Cerulean Cape i won't go down by myself, but i'll go down with my friends
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Okay! I'll do some rolls on that thread since the fight is getting more official now. I usually do rolls for dmg as opposed to completely missing or hitting to make things a bit more realistic if characters move or counter attack, so if anything needs adjusted in my posts let me know!

For a moment, Aiolos thought this fight to be over with. Donovan would snarl though didnt move and so Aiolos side glanced to Moorhen and began to step backward and away from the kidnapper. Though as Aiolos began to turn away with a snort, content to go on back home (and likely tend to Moorhen in the process) the large wolf comes jolting into his direction...

First, an upward attack, as Donovan lifts himself up into the air in order to slam his paws down onto Aiolos' face. Instinctively, Aiolos would jerk his head away. He is able to avoid dull claws slashing into his skin but still enough pressure to force his head to push downward low between his legs. 

Shaking his head as it remained low between his legs, Aiolos faces the male with a bloody nose snort and a snarl. It was all he was able to do. Though Aiolos was far more lean and quick then the two hundred pound behemoth, Donovan somehow gets the better of him. Alas, attacking whilst he was turning away! The full force of the large wolf comes powering down onto him and Aiolos could feel the man's large jaws wrap around the side and up under his neck. 

Aiolos breath hitches, the weight of the male slamming into him (equally as he grabbed his neck) causing him to topple onto his side with full force as he collided with the sandy beachside. Teeth sink in hard, the smaller wolf jerks with Donovan's movements. Though he is successful in biting his neck, Aiolos does all he can to try to pull away just enough whenever Donovan would loosen up and bite again, to at least relinquish his throat so he could breath. Legs kicked out, trying to seek Donovan's soft undersides - his belly, his groin. Whether he hits his mark or not Aiolos was still pinned, trapped.
moonglow daddy
457 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Even though the prize had departed from them, and now seemed to be wholly out of the kidnapper's reach, he still seemed intent on fighting them. Moorhen felt a flutter of unease in her chest as the battle continued, her companion now caught in the wicked jaws of the beast. The idea that she could turn and run and get away with only a torn ear appealed to her very much, but her morals and her stubborn nature prevented her from making that decision.

She was in constant motion, as she was rarely still in a fight, or even when she was near a fight. The male was trying to keep a yellow eye on her, but she did her best to confuse him before aiming at his unguarded rear-end. Her hope was to injure his flanks as best she could — hopefully, he would not continue to focus on Aiolos when she was trying to tear his entrails out of his asshole.

But whether or not she got a good bite, Moorhen was quick to retreat again before measuring up her next bite, and doing her best to avoid Donovan's teeth as well. Her aim was to get the larger male off her new friend, and then, hopefully, they could both make a run for it.
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
1,902 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
Roll here.

As Donovan continues assaulting the agouti males neck, his quick eye catches the female beside them contemplating. Perhaps even freezing for a split second with second thoughts shooting throughout her mind. He continues eyeing her even though his full attention is still on Aiolos. 

Even as Donovan’s breath comes blows out heavy, hot air from from his wet, leathery nose he doesn’t seem to be tiring too horribly. The fire within him burns bright and hot — he wants blood. So as if the last few shakes he’s done to the poor male weren’t enough, he urges his muscles into another horrid shake of his head. This time, if there wasn’t some before, blood pools in his mouth, quickly going to cover the honey fur in crimson as well as his own muzzle. There is most definitely disastrous tears to his flesh, for there is realistically no way for their not to be. Even then, the brindled male does not relent his hold. Either they get the better hand of the fight and cause Donovan to flee or they verbally say they give up in a show of submission. Until either one of those two options appear, he will proceed with savage intent.

With his last shake and a tear of flesh, a blur of browns and blacks beside them is moving. Donovan expects her to come to her friends rescue, she moves swiftly, but the males constant eye on her allows him to be less surprised by the move she makes. Predictably she goes for his rump and hind legs. As she snaps forward he’s able to move just enough to narrowly avoid the brunt of the bite. Though her teeth definitely graze flesh and leave a rather deep gash on his right flank, the she-wolf is unable to get a grounded bite. 

