Hushed Willows Whenever he saw a red flag warning at the beach he grabbed his surfboard
Everything lies within Emotion
483 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Pack Activity 
Flooding alert!! The interlocking den system has flooded, the Firefly Stream is now more like a raging river and Herbalist's Fall looks bigger than usual! This pack activity will be about relocating caches to somewhere safe, digging up new dens, saving stored herbs and making sure no one gets hurt in the process! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate.

The rain didn't stop. Despite it being summer, the skies were angry with the mortals and rained down on them like never before. Lumiya had never seen anything like it. Her hopes were that the storm would pass before anything went wrong, but apparently Fate had other plans. The rain got so bad that the ground was soppy and muddy in most places, the grass displaced here and there. The sounds of the stream and the waterfall were louder than before, all the excess water needing somewhere to go.

Loinnir hooted in alarm when he flew over the denning area, finding their trench filled to the brim with rainwater and now gushing into their dens. Lumiya was off inspecting the stream, finding in its place a dangerous river one would not like to fall in unless they wanted to end up erased. This was getting out of hand. She made her way to the Sacred Place, knowing the large dome would mean shelter from the rain, at least a little, then tilted her head back to call for her faeries.

The queen explained to those that came that their territory was flooding, and that they had to find safer places for their food and herbs. She also tasked some to begin digging new, temporary dens at the highest point of their forest (far east of the Sacred Tree, where most hunted for small game). She'd oversee their work, doing member counts and helping where possible, so it was decided.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the water had come down and down. it had never stopped, not once, and now the effects of it had become clear. with a furrowed brow, teya shook the worst of the rain from her rust-cream coat and attended lumiya at once. her sepia ears drank in the words of the queen, and with a nod the soul stepped away.
she looked for sundance at once, but did not linger. ducking into the networking of dens, teya splashed clumsily through the waters too high to inhabit, searching for any packmates caught here, as well as mouthfuls of any greenery she could carry to higher ground, out of the flood's reach.
she dedicated herself entirely to the quest, slipping once in the mud on a return trip; she landed with an awkward yelp and scrambled to her paws at once, hoping that she had not been seen.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
148 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
When the rains came on that particular day, Sundance didn't think anything of them beyond how much of a nuisance this poor weather was proving to be. Though his initial concern over the flooding in the lowlands had not been forgotten, it had mostly subsided as the weeks crawled by. The willows, it seemed, were safe - spared by Mother Nature who'd seen fit to strike them over and over again.

He, fortunately, had not been beneath ground when the stream burst its banks and flooded the hollows - but he did happen across the scene as he tore across the sodden terrain to heed the Queen's call. Sundance went there first with the hope of catching up to Eleuthera or Valiant, and a cold terror gripped his tender heart to find yet another link to his past in ruin.

He cried out for Teya, for his sister, for anyone who might be trapped. Striding awkward into the depths until it reached his delicate undersides, the silverwhite aimed to dislodge broken branches that'd congregated at an entrance to the caverns, keen to free the opening should someone require escape. Powder blue eyes looked only briefly for sign of life (or death, he thought with a shudder of discomfort) behind the rubble before he lifted his head and rotated his ears in hope of hearing a familiar voice.

The waters continued to come and, feeling the pull of the current against his limbs, the yearling waded onto higher ground. He wouldn't be able to hear a thing above the sound of the court's new water feature so, with one last frantic sweep of his eyes over the area, Sundance set off at a sprint through the mud.

He felt fire in his lungs on arrival to the Alphess' location, but relief burned stronger as his gaze found the soft cobalt eyes of gentle Teya. It was to her that the druid went first, crooning anxiously as he tentatively reached to touch his nose to her damp cheek so that he might assure himself that she was truly there.

Sundance turned focus on Lumiya following this sweet, tender moment and awaited instruction. She directed the group as well as she could: relocate their stores before they were lost to the flood, and begin work on a new place to shelter. He followed his rusted companion, suddenly desperate not to lose sight of her, and gathered his share of herbs to hold firm between his fangs before they hurried off to locate their new rendezvous.

