Redsand Canyon Stomping Grounds young and Old
261 Posts
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All Welcome 
[ooc]Meant to post this Nov 28 so back dateing to the night after she past through Raven's watch

edit on Dec 20th editing some scent work detail to make it more realistic

Night was deep as the midnight black female continued her travels east across the great Teekon wilds, She kept her maw parted slightly as though she carried something of great value though what she carried could barely be seen itself. Whrist found herself criss crossing the vague scents of wolves she had come to know well. She paused and took in the magnificence of her packs previous stomping grounds, though she had never been here before she felt like she had some claim to this space.

Her tail flipped up high over her back she had not realized how long ago the pack had left, she had the scent as the grand master memorized deep in her bones as this was one scent faint as it was she could loose as she trailed the Grandmasters scent and found even more faint scents most she could place

some scents were harder to detect and would be harder to place should she meet these wovles later, The weather had been kind to the scent trails and had remained clear and calm in this area,

she could tell by the dryness in the dirt that entered her muzzle, it has not rained in this area for a while. She snorted carefully several times to moisten the area around her muzzle a trick she learned to help draw more scent to her nares, She continued making this snorting noise and soft exhalations while continuing her scenting

She committed each and every scent she could to memory those that did not have a face for the scent yet would soon if she could help it.

She continued her search scenting out everything finding old dens and even an old cache by chance. All this time, The female had been traveling with something gently held in her jaws, keeping her maw parted to let it breathe. She set the now soaked baby raven down, it having got wetter and wetter as she had snorted her way though the old territory, and the thing hopped close to her leg as if it were afraid to be out of her jaws.

Whrist ignored it as she went to work pulled up  the cache and ate from it, it was well within her right as this was her packs old territory. She shared some with the raven if only by not eating what fell from her mouth.

With her belly full she and a quick nap, Whrist picked up the creature that had nestled into her thick neck ruff and continued the exploration lead by her nose, wondering if anyone dared  to come here. Some had as there were fresher scents which she had pointedly ignored, With that thought though she kept an ear out for any intruders upon her search, so she would not be caught completely off guard this night.[/ooc]
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec found the dug up cache first - one of hers, the meat she'd tucked away for use.  She sniffed at it, following her nose to where the stranger stayed.  Stealing from a witch - bad idea.  She wouldn't fight them, but she contemplated other ways to punish the intrusion.  Poison would have been smart, but the wolf had obviously already eaten.  Maybe she should trap her next find.

In the end she decided to ad-lib it.  Perhaps the wolf was superstitious, and if so, she'd do a number for them.  The signs could always point to an early grave or serious misfortune.

When she got close, Fennec stopped.  She didn't bother to try to find whoever it was and instead began listening carefully.  Making yourself at home, I see.  Wraith's tone, neutral and airy, as though she were speaking with an aquaintance she hadn't seen in a while
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
261 Posts
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Whrist had not been expecting company and despite having listened for movement the stranger still snuck up upon her. The black femme spun around and stared at the source of the voice, this one she had scented around but the scent was sharper more new, so she had passed it off as a newcomer or loner. And it looked like she had been right.

She scented the air carefully the newcomer was female, and as her white blues took in every inch of the wolf before her, her gaze lingering on the others milk gray ones just a bit to long.

It was to long before she carefully set her burden down and stepped over it keeping it below her. She didn’t know what to say in response to the females statement as it was neither question nor command. She decided to ignore the comment but finally after a long moment asked a question of her own she had a mission after all and no good place a start. Here was as good as any, her voice was as kind as she could make it since she was asking for something. “I don’t suppose you know of two wolves by the name of Renard or Praimfaya, I’m searching for them” She waited for an answer as she thought about this wolf before her.

Something seemed off about her, she had never met a blind wolf before, those were usually killed for their weekness in her puppyhood, so she had no idea what was off about the wolfess, she just knew something didn't seem quiet right
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The woman didn't respond right away.  When she did, it was to ask about two strangers.  Then you haven't found them.  There's no one here but me. Fennec listened, but didn't hear her move any closer.  Good.