In retaliation, the hard muscles of his hind legs shift, all the while still holding onto the male before him, he brings his uninjured leg high up beside his rib cage and shoots his leg out like a bullet in a type of donkey kick. The kick should be powerful enough to stun if not slow her down a fair amount. If luck is on his side, he’ll catch a claw or two in her eye or leave light scratches on her face. Donovan considers her lucky that she’s not within his deadly grasp. He’s sure he’d be able to break her neck with a quick crunch to her spine. Though he reminds himself, he doesn’t need to kill them. He wants submission. He wants them to learn their lesson of jumping into battle so readily. It only fuels his fire that the one fucking time he didn’t feel like fighting over something, a fight makes its way to him anyway.

Still glancing back to the she-wolf, he continues his torment of the honey pelted wolf before him. All Donovan needs is submission for him to end this unnecessary battle.
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
rolled a failure for tackling Donovan

What a mistake heading over to the mainland was. It didn't take long for her stroll to bring the sounds of a fight, the only alarm being that a Yuelong member's scent headed that way. Wary of her swollen belly she approached ears flattening at the stench of blood and continued snarling that grew as she approached. What she was Aiolos trapped beneath a stranger who had his throat. Howling with all her might for Hua and the others she rushed at the male but because of how pregnant she was she was off balance and stumbled clumsily stumbling off and snarling a warning to at least try and get the male to release her packmate "Go now or be killed" she snarled before taking a breath and lunging again, refusing to leave a packmate in the jaws of death. 
Her second attack can hit or miss. I'll roll if requested
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
Purple= japanese
Bold= english
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
rolled in de thread :P

Unfortunately for Donovan, there were no submissive wolves here. 

The worrisome howl of Minori drew Huā away from her den guarded by Daiyu, onto the mainland and quickly into the scene of conflict. What she had suspected was some secret gathering days before now had descended into chaos. There was the Donovan to whom she had introduced herself as Nüwa, pinning Aiolos who had, in contrast, stood politely beside him days before, albeit very uncomfortably. There was Minori, and a chocolate woman whom she had not met- and all reigned down on the dog.

She did not need to ask who he was, what his purpose was, no longer gave a fuck, but would not see the bloodied ambassador slaughtered. Aiolos was one of the men who had made her believe that men could be good; she trusted him in anything (not yet knowing of her hidden little nephew.) And so as Minori surged forward, so did Huā, inexperienced in fight but knowing a prime point of weakness... in males, at least. 

There it was. 

She hitched her fangs between his haunches, feeling disgusted to touch where she intended to and yet powered on by imagining him as one of the men back home who would use her. It was with this thought that her fangs closed around his delicate man spheres, planning to tug sharply and then release to create a blistering juvenile pain. She was not much of a planner, and had not bothered to think ahead to what might happen if his rage was turned upon her- only wanted to do whatever it took to draw his attention away from the red warrior.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
It was hopeless, failed. Aiolos tried to kick out and get the grip of the man off of him but the half-breed was much larger, stronger. Aiolos kept his head against the earth, trying to protect his windpipe. His head tried to tuck back, forelegs at the side of his face as the man above him tore into his flesh. Red hot pain cut through him like electricity and his fiery eyes sought out the path which @Aphrodite and @Surya had escaped. Now, Aiolos would be left to take the beating for her protection. 

His ears, pinned to his skull, heard Moorhen biting and attacking Donovan from his backside, not enough to release him, however. Aiolos stiffens, eyes closing. He thinks back to the familiarity of this - his birth pack, his grandfather pinning his scrawny skinny body, face in the mud. Aiolos jerks against Donovan, resisting, defiant, as always he had been against his own sex. A snarl gurgles out from his muzzle in the sands and he pulls. Aiolos would hurt himself further but it was better to try and break free then to just as much be torn up just laying there taking it. 

Then, a voice, someone new to the scene. A familiar voice, a familiar scent. It was one of his own, his pack, just off the coast from here. Then his queen, his Empress come to put an end to this. He wouldnt die today, he'd be saved. Though he growls lowly, he smiles.
moonglow daddy
457 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
When not even nipping at the male's hindquaters seemed to work — especially when he seemed magically to know where she was and how to avoid her, even with his back turned and the male cumbersome in his jaws — Moorhen decided to go the more direct route and aim for his throat. The swarthy harridan was further compelled to act when she and the male were joined by two more with intent on releasing him from the brindled wolf.

Without a growl or a snarl, Moorhen lunged for the male's neck, hoping to make a grab for his jugular. Since the male was a bit bigger than her, she was a little concerned that her grip would not be sure, and that she might only rend flesh instead of arteries, but at least going for his throat should be more distracting to him than going for his hindquarters. And, since she herself was something of a warrior, she thought she stood considerable chance of damaging him.
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
1,902 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
Roll here. Decided to let Moorhen’s attack land w/o a roll cause it wouldn’t be realistic for him to be able to avoid that after getting his dangly bits chewed on haha. I’ll role an attempt to escape and if the attempt is unsuccessful then it will depend on everyone else on whether or not he escapes. Next round I’ll roll another escape roll and so forth.

