Lion Head Mesa corrosion [wp]
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Ooc —
Master Medic
All Welcome 
the ceremony was beautiful, and the guests lively.

nala would not be spared hard work today, however, and this soured the edge of the proceedings. still the sesh moved on her own rounds, greeting, speaking, introducing. she ate and drank, and eventually she sat down upon a small pile of soft furs, then moved to recline.

there would be many more hours of this; it would go until dawn. her eyes looked for her lover.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
toula was, as ever, full of joy. it was a beautiful day, the best day; she saw together her mother, her father, two pictures of perfection, and witnessed their coming together in words. it was something to sing about, and her gift to them would be a song she had practiced until her voice had gone near hoarse from use. she hoped that they would love it, and hear her love for them.
but the hour to sing was not here; it was a time for celebrating, first. toula adored such celebrations, and she marveled at all of the new faces. but the sight of a familiar one was a comfort, and toula moved toward her with a graceful gait. makono, a sister she adored, had become her latest of idols; toula would not permit herself to fall short of the bar she had set, but was too young to understand the weight and meaning of that. for now, what it meant was simple; do not trip over your words, or your feet!
she accomplished that, floating toward tavina. she greeted her with a soft smile, polite, but the adoration was ever-present in her gaze. tavina, like her mother and father, had been one of her first loves; she was as family to her in her heart.
tavina, toula greeted, hoping to gain her attention; it seemed the dark beauty was searching for someone, and she hoped that she would not be met with disappointment to be the one that was found.
668 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
tavina was pleased to see young toula, already moving with the royal airs of her father and siblings. it came to these anointed children so easily, but she had seen what makono had done. and she wondered in a cold rush if the little girl approaching would also be targeted by the older amiirad.

"divine one." her bow was low; then she grinned widely and invited the girl closer. "it has been a late night for you! tell me what you think of the party," she encouraged, purple eyes focused wholly upon toula for now.

though her senses were sharp for the sanpin.
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
toula smiled warmly to tavina who greeted her so fondly. though it bolstered her to be regarded in such a way, and she knew in this public forum it was necessary, she would never have thought to ask as much from the woman she so adored. her teacher in so many things, she would need to call upon her here and now for more!
i am most happy for my mother and my father, she started in her light voice, and the sacrifice done by my lovely sister was beautiful. i only hope my own gift pleases my mother and father, after her own! and all of these faces... i am thrilled to see them, her head lifted, not out of her element despite being surrounded by so many strangers. still, she wished to amend this. would you introduce me to those that you know, tavina? toula could see that she was well regarded; she trusted tavina, and she might trust easier those that the woman introduced her to.
not that such a feat was too difficult for toula as of yet. both a fortunate and unfortunate aspect of her youth.
668 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
tavina grinned. "i am certain that they will adore whatever you bring them." she would resemble her father, the sesh decided, but it was treva's good heart which formed the warmest of her features. naturally she was quite protective, and happy to escort toula for the time being.

"of course." she looked around for the brecheliant delegation and began to move in that direction. "i do not know them all. we will learn their names together."

but it was not the caldera wolves she found first; it was the large scarred soldier, @Reyson. "hello," the woman said gently. "this is princess muat-riya toula of akashingo. she would like to make your acquaintance." her eyes suggested that he bow.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,097 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson heard feet moving and shifted. Body moving into neutrality. He met the gaze of the one woman quickly averting his eyes.

Dipping down into a bow. He spoke quietly. Well met Princess Muat-Riya Toula. I'm Reyson Ebonywood, Scutarius of Mereo.

He moved and shifted into position to guard. Keep an eye on the Lady and Princesses back so as to not allow anyone to sneak upon them.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
toula took tavina's words to heart, and felt better for them. what worry existed was chased away, and her eyes were bright again without the shadow the thought of their disapproval had brought.
toula had not missed how many a familiar eye turned to tavina! and though tavina might not know all here, it was clear she knew many. many more than she! and so, her presence at her side was a boon. that would make me the most happy, she said cheerily.
she withheld the gasp upon seeing who it was they first were to speak with. before the tiny child was a mountain of a man, scarred and savage in his look! there was not fear in the young toula's eyes, but wonder. he bowed to her, and toula stood tall and proper. he introduced himself, and she knew the place of which he spoke of. you are a soldier, she acknowledged, and she observed the way in which he stood.
it was not unfamiliar. she had seen the mazoi do the same, time and time again.
toula thought of her lessons, though what lingered on the tip of her tongue was a question that begged to be ask. soldiers are obedient to princesses, her sister @Makono had told her! did soldiers dance? would he like to dance with her?
perhaps that was not a good place to begin. first to know him! well met indeed! was your journey here from mereo a swift one? i do hope you ran into no trouble along the way, she began, gaze searching him for any sign that he might have. she peered edgewise to tavina, a soft, hopeful smile present. some of the lessons of her sesh might be exercised here!
668 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
tavina had grilled etiquette into the girl as well as knowledge of herbs and basic medicine. she also had her father to teach such, and all the other royals as it were. now toula stood before the tall man of mereo and greeted him quite prettily.

