Bearclaw Valley I was only having fun
Bearclaw Valley
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Pack Formation 

There wasn't the same, vast expanse of a border to patrol in the valley as there had been at the rise. Surrounded by cliffs, it would be nearly impossible for any wolf to trespass unless they came in through the narrow path that wound its way down and into the home of the Bearclaw. It meant Ameline was able to conserve energy, though she found it also made her a bit more tense; rather than being a patrolling guardian, she was simply posted as a sentry, and it was more tedious than anything else. She wanted to roam and range- but she would have to exercise her patience. Some day, she would have young children waiting at her hearth- and Ancelin would need to be given a break from guarding as well. She'd have to learn how to sit and watch without getting distracted so that when she needed to, for the sake of her children, she would be able to do it. 

The wind was slight, and the sunlight was warm. She thought she could smell snow coming- perhaps later on in the afternoon or in the evening.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Tired. So fucking tired. 

The days of endless fighting had long since passed; yet, the sting of the wounds never seemed to leave him. They'd healed, mostly. Of course, the limp was still present, but it hadn't become too much of a hindrance. 

Exhaustion haunted him more than anything else. Always wary if someone was following him, he didn't take much downtime, and was often too alert to every sound and smell to get a full night of rest. 

He wasn't too sure where he was going anymore. There was no endgoal. But only the invisible path he followed away from the life he escaped, and those he'd left behind in the process.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
A sliver of darkness appeared in the distance, at first nothing more noteworthy than a shadow until she noticed its slight movement. Wolf-sized, but with an amble to its gait that showed a favouring of a forelimb. She uttered one low growl in her throat as she watched for any sign of malaise; aside from the limp, the wolf carried on in a straight line. Her concerns for her pack's well-being lessened. 

She rose to her feet and moved toward him, uttering a soft chuff to catch his attention. Her head lifted, and the fur along her shoulders bristled and rose as she confronted him with a stiff, attentive stature. He was impressive in physique, but she knew the look of exhaustion from the drop of his head and the steady, zombie-like motion of his gait. Her gaze flicked past him for a moment, wondering if whoever it was that had injured him bothered to pursue him. None were within sight, so she narrowed her gaze in on him again as she came to a halt; forbidding him to pass.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
The noise drew him in. First, his fur bristled. And only after, did his head lift. 

Straightening his posture, despite the scream in his shoulder suggesting he do otherwise, he stared pointedly at the obstacle that so happened to be another wolf. 

They didn't seem interested in moving, but he wasn't any keener to stand and bicker in favor for the path she blocked him from using. 

Keep it cool.

The voice of reminder rang in his head as words slipped his tongue. Do you claim this valley, or is there some other reason warranting you to prevent my passing? His tone is thick with baritone, but is kept cool and collected.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
His silver gaze was cool, but the lift of his head warranted a slight curl of her lip. Peaceful, she reminded herself, though she didn't allow the thought to bend her posture or soften it like a willow. She maintained her position, but tried to soften the muscles around eyes which, she didn't realize, had begun to squint. 

He sought an answer, rather than simply insisting that he barge past her, a sign that perhaps he could be reasonable. She nodded once. "It ith claimed," She stated. The warmth of her protective nature spilled into her voice; the Bearclaw claim wasn't something born of greed, but out of the necessity to have a safe place for the girls to grow. She welcomed those who would learn that the valley had already been found and taken by the small, but growing family; his curiosity was appreciated. "We call it Bearclaw Valley," She told him. The corner of her lip quirked. "And I'm Ameline Bearclaw."
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
In a slow, calculated motion, his head tilted to the side. His curiousity had piqued, perhaps more than it should have. 

Bearclaw, His words mirror her own. I've not heard the name. But he hadn't heard many, so this wasn't anything new.

A new establishment. It wasn't so much a question, rather a statement. He could tell this land hadn't been inhabited too long, for the telltale sign of territorial claiming here was faint. And how do you fare? They should have fared well. After all, it was a very well protected space. Only one way in, and one way out.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The name had a reputation- and a history with the valley, which was something Ameline was prepared to embrace, should it bring them any measure of skepticism. The dark wolf, however, seemed unfamiliar with it, which came as a comfort. He did not bring bias with him, and there was no jab in his words when he asked of the pack's wellbeing. 

"It ith," She confirmed. "We're doing alright. My mate an' I thettled here two monthth or tho ago; we found a pair of orphanth, an' took them in; thith plathe giveth uth everythin' we needed. Got uth another packmate too, tho...We'uh gettin' by," She said. Drust made for a formidable ally; a few others had come and left, but even with just the five of them, she felt they lived well enough. Her eyes roved over his frame again. "Where'uh you comin' from?"
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
They did well for themselves. It came as no surprise to him.

Where do you come from?

In a near instant, his spine hardened, his fur bristling. But it wasn't aimed at her.

A place I will not speak of. A place filled with traitors, he wished he could have said. It was the truth. But this woman, he knew nothing of. This information had not yet been earned.

There is nowhere I aim to go. I've been alone for months. And it showed. His coat, unkempt. His muscle still showed, but it waned. And the rest of him... well, there wasn't much left. Not emotionally, anyway.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He left behind a shadowy past, it seemed- something he didn't care to revisit even in mention. Her eyebrows lifted, uneven, but she nodded. She knew what it was like to leave a place that wasn't worth going back to. He was alone, and she could tell that he was managing, but not thriving. 

