Noctisardor Bypass something kissed by the wild
743 Posts
Ooc — viz
Master Warrior
Limit Two 
tags for reference! slight pp of babs. <3

as @Worripa and @Skaigona slumber, praimfaya takes advantage of it to slip from them gently as she could, hoping not to disturb them. she nudges them close together and grasps the edge of the soft bobcat furskin she collected ( at some point or another ) and drapes it over their small bodies, pressing a brush of a kiss to each head.

she knows they cannot be parted from her for too long; utterly reliant upon her for heat and food.

she hopes the furskin warmed by her will be fine for the few minutes she plans to use to relieve herself and stretch her legs at the mouth of her birthing den. frostbound gaze peers upon their small heads huddled together shadows seen within the mouth of the den she keeps a keen and ferociously protective eye upon; the boy that reminds her so much of ingram it causes an ache in her chest and the girl siphoned from her own silvered pelage; names for them thought and considered but not yet uttered to them or to anyone else. names are sacred, praimfaya knows and they must be chosen and given with care.

the day is cool for the dawning summer but the sun is warm upon her pelage as its honeyed-beams dance across her back like the soft fingers of a forbidden lover. she stretches her stiff legs and pauses to nibble at a sudden itch in her hindquarter; soothing the mussed fur down with a swipe of her tongue.
Den Mother*
1,270 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
inside the den, skaigona stirred.
the colossus of warmth and milk that had served her was now missing.
tiny blunt muzzle bobbed upward with an infant's weak-necked imperiousness. she was not cold, but instinct had woken her, and it was instinct that now split her jaws into a massive shriek, directly into her brother's folded ear.
743 Posts
Ooc — viz
Master Warrior
this is still open for one other participant!

it is the cry of her daughter; her draconian amazon that is but a winterkissed ball of fluff ...which is not much more than she can say about her brother that draws praimfaya back to the shadow draped mouth of her den. she is unsure whether her children can hear her — she thinks they are still yet deaf as they are blind ...utterly reliant upon her in a way that, well, scares her. being the commander of adults was different but being a mother was a whole new battlefield that praimfaya hopes she does bumble too badly thru.

she is attentive, ears swiveling to detect if the small warrioress is just voicing her unhappiness over her brief absence or if there was something wrong.

none has slipped past her — and any that dare try would be met with the unrelenting splice of her teeth at their throat; but was skaigona too cold? was she hungry? was there some issue with worripa? hosh, skaigona. she utters the girl's name out loud for the first time, testing how it sounds falling betwixt her lips.

hearing it spoken out loud only affirms that is a good name, a fitting name for her despite that there wasn't much personality to yet draw from. ai raun. she croons into the shadows of the den, wondering if she sounds a bit crazy speaking to her yet still deaf child(ren) in trigedasleng.
Den Mother*
1,270 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
the vibrations of her mother's voice soothes the girl, but not to sleep. skaigona extended tiny waving paws and began to nose toward praimfaya. she clambered over her brother in the process, perhaps disturbing him as he instinctively sought the warm promise of milk that the commander's body provided.
fiercely concentrating, only a determined whimper here and there instead of a squeal.
743 Posts
Ooc — viz
Master Warrior
praimfaya is reluctant to give up the small taste of temporary freedom she's taken for herself as she hears the soft sounds of worripa's slumbering and skaigona's movements. the shuffle of her small body as it squirms against the dirt; defiant and stubborn. those personality traits do not surprise praimfaya — if they held true then her daughter only got them honestly.

she takes another breath of fresh air, unsullied by the excretions of tiny babes and the scent of her own milk; casting a forlorn and yearning look at the sunlight, of the sights and sounds and smells of the bypass that she missed being cooped up in her birthing den before shrugging her way back inside the welcoming darkness.

mindful of their little bodies, she settles down back in her nursing bed and nudges first worripa who seeks a teat hungrily before turning her attention to skaigona; gingerly gripping her by her scruff and lifting her to settle between her paws. praimfaya sits her down and begins to bathe her, hoping that it might lull the girl to settle.
Den Mother*
1,270 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
happy to fade this & have another!

skaigona, of course, did not sense the emotions that crowded her mother. all she knew was her own need, wrapped around the existence of the commander. she complained until she was picked up, going limp.
a tiny yawn split her small jaws; she bobbed her head in praimfaya's direction, sighing against the warm bathing of the unseen tongue, soon lulled enough to topple slowly over into the crook of the young woman's arm.
no more for this — skaigona soon slept.