the sesh noticed how he guarded them at once. were it only herself she might have found it presumptuous. as it were, she saw it as deference for the station of the princess. 

"the scutarius arrived with three others, including the matrona of mereo herself," tavina explained to the girl.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,097 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He looked to both, waiting for them both to be done speaking, before he spoke. The youngling princess stared at him with wide eyes, and he imagined it was his size. He was not a small man. He gave her a tiny smile.

I am a soldier yes, have been my entire life. Our trip was fine, no trouble upon the route. We arrived swiftly, Princess.

He tilted a tattered ear forward to listen to the she wolf beside her. Tavina was her name if he had heard the others right. He had learned a few things throughout the night. Some good, some interesting.

Yes Matrona Aquene. She is also a healer of great skill. The warmth in his voice for his friend was evident. He tilted his head and looked out over the area.

Are you enjoying yourself, this evening?
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
she had been correct in her estimation of him, and she smiled to learn this! thank the Gods, she breathed, smile remaining. may your journey home be just the same! her sesh spoke then, but toula's attention remained polite and upon the guest they visited then. though she desperately desired to see the matrona!
all the more after what the soldier informed them of. is she?! toula inquired, all the more delighted with mereo to know it. healing is a wonderful skill, she complimented his leader, though made no mention of herself and her self-same pursuits! but she wondered if she and tavina might have a word with this matrona this evening. toula wanted to boast on the skill of tavina, though had been taught humility. and so she only said, equallly as fond, our sesh, tavina, knows much in that area, she commended, having no intent to one-up his own statement; she merely wanted to acknowledge tavina, and her efforts, in the ways that she could.
but it did not seem the right time to ask to apprentice under the matrona in the same breath. and truly, toula was fascinated by this brute of a man before them. he was so genteel in his manners this eve! in her head had been painted an entirely different picture, but the Scutarius did much to remake its image. and so she was happy to linger here for a while longer, before tavina need must introduce her to the next guest.
it is a most lovely evening. i am the happiest, to see my mother and my fathers union, toula answers, all warmth and every word in earnest. and do you? she echoed, knowing it polite--but also very much wanting to know, and hoping that he was!
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,097 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I have permission to skip.

Reyson dipped his head. He wasn't sure of these gods, but he would not offend by stating thusly. So instead he murmured a quiet. Thank you.

Reyson chuckled. She is. A very good healer at that. That it is. I hold healers in a very high regard.

And he did. Healers were some of his favorite types of wolves.

Reyson smiled down at her. I am enjoying it yes. It is louder than I am used too, but it is nice to watch as others enjoy themselves. And of course your meals are quiet good.

He said nothing to the honey and berries, not wanting to cause issue, even if they did make him uncomfortable.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
I do, too, she answered in earnest, and expanded upon that thought, it is another way to protect those that you love! here her tail waved behind her, hoping that the warrior would appreciate the way it aligned with his own role. but it seemed he already did!
toula looked thoughtfully upon the man before her. the loudness bothered him? it was something the Amiirad hardly noticed; the din was what she was accustomed to! the hustle and bustle of palace life, of the grand preparations for the grander parties, were things that she herself could not imagine being without.
but if he preferred quiet, then quiet he should receive! come, let us continue this chat somewhere we might hear one another better, this said to accommodate him, and give him a moment of reprieve now that she knew him better. they would not be going far from the party at all; just to a quieter space where he might know some peace. and once they were there, Toula, still escorted by Tavina, thought to ask an innocent question: ...what would your favorite sort of food be? and once answered, she would peer to Tavina with bright, wondering eyes: can we acquire it?!
she did not keep the soldier for too long, and when it was proper Toula bid him adieu even if she wanted to converse a little while longer! for her Sesh had also gently reminded her that there were other guests to meet and to greet, and remembering her own desire to do so Toula drifted among the party, finding that after Reyson she quite liked soldiers!