As Donovan’s fangs sink deep into Aiolos’ flesh satisfyingly, he’s beginning to realize the male will not relent. For the sake of not killing the guy, even if he bleeds out, he decides he’ll be taking his chance to leave as soon as possible.

Or that was his plan until he hears the roar of another voice just ahead of him. Golden eyes flick up from his downward position over the other wolf to see what he presumes is the honey coated males pack. He’s in trouble now. Donovan isn’t dumb enough to believe he can take on more than two wolves. Even though two is challenging if not impossible depending on their level of skill and the change in the tides of luck.

Instantly his maw releases the red stained fur of Aiolos’ neck and his jaws are dripping with blood, as well as his chest and muzzle. First he sees the form of a black and red shewolf — the one who practically announces their presence. She’s shooting towards him with impressive speeds but it seems her footing is off for she tumbles, Donovan able to clear out of her way before getting to him. That is only one out of three other problems beginning to surround him. 

While distracted by her the form of a silvery white warrior comes up behind him too quick for him to react and bites at the most sensitive area of a man’s body. A smart move on her part, one that definitely is able to distract and wound him. Thankfully she doesn’t rip them off, but he’s sure he’s bleeding from there too and the hit to his pride almost hurts worse than the physical pain – almost. Releasing him doesn’t make it any better and he’s definitely stunned long enough for the darker, chocolate female to come at him with bared teeth. The pain from the bite that seemed to be so close to neutering him practically immobilizes him. So her shot is clear and precise. He knows he’ll take a fair amount of damage from the she-wolf’s impressive fangs and his lip snarls up, baring teeth at the white hot pain that comes with the feeling of teeth puncturing flesh.

Only a few things he notices is that the honeyed male hasn’t gotten to his feet yet. Hopefully he remains in his spot where blood pooled into the grass. For even the feat of getting up would be a dangerous one for the male. Donovan also has no eyes on the raven furred wolf either, wondering where she will be assaulting him from next. 

Of course as the bite to his neck has him cringing as well as the burning feeling of his dangly bits, he can’t sit idly by and let them chew on him. He will fight back until they release him and his escape is successful. At the moment the only wolf he feels the need to retaliate against is the female biting at his neck. So he goes in for a bite to her ear once again. A wild roar coming from deep within his breast at the constant struggle and pain. His bite is successful enough to shred the already offended area from his first bite. There will hardly be anything left of it if luck is on his side. 

Sadly he doesn’t see escape coming anytime soon unless they somehow allow it. Until then, he will try and defend himself as much as he’s able. Which is basically impossible at the sheer number of wolves he’s up against. He accepts whatever is to come.
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Breath hitching she froze in place feeling the tiniest of painful twinges in her abomen. The air was thick with blood and though realistically it was only seconds that had passed it felt like time slowed into hours as she studied the scene before her. The ferocious stranger covered in blood of his own and...good lord was that all Aiolos's blood? A flash of black and brown that smelled familiar shot past and she gasped, nearly releasing a manic trill of laughter at the shock of seeing exactly where Hua chose to take hold of the man. Despite the roar of what truly sounded like agony he still fought....and despite herself she stared. Coming to her senses as he bit into the unknown she wolf's ear Minori surged into action aiming herself at his neck and shoulder and rushing him. Thrusting her shoulder first and using her head flat against him she struck like a battering ram all four paws leaving the ground. Luckily she was muscular and held the force to make up for what she lacked in height driving him backward away from both Hua and Aiolos, eyes gleaming with dutiful ferocity as she stood in front of her packmates protectively. Of course she knew the danger she was placing the lives of her unborn children in but Minori chose duty and loyalty to pack over the duty to her own well being. There would be another year, another time to carry children...perhaps children who could grow knowing their father.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
Purple= japanese
Bold= english
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
malia I talked to vami and jay and we all agreed to just let donovan go, so he can exit in your next post! 
also not a big deal but, hua is not at all white yall X) she is brown & black!