"We left a plathe that had gone to shit," She said. "They dethided that blood wath more important than hard work...An kept a leader who regularly dipped on the pack, on huh own children- but wath alwayth acthepted back jutht becauthe she wath blood." She said. "We'uh not gonna be like that here." She stated. "How'th that thound to you?" A tentative offer- but she would have to see first how he felt about blood ties.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
His heavy stare hardened, hues darkening. 

Maybe not in the same way, but this woman knew of hardship. Of betrayal. And yet, here she stood. Not broken. Not destroyed. But stronger. With the will to do what she'd been called to. 

Sounds like the purest heaven. And my own personal hell to finally call home.

He answers with firmness, a low growl reverberating in his chest. Not one of aggression, but of a sense of welcome in regard to her offer. It was one he could not refuse. Not when he knew this chance wouldn't so easily come again.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She snorted, and shrugged. "Well," She said, with a slight laugh. "We're not exthactly thaint-th, but-" She said, and offered a smug grin. "But it ith pretty nithe."

A heaven it was- one that existed for wolves who had left another life behind, though she couldn't imagine a heaven existing for those who had gone through whatever he had been through- or what she had done, either. What awaited them at the true end of their lives would likely be something different altogether- but for now, they could create their own heaven, if it was the only one they could come to know. 

She nodded, understanding the tone of pledge in his growl. "Couple thingth, firtht," She said, regarding him evenly. "We're not alone in thith area- bunch of othuh packth hunt around here, an' we're on th-trictly peatheful termth with 'em," She said. "Nobody cautheth any shit that could get uth driven out of the valley." She warned. "Thecond- we got two young girlth we're takin' care of; anybody harm'th 'em won't make it out of the valley alive." For a moment, she considered baring her teeth as a warning- but she figured he got the picture from her stern tone alone. 

"Third, I'm gonna need to know what to call you, an' what yuh thtrenghth are," She said. "Everybody contribut-th."
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Never said I was one either, He returns, tone cool, though with an edge of malice. Again, not pointed at her. 

To her speech of warnings, he listens, a silent silhouette. Only when the questions come, does he dare speak again. Merikh. A new name, for a new beginning. He wouldn't say what he was called before. That name was a dead one, given by a dead man who he would never again speak of.

I am a skilled fighter. If the scars and disheveled appearance didn't prove it, not much else could. I've had my fair share of time tracking and taking point in tactical situations. 

There wasn't much else to what he'd done in the past. Fighting.. killing.. blood itself had been his whole life. This wouldn't change here. And if this woman decided she wanted it to, he would walk away the instant she spoke it.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She sensed that he might be a risk to the peace that they were trying to establish in the valley- however, she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Neither she nor Ancelin had been tame and peaceful when they had left Redtail Rise, and had only just begun extending olive branches. It was new territory to them all, but as long as Merikh wasn't opposed to doing the same, she was willing to give him a chance. 

Something about his name, however, tugged on a memory in her mind. She could have sworn that she had heard Ancelin mention that name before- but she couldn't be sure. 

It was obvious that he'd been in fights, but whether or not he was skilled wasn't something they could even test at that point. The limp he had was a concern, especially given the fact that they had no healer in their group. 'Well, like I thay, we're tryin' to be peatheful here- but every pack needth thome good guardianth for when shit goeth Thouth." Trouble would find them- it was inevitable. And when it did, they would want to be strong. 

She gestured with a flick of her muzzle. "C'mon; I'll show you the Valley, an' introduthe you to Anthuhlin, my mate."
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
You can work to keep peace all you want, but shit always ends up going south one time or another. It's inevitable. He is quick to agree with her. But it is only because he knows this purely from experience. He wouldn't say it if not. 

As she turns to guide him onward, he falls in step at her flank. A distance is kept between them, but still, he lingers close. She is a fighter, like him; but never before has his guardian instinct wavered.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
tag for reference <3
She nodded in agreement, though she hoped that the inevitable change and chaos could wait. Her hopes were high for the pack- and if anything happened this early in its formation, they could crumble or be driven by their homeland by a stronger collective should it happen to strike their fancy. 

All they could do now was recruit, and band together so that they might survive that last bits of winter- and come Spring, the girls would be old enough to contribute more as well, and then she could shift her attention to adding to their numbers as the only potential mother in the pack. 

She would lead Merikh into the valley, show him their resources, and then lead him to meet @Ancelin so that her mate would know their newest pledge.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
The valley was large; secure. 

A pack would fare well here. Protected. Near the proper resources. It was a fine choice. Something he could commend the woman he now walked with for. 

Not many here, hm? He'd never been one for idle conversation, but he would learn what he needed to about the current residents, and potential future prospects, before setting out on his own to explore and begin his work as guardian to this new pack.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
836 Posts
Ooc — Jess
'Nah," She said, though she sounded oddly optimistic. "Jutht a few of uth." She admitted. He already knew about the girls, so she felt no need to explain any more about them- he was a stranger still, and she wasn't even sure she could trust him around them, not until she knew him better. 

"We'll grow, with time. Anthuh an' I are gonna have kidth thith year, tho," She said, with a light smile. "We'uh gonna fin' thome more packmateth, raithe a family, an' turn thith plathe into a proper home."