Two Rivers Isle 회덮밥
198 Posts
Ooc — H2O
All Welcome 
AW! river fishing, set for midday 

iseul had hoped that salmon would be a common fish here as it was back home, though she knew that they were probably out of season for spawning. but with the weather becoming warmer and warmer as the days went on, the river was beginning to grow more tolerable to wade through. 

the girl had run a small patrol of the edges, remarking as necessary. when she came to work up a small sweat, the calming trill of the water offered her solace that she was unable to deny. so, the girl listened to her instinct and found herself going chest deep into the water, feeling the current grow stronger the deeper she went. to avoid getting swept out, she decided to stay where she could remain anchored into the ground.

a sigh of relief could be heard for a moment, then a brow-raising ploop! in the water. an ear cautiously turns as iseul looks over and can see some fish coming to the surface due to the dragonflies that were resting on the water. she felt a grand idea come to mind as she began to wade over where the dragonflies were, scaring a few fish away in the process.
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
we could bump this to present day? <3

He wasn't quite sure how long he had been following Iseul. The heat of the midday sun had seen the boy birdwatching in the shade until boredom had overtaken and he had set to trailing the older wolf like a little shadow. With as quiet paws as a clumsy pup could, he had turned it into a game of sorts - using his nose to track Iseul when she was out of sight and hiding behind bushes and logs when she was near.

Soon, as the familiar sounds of the river came into earshot and Iseul slowed and entered the waters, he emerged from the bushes with a gleeful yip.

"I win! You din' see me!" Well, at least from Matteo's POV that was.

Another plop and the boy falls quiet, game forgotten. Following the older wolf's gaze, he watched in breathless fascination as flickers of silver darted below the surface. 

"Woahhhhh," he gasps, "wha's that?" As Iseul moves further, the boy drapes himself over the bank until his stomach is flat with the grass and his paws dangle in the water below.
198 Posts
Ooc — H2O
Matteo's voice was surprising enough to cause a slight jump in the girl, causing her legs to seize and the fish nearby to swim off in a hurry. though, she can't help but provide a small laugh at the boy's ability to keep himself hidden from her while she works. "Matteo wins," Iseul says merrily with a wag of her tail, "getting good at that."

upon his questioning, Iseul keeps an eye on him for a moment before following his gaze. "fish, 물고기." She was glad to see that Matteo remained on the shoreline without following her into the water, he was keeping himself safe without even needing her intervention. "watch." she tells him quietly as she comes to steady herself in the water, slowing her breathing to a calm pattern as the current in the river.

and as a dragonfly comes to the surface, she can see the face of the rainbow trout coming close. this fish was no true prize, being one of the smaller ones she has seen in the river lately. but perhaps a better way to look at it is that it was the perfect size for Matteo. and when the fish comes to swim up to the surface to get closer to the bug, Iseul is swift to dive her nose into the water. the droplets cascade and the waves flow away from her as the girl grabs ahold of the trout and successfully pulls it out of the water.

holding the fluttering fish, Iseul comes to the shoreline and brings it to Matteo, tail wagging behind her as she encourages him to come forward and examine his lunch.

Absolutely! <3 rolled for success in discord 
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
The boy preens at Iseul's words, tail beating the ground at a steady pace. It felt good to know he'd done well! Especially as he'd been practicing a lot lately on Ines when she wasn't looking. 

It was tempting to follow the older wolf into the water, in fact he'd thought of doing just that as soon as he'd arrived. But, as such were the minds of youngsters, the boy was quickly distracted and easily entertained from his seat on the bank.

"," the word felt interesting in his mouth, he wondered what it meant. He hadn't quite made the connection between Iseul's English and Korean. As he mulled over the sounds, he watched in fascination as she made an impressive dive and an even more impressive catch, and lunch was served.

He was up and about in an instant, tail flapping and tongue excitedly licking the underside of Iseul's chin in hopes that she'd drop the delicious smelling meat...that was still flapping.
198 Posts
Ooc — H2O
Iseul wants to teach both Ines and Matteo her words for many reasons. for one, it would provide Iseul a chance to be around others who could actually understand her in the language she is most fluent in. and second, it is perhaps another way to keep themselves guarded around the isle. as far as Iseul knows, no other creature has come near with her language on their tongue. and perhaps it may pay off to keep it that way.

and the kids were growing stronger and steadier as each day comes to pass. eventually, they would no longer need to rely on Iseul for everything. but that would only happen if Iseul continues to give them the best chances to learn and succeed, especially with the feelings of anxiety that she feels trying to care for them.

she does come to drop the fish (well, more like toss it a little bit away onto the grassier part of the isle and away from the water). besides being able to feed Matteo, this activity covered also as a game and somewhat of a life lesson. Iseul looks to him and comes to say excitedly "Matteo catch it!"

because at this point the fish has started to wildly flip-flap itself around with a face of horror as it remains out of water. perhaps this is not the kindest lesson regarding that the fish is going to suffer, but Matteo needs to eat and needs to get coordinated!

"quick! before it go into water!" a supportive nudge to his rump before she comes to start wandering to the side to cut off the escape route back to the water (and avoid Matteo feeling the need to jump in).
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
Matteo’s face mirrored the expression of the fish as he watched it flap wildly around. He couldn’t quite make heads or tail of its random motions, and so he stared dumbfounded and a little wary as Isuel instructed him to catch it. Of course, he’d watched the leader work her magic in the water, but it was an entirely different experience to shift from observer to undertaker.

Waddling closer the raven boy tried his best to keep the fish in view until an encouraging bump on his bottom spurred him into action. He could do this! Trundling forward on unsteady puppy legs, Matteo pounced as he did when playing with Ines until he felt his jaws close around a scaly, wriggling body.

He barely had time to announce his achievement to Isuel before he unbalanced and went tumbling paws over tail with a muffled “WAHHHHHHHH!” until both fish and pup landed in a sprawled heap. 

As the fish tired, Matteo’s teeth had clung firmly to its midriff, and he now looked up proudly to Isuel like a kid showing their artwork to a parent.