Heron Lake Plateau smiling in photos without any reason with people that i'll never know
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
"Yeah," he said, thinking on the wait.  It had been longer than expected, but for him, any shorter wouldn't have done it.

Then Fire dropped a bomb.  Colt stared for a minute, then shook his head.  "Shit sis, I won't.  But I tell you what... you've got some good taste."  He grinned.  He too had had eyes for Raven, though she and Qui had shacked up immediately after, far too quickly for him to have even let that brief interest form into anything more.  His opinion? His sis was a way better option than his friend, hands down.  But she seemed happy, he seemed happy, so Colt wasn't going to say it.  Better to let Fire move on to others who deserved her.

"Never easy, but better to find someone who will properly appreciate everything you got.  Which, speaking of.... are you primarily, y'know, ladies then?"  Because shit.... that made his job way easier if he ever had to wingman.
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RE: smiling in photos without any reason with people that i'll never know - by Colt RIP - September 10, 2018, 08:23 AM