's forehead and retreated a step.

Bat managed a small smile for her mother, then headed inside the caves. She walked slowly through the dark chamber, toward the two shadows she saw silhouetted up ahead. She was in sort of a glum mood, though she perked up a little when she heard the sound of the distant surf. She had never been allowed to use this exit. As she approached it, Bat's heart began to thump eagerly. When she reached Artaax and Tirgatao, she gave them each an absent nuzzle even as her silver eyes strayed to what lay behind them.

She had to squint against the light, even though it was an overcast day, but when she realized what she was looking at, Bat's heart swooped. With an eager shout, she dug her heels into the sand and made a beeline toward the water. She ignored her older brother's admonishing call behind her, splashing gleefully into the shallows, surprised by the saltiness and the warmth of the choppy waters.
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