Raven's Watch All I need is a laugh and a drink and a couch and a shrink
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 

Snow had settled across much of the landscape now.  It made traversing the mountains difficult, especially with the bitter chill in the air.  It had taken a few weeks, but finally she was back.

She was too tired to think much of heckling them when she called this time.  Besides, if they'd done what they said... well.  She owed them, fair and square.  And as much as she might still dislike the pair of them, she wouldn't forget that anytime soon.

Her call was directed at @Teya, but any of them were welcome to answer.  She didn't know if they'd be leaving immediately, but she hoped her friend was ready.  Life alone was only going to get harder, and it had been a pace since she'd had a decent meal even now.  She'd welcomed @Sundance along on the trip, but whether or not he chose to follow, she hadn't paused often or for long other than to sleep.  She was already behind schedule.

Bridget sat down while she waited and stared idly at the snow.  It was pretty at least.
148 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Of course he followed, though the reluctance in his stride kept him from matching Bridget's. Sundance, though eager to reunite with Teya, was undoubtedly fearful of the wolves who made their home on the watch that had neighboured his beloved willows. Having experienced the ironborn's brutality first hand, he struggled to understand why they'd taken his russet companion into their fold. She was a gentle creature: a sensitive soul with a pure heart. Teya wasn't like them, and she didn't belong there.

When he heard his friend's call for attention, the silverwhite quickened his stride. He tore through the snow rather clumsily, keen to be at her side where she might need support, though his heart beat wildly within his ribcage. On arrival, his ice-tipped tail swept low and he eyed Bridget with quiet concern, platinum ears splayed backward as he contemplated how his presence was sure to insult a certain Stormhaven beast.

1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
in the weeks that had passed, teya had grown stronger. pain still made its muffled voice heard in her ankle if she moved too quickly or too sharply, but all in all, she felt readied for her travels.
being within the watch had shown her their quick savagery and effortless grace. teya still felt the distinctness of her foreign nature; she was not a warrior, and stumbled over her words, but they had done nothing to make themselves the cause of this.
for all her gratefulness when it came to the help of stjornuati, the little violet was ready to be reunited with her small party for former seelie wolves.
true to her word, bridget arrived. teya's gait was a careful roll that carried her into the woman's embrace, her greypumpkin tail lashing to and fro, and then she went to sundance, a low whine in her throat.
overjoyed to see the both of them,
realizing in a swift and dizzying way that her affection toward each of her companions had branched and become two separate places to explore, and feeling swayed by this as she kissed and welcomed the pair upon the border.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
31 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
The call that sounded from the watch's outskirts felt familiar, but his inability to pair it with a face was what drove him in its direction. He picked his way carefully over rugged, frozen terrain. Rökkvi, simply curious and doubtful of finding trouble there, maintained a relaxed gait and did not go with haste.

He paused some distance from the small gathering, eyes narrowed as he scrutinised each figure: his brother's timid ward, a strange she-wolf and, much to his surprise, the silverwhite faerie from the willows. Rökkvi twitched his upper lip, which threatened to curl upward as a low rumble began in his chest.

It was to the sterling yearling that the ironborn fixed his stare, but did not prowl forward to reduce the space between them. 

Not yet.

"English" · "Icelandic" · "Inupiaq"
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Sundance caught up just as Teya arrived, coming straight up to embrace her with obvious joy.  Bridget was relieved to see that her mind hadn't changed and that she seemed to be doing better.  The golden medic's tail waved and she buried her nose in her ruff with an affectionate huff of greeting, then stepped back as Sundance and Teya reunited.  She'd let them have a moment, and instead turned, taking immediate note of another wolf who was approaching.  This one she didn't know; he wasn't one of the brothers.

His bearing wasn't friendly, and Bridget's expression immediately took on a warning glare.  She stepped forward a pace.  Ay!  No worries here, just picking up a friend and leaving.  No reason to be a dick about it, she thought silently, staring.  If he made a move towards them, she'd be ready to intercept, but she'd told them she'd be returning.  Chuckles and Solpatch have a real gift for manners here, clearly.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
last post for me!

teya was dissuaded by the appearance of the warrior; she gave a gentle chuff toward him all the same before she turned away.
let she and her companions be shut of this place; teya would never forget the hospitality offered, but she wished to be gone and beginning anew away from the clutches of even the fierce watch.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]