75 Posts
Ooc — markab
the rain has not stopped. maybe it has gotten worse? or maybe he is just fed up with it. he remembers enjoying rain very much before he became to the court. the valley had showers just like everything else! but it did not rain and rain for weeks on end, and it did not fill up and flood.

he is surprised the faeries cannot stop it. it must be beyond them to protect their lands from the whims of the weather. unwelcome visitors are much easier to spot. there is not so much you can do to fight the rain, but he is still a bit surprised when the faerie queen calls out for his assistance.

caw does not usually spend much of his time in the dens. he does not like to sleep in tiny enclosed spaces. but they are good to store things, including his herbs, and no sooner has he approached over the rise than he can look down and see everything flooding away – dirt and herbs and meat alike.

he can also see the faerie queen and the faeries she has summoned so far. he does not know either of them, even though they seem to know each other. the greyscale one almost has valiant's colors, but he is not valiant; caw sniffs at him curiously as lumiya speaks, but other than him being faerie, there is nothing else to find.

at this point he is beginning to suspect he will never know all of the people here. maybe that is just how faeries are, with new ones here one moment and old ones gone the next. she had told him he was free to leave, after all! even if he did not quite believe her at the time, and still does not. it is only suitable to be a little suspicious of a faerie. he is trying to put some of what he has been taught into practice.

orlaith has been gone for a very long time, and he has not seen the healer since the ceremony, and they are not here, either, with everything covered in rain. but he is suitably worried about bothering the faerie queen too much about this – he has given her his name, after all – and there are also more important things to help with for now.

caw itches to go rescue his poor herbs from the flood, but the other two have moved for the dens before he can. and vrána can help also! caw turns to her with a gentle wave of his tail.

"téigh leat gach is féidir leat a iompar agus tabhair chugam é! beidh mé ag tochailt," he chirps, and with her gathering what herbs and food she can in talons and beak, follows the faerie queen's directions to begin digging new caches in which to store them.
[Image: U0sgGSq.png]

"english" | "irish"
I just drowned in a warm dream
85 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Izumi was leaning on the side of a nearby den — the driest she could possibly find — and was nestled into a ball attempting to keep herself warm amidst the dingy weather outside. It had been almost a week since joining the Faerie Court with permission of the small she-wolf who ruled over as their queen and things seemed quite decent. The hushed hollows were beautiful, almost as mystical as Lumiya described it to be, and those who walked amongst the Faeries (and even called themselves Faeries) seemed to always be at peace. It was nothing like back at home, where social class and ranks made higher-ups look down on anyone not considered royalty and lower class kissing ass in order to get into royalty's good graces. A different atmosphere such as this gave her comfort.

But you know what would make these hollows ten-times as better? If it wasn't raining almost everyday.

One unfortunate thing that bothered Fujiwara was that the floods were only starting to worsen things — in a much more dreadful looking state than when she first arrived. And when she'd unfurl from her ball to peak out of the den, it almost looked like these lands are due to be submerged in water soon. "God save these lands. I do not wish to sit and allow this place to go into ruins as well..."

The young fae was one of many puttering feet that emerged from the den to help out and gather things quickly before floods became higher. Lumiya gave orders to everyone that stopped by, so she decided to quickly search storage spaces for any supplies they might need. Food was a first that came to mind and when Izumi found the pile where it was stored, she went to work at once — starting off with two small mammal hides that were carried in her maw.

The Tale Weaver
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Gathering plants was a bit of a habit for Bridget now.  It wasn't something she'd intended to pick up as a trade... but, begrudging or not, an interest had piqued in the old woman's work back in the previous court.  Punishment had become a casual study, and it was one that she kept up even here, though she tended to keep it quiet from all but Lumiya.

Now, though, she gathered the harder to find pieces of her collection frantically.  She didn't have time for much more than a heavy, inward sigh at the hours wasted to collect the ones she left behind before Bridget was off, moving at a fast clip towards the rest of the pack.  

The first thing she noted, to her surprise, was that she wasn't the only one there with a mouthful of plants.  Her eyes widened briefly at the sight of Teya, the new face she'd only meet recently, but then the corner of her mouth quirked up in a smile and she rounded to come alongside her.  Maybe it wasn't a complete waste, then.  If the aim was higher ground, she hoped it was high enough, because she'd never seen this amount of rain before.