But maybe I could help.  For a price.  A pretty generous offer from someone she'd just stolen from, but the Wraith was a generous soul.  When it served her to be.  She could 'consult the signs' on where these strangers were, send her on her way, and get something for the bargain.  If she could just convince the mark to bite.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
261 Posts
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Whirst re-evaluated the female in front of her, she glanced down at the half grown but not fully flighted Raven fledging below her, it didn’t move seeming to sense the unease growing in it’s kidnapper. But to make sure her prize was unharmed the black female remaled still, hovering over the fauna protectively.

She mulled over her options then sighed, there were no other options besides blundering blindly hoping like hell she’d win the lottery and find them. She wasn’t going to waste words or time she’d rather just get on with it and be gone. She had no idea she had accidentally stolen from this femme whom likely needed every cache and every morsel given the disability that Whrist was also still unaware of, despite the milky eyes, all she knew was this one didn’t look right but so far acted fine. Damn youth and lack of life experience.

What is your price?” Her voice was more calm and confident then she felt, However If that one could help then she wanted it. Depending on the price she’d even be willing to let things go even if this one had no useful information.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She fortunately had food, and if this woman was stealing, that meant she didn't have much to give.  Fennec seemed to consider it a moment.  The Wraith can read the signs, but it will cost a secret.  She was a fan of that price, and besides, she wanted to do this anyway.  Even if her secret sucked, the telling and reaction would be the true payment.

Do we have a bargain?  Her tail twitched, waiting.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
261 Posts
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sorry for the delay in response I’ll do better to get a reply in asap once you post

Wrist sucked in a breath, that kind of payment long before she knew if her question could even be answered, she just didn’t like the price. And what did she mean ‘read the signs’ the black femme frowned. But by the lack of expression on this wolf in front of her she was beginning to suspect something was off with those eyes.

Whrist shook her head and waited a long moment then decided she must be right. “My secret’s are my own.” She remained perfectly still, not rustling any leaves, not shifting her body, She did not want to give anything away. She was curious still though so she offered with a questioning lilt her her voice “What sort of secret’s are you looking for? Or can I ask you to choose another price?”
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
No worries from me! it comes and goes

Ah.  Fennec smiled, though the expression was small.  Not much worth to you like that.  She answered.  Really she was smart not to reveal them, but now that she'd shared she had some on her mind, Fennec wanted to know them rather badly.  There wasn't really another price she could think to ask.  Unless...

Or a favor.  Anything I ask, in the future.  Now there was a price worth having.  It wasn't clear if she'd ever run into the woman again, but just knowing that some stranger out there had pledged her a favor was worth the game entirely.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
261 Posts
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Whrist was torn, a secret was hers and hers alone, something tangible she held tight. But a favour was an intangible part of her she was giving away, if this wolf even ever found her to collect.

She thought on it, if not anything else she was curious, finally she drew in a deep breath then nodded resolutely “I will not kill any of those I consider family for you. If you accept that then consider it a deal” Whrist sat down and tucked the fledgling close to her body with her front paw, offering it warmth.  Her eyes never leaving the woman before her especially now that she placed herself in a more vulnerable position having sat down it would take a few more seconds to stand and get into a position to protect herself should the other attack without cause.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
past - 8 of swords
present - the sun
future - 6 of pentacles

Deal.  Fennec did not even hesitate.  She'd take the deal no matter what, and she had no reason to want to kill anyone.  Besides, if she ever did, she had far more interesting methods than sending some other wolf to do the work.  Her poisons needed testing and she was at a loss for who to use already.

Just being owed was enough.  But this didn't merit a long look, just a few answers.  This woman was scavenging, so obviously hungry.  She'd likely been alone for a while.  She was seeking these others, perhaps for a pack?  But more specifics than that Fennec couldn't tell.  It was still enough to start.

She quieted and stilled, letting the air wash over her.  It was musty, slightly cloying, like wet earth.  I sense stifled, be it by rank or by borders. Someone leaving where they were.  Travel has brought clarity and strength, peace.  You seek them, so perhaps it is them.  Or perhaps it is you in the travels.  Fennec would let her fill in the blanks on that.  The second was a response to a warm feeling that suddenly overtook her.  Finally she exhaled, then listened carefully.  A howl.  Her ears pricked, and she smiled.  Interesting!  It was distant, but she calculated, reading from it's presence what she could.  You will find them, but not alone.  Someone better suited will help you.  You'll meet them soon, I reckon.  Don't turn their help away.

