Dragoncrest Cliffs count all the bees in the hive, chase all the clouds from the sky
587 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Ranger
Shore thing! ;)

She was tempted to nap, despite the lure of adventure. That was just like Bat: nine times out of ten, she would choose sleep over anything else. But even as she settled down on the warm sand, she thought of Kiwi. She swallowed and began to fidget. There was no resting her mind right now.

The restless pup leaped to her feet with an uncharacteristic burst of zeal. "Wanna esplore?!" Bat herself wasn't sure if it was a declaration or a demand. She looked up at the adults, silver eyes beseeching, and smiled when Tirgatao motioned forward.

"Let's go check out one of the tide pools," she said as she began to walk. "Come on, Dacio!" she called, waiting for the pups to gather together and bound ahead before she trotted after them, barking amiable directions as they coasted along the beach.
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