Her attack was more successful than she realized it might be, seeming to stun him to the point where the stranger's attack landed as well. Huā tasted a touch of blood and spat it into the sand, backing up for a moment to assess where she might go next. But ultimately the wolfdog seemed relentless, wanting to fight each time they came at him. As long as this went on, Aiolos would remain bleeding on the earth, and Minori's pregnancy would continually be shaken. Huā did not wish to see such things happen. Minori pressed forward still, brave in the face of danger as a good jiàngguān would be, putting herself between the Huā, Aiolos, and the enemy. Huā moved forward after her, flashing a worrisome glance back to the ambassador before turning her attention back upon the wolfdog. Part wolf and already torn to some degree, confronted by four wolves- if he was smart, he would take his exit now. Huā snapped her teeth forward in empty air as a warning, retreat now or prepare to suffer more.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Feel free to say the girls dragged him, carried him, woke him up later and helped him walk home. Whatever, but last post for Olo!

The world was a blur by now, his vision in and out, seeing the flashes of bodies moving all around him. He heard their growls, smelt the blood (mostly his own) and then realized he too was still growling, low, defiant yet still despite the battle long lost. He was lost the battle, this was true, though it seemed with the war the Yuelong wolves held the upper paw. Their leading guardian upholding the placement even more so despite the risk to her unborn pups. His Heiress fighting, despite her slight frame and it not being something she was normally inclined to do so (it was her lessers jobs to fight for her, after all) and Moorhen, still a woman he didnt even know who had stayed to fight to make sure he did parish in the aftermath.

Aiolos was already a male who believed females were the dominant, superior sex and yet somehow even now he found a way to value them more. Though what shocked him the most to realize, as he lay down in the dirt, was that he had been worthy enough by women to bother even saving at all. 

Though he couldnt speak and by now his eyes had fluttered closed, his tail slowly and halfheartedly thumped on the ground. And then he was still, having gone unconscious from the blood loss, though his sides heaved with exhaustion.
moonglow daddy
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
1,902 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
Moorhen went inactive and therefore is skippable. Last post for Don unless chased or stopped, escaping with permission from you guys. Thank ya! (╹◡╹)♡

Donovan is shoved by one of the pack wolves and he’s stumbling away from the grounded male. The two other she wolves that come to his rescue are gnashing teeth at him, baring their weapons in warning for him to leave. Leave he will. He’s lucky he’s made it out alive. Perhaps they’re too worried about the bloodied wolf’s life more than chewing him up. He will probably bleed out if he doesn’t get treatment soon anyhow. In the back of his mind, he hadn’t been planning for the guy to die, but now he contemplates it. Maybe he should’ve just killed him while he had the chance. 

Though his mind blanks with the only thought being to run. He doesn’t have the strength in numbers like they do and he’s only getting off with a few bruises and some puncture wounds. He’s lucky. So onward he goes, using the momentum from the black wolf’s push, he’s sprinting off back towards the forest. Tilting his head back to land coingold eyes onto the wolves the others. Hopefully they don’t chase him. Still, he can’t help the curve of his mouth and the baring of bloodied teeth in a sick, sadistic smirk. Boy did that feel good.
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Breaking ferocious eyes away from the attacker she saw Aiolos laying limp on the ground and moved to his side crouching down and asking the unfamiliar she wolf to help him onto her shoulders. She was broad enough to carry him alone but as the woman began to delicately shift the battered male onto her shoulders she could tell she wasn't at full strength. "Hua could you help me carry him?" she asked lifting seafoam eyes back toward the scene of the fight, aware that the curly tailed man had taken flight and trying to catch a glimpse before he vanished failing to do so. "Are you alright?" she asked the woman her eyes beginning to gleam with mischief as she released a tense laugh probably due to the adrenaline rushing through her system "You bit him where it really hurts" she shifted and as gently as possible used her back to heft Aiolos over her body a bit more to make it easier for the Siren to assist. Once ready she would help the woman carry him home and then return to her den where she'd force herself to rest for the next few hours at the least. 
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador

As Donovan finally gave in to flee, Huā raced to Aiolos, quick to help Minori in lifting him- in spite of her small frame. She wasn't a natural heavy lifter, but she would use all her strength to help support him. When Minori asked after her condition, Huā breathed out, I am okay. More worry about you and Aiolos- we will have Daiyu help, when we get home. The medic was not greatly experienced but Huā knew some treatment was better than none. When she spoke of where she bit him, she laughed slightly too in spite of the adrenaline in her veins, I am no warrior, but I know where to hurt man. In a contrast to her words, they carried Aiolos gently, eventually bringing him home to where they belonged- and Huā would advise them both to move little, and take things easy on themselves while they healed.