This is what the signs tell me.  That was the help she had.  Perhaps it was too vague for the woman, but there were things she could maybe latch onto if she wished.  A few of them she wasn't even sure where they sprang from, but Fennec was beginning to learn to roll with the words as they came and accept the explanations as they first leapt to her mind.  It was a practice in creativity, trust, and intuition.  She loved every second of it.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
261 Posts
Ooc —
The black pelted femme narrowed her eyes trying to follow what the female said, she need to make sense of it since she had given away something of herself for the … help… ‘mmmmmmm’ she hummed to herself more confused then ever. She was in and of itself a Simple wolf, a kill this and survive that.

So this deeper reflection of something… it was beyond her comprehension and the more she thought about it the more annoyed she got, how was this supposed to help her. She felt a small rumble escape her throat quashing it sullenly before gripeing  “What is that supposed to mean, I thought you said you could help.”
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec huffed out a laugh.  It means someone else has the next step.  I can only give you what they give me.  And they only give me what they think you need.  she reorted.  Wraith wasn't one to placate; she said what she knew and left it for them to find out.

And if the next one the woman ran into was awful? Well, it would serve her right.  The favor was spoken, the deal struck, and Fennec was satisfied.  She waited, tail twitching idly.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
261 Posts
Ooc —
I was about to have whrist turn tail and run but inspiration bit us a little

added: oopps the last time you posted in your pack was to long ago for even a sharp nosed Whrist to detect I will fixed this

Whrist growled uncertainly, then sighed this whole exchange left a bad taste on her tongue, she did not understand fates or signs, she was the kill first ask questions later kind of wolf. She also did not like owing this wolf one bit, but a deal was a deal and she’d fulfill her end of the ‘bargin’ should the collector ever come to call.

well thanks, I think” Whrist shifted and moved to pick up her raven fledgling, though just before she did she paused maybe she’d play with this one a little, she smiled “Someone better suited then you? I don’t suppose you could give me a direction to move in, or better yet come with me.” Oh wouldn’t Kynareth Deagon would love this one. She wanted to bring home as many lone wolves as she could during this out trip, she assumed this one must a lonewolf, for lack of other scents.  

Whrist’s tongue gently tapped the top of the stolen fledgings head reminding it to keep still as she turned to face this one again, peering into the gray orbs that never seemed to focus on anything in particular.
Take your time, [Image: cd8fe6534b017c725839ace0d9b274b3_w200.webp] Just don't waste mine
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
oop! yeah, it had been quite a while at this point! plus she gave herself a pretty good dousing on the way out XD

Apparently she'd managed to at least not completely turn the woman off.  A half-hearted thanks was something, and Fennec inwardly celebrated it.  She was learning still, trying to perfect her craft, and it was going to be a process.  Even a partial victory like this was something worth noting, though she tried to remember for future reference the parts that had brought skepticism.

Whatever direction you choose will be the right once.  It's your path, not mine.  Fennec answered with a bit of a smile.  She flicked her tail.  My place is here.  It really wasn't, but she wasn't about to inform this woman about the injury that kept her grounded here, and she wasn't about to risk following her either.  She had no clue where she lived or what her aims were, and while Fennec was all about that loose freedom right now, she wasn't about to take stupid risks.  Not when she was so well set up here.

Good luck.  She added, figuring it as good a goodbye as any, and moved to leave the woman to her search.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
261 Posts
Ooc —
Whrist watched her leave with distaste in her maw. She had been hoping that the wolf would come with her and either explain her advice or be tribute to her grandmaster. Perhaps she could bring him here and drag here to the packlands despite any objections she might have. Then again she owed something to this wolf so it might be best if she never see her again.

The black wolf mulled over the femme's words as she picked up her fledging and made haste in the direction further away from the pack lands she needed to search the entirety of the teekon wilds if she were to find her quarry