Ankyra Sound Wretched thing
Nothing else could make me feel this good
38 Posts
Ooc — Bone
All Welcome 
Songbirds filled the trees with a cacophany of delighted tweets and chatter, their muses carrying on the breeze, and bouncing off of black-tipped audits. 

How she longed to open them up and glimpse the part responsible for creating such abhorrent noise. It was unique, undoutbtedly, far different from the chords that strung the words fallen from her own mouth. But god, their chatter was incessant.

Fruitless, her journey had been. Unsuccessful in every which way it could be. At the very least, she'd procured the hide of an old rabbit, too slow to react to the gnashing jaws of his killer. It was a mangled mess really, hardly reminiscent of that which had triumphed through seasons, sired hosts of generations; and she had reduced it to her next meal, quite vigorously. Pitiful end, poor rabbit. 

Envy made her way furtherin towards the coast, the redtail, shmed tail, whatevers, hadn't been the most... accomodating. None of the ones she saw even had red tails. Frauds. She'd scoff into the fur of the rabbit hung loosely from previously pallid jaws. Right here was fine then! Right at the precipice of where the water met the land, she'd slump onto her side with a dramatic groan. She missed the comfort of pack life everytime she lay her head upon harsh stone or cradled her form within the roots of a gnarled tree, where had the warmth of another gone? She was unworthy of it. Bad. All wrong. Mother would laugh. 

Pearly forelimbs slung over one-another, she tore piece by piece from her kill; no care for grace nor manner, just a ravenous inclination, satiated.
57 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Ever since Sea Boy, a name he himself wreaked at these very shores, he crept around the borders more. He wondered if he would come again. To ask all the questions that never did. To see if any strangers from the great unknown would wash themselves to their land. The women worked to keep them safe from these things. But Thibault was as curious in a quiet way. Trailing far, observing things distantly and carefully before retreating to home.

Tail tucked between legs, his eyes grew blurry, his vision disoriented at a mangled rabbit. He did not know why it sickened him so. It was a normal thing, wasn't it?

It was with hesitancy and a great weight that Thibault had went beyond the borders of sapphique. Safer, were the walls protected by their women and his aunties. His papa, his maman.

"Bonjou--" his head, quirking to the rabbit no matter how hard he tried to look in her eyes instead. It kept disturbing him. He remained still and a distance away, a lowered tail, lazy eyes. In hers? Red, red eyes. He'd seen..little of the other packs. "Je ne t’ai-.." he paused, "jamais vu avant." Surely she spoke in this tongue?
Nothing else could make me feel this good
38 Posts
Ooc — Bone
A figure emerged, a stocky, rose-touched boy; and though he near dwarfed the bone-thin frame of the wretch, she'd abruptly scramble to her paws with a ferocity unfit for ones state. Pearly ivories peaked from beneath a slowly rising lip. He dared to stare so intently at her kill. The first in days—and then he spoke.


She crooked her head to the side, never before had she heard this tongue, but judging from the way his gaze flickered about, from matching her own to trailing down to the rabbit; she was getting a feeling he had an intention that she was most opposed to.

Go away! You've got plenty of meat on your bones. I'm not sharing. She makes her snarky remark with a venomous huff, standing protectively over her kill whilst her tail thrashes to each side. 
137 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Astera wasn't far. The yearling had been scouring the shore for any beached fish or unfortunate crabs, but hadn't found much. Instead, she came across a foreign scent. Not Sapphique, nor was in anyone she was acquainted with. The Sound wasn't her packs claim, but it was close enough.

The pale girl tracked the scent and pawprints in the sand, appearing at the scene. She saw the monochrome woman, and Thibault. She quickly rushed to his side, tail held high. Aggressive wolves wouldn't be tolerated so near to her pack, especially with the soon-to-arrive pups. She gave them a harsh glare.

"You were sayin'?"
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!

Nothing else could make me feel this good
38 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Whilst her gaze was affixed to the one in front of her, another had slunk up beside him; pearly-coated with a peppering of charcoal along the flank. Outnumbered, she'd only become more on edge, hackles raised slightly, though her tail stopped its thrashing. This one at least spoke words she understood.

I was saying, hunt your own damn rabbit. She huffs, lips drawing to a close and concealing the pearly ivories within. Her gaze flickered between the two of them, jittery as she watched for sudden movements. 
57 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
She did not speak the way of the Sapphique people. This was a fact learned too many words too late.
He had plenty of meat on his bones?
What did that mean?

Thibault had been stunned to a rough silence, shattered by Astera's stop at his side. His face was contemplative still, slowly brought out of it by a confidence Astera had that he did not. An appreciation to her presence. To her, his ears touched down in greeting and his eyes crossed swiftly between the gray woman and a warrior-to-be. Meat on his bones..Meat..on his....

A bigger question to him was why a woman was set to be so hungry. To fight this way over a hare. Every woman should be fed. It blinded him from her possession, because he was so bewildered by this concept. "We ain't want dat rabbit-- Yours. You be close to Sapphique. Who do you belong to?" Thibault couldn't fathom that loners existed.
Nothing else could make me feel this good
38 Posts
Ooc — Bone
So they didn't want her catch, her shoulders would slack at his words; what once threatened vicious retort turned far more demure. She sat back onto her haunches and stared at the two, wide-eyed and shrunk down. He spoke all strange, but now she could at least derive understanding from what he said. 

Sapphique? Another pack? The presence of the other made that seem like the logical answer.

...Belong to? ...Nobody. I'm my own wolfe. Don' need the others. Don' want them either. She remarks with a flicker of disdain lacing the words that fell from pale jaws.

She missed the comfort of pack life, that was certain, but there was little love to be lost between her old comrades. How dare they, after all. None could understand her plight, her cravings, her desires. It was for the best that she'd been cast away to forge her own path, though the hunger that had plagued her since argued against that point.
137 Posts
Ooc — Meri
She flicked her tail towards Thibault in greeting. This woman was rude. Astera could see that much. She came close to their claim, insulted them, and then carried herself with indignance. Her hackles rose, she sniffed with contempt. Keep it. I don't be wanting your scraps. Why did this have to be such of an argument anyway?

So she was a loner? Clearly. Astera doubted anyone would want to keep company with this haughty wolf. She was insufferable! That part's unsurprising...
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!

Nothing else could make me feel this good
38 Posts
Ooc — Bone
She'd perk up more as they attested further disinterest in her catch, mangled as it was, it didn't make the most appealing snack; to others, at least. Still, she'd keep it settled beneath her forelimbs, a defensive embrace.

...I don't... want trouble. She'd mutter, almost reluctantly. I'll leave once I'm finished alright? Will that make ya's happy? Huffing, she'd pull her catch a little closer and look upon the two staring her down. It would be silly to start a fight she'd have no chance of winning, so for now, it was time to back down and hope they'd leave her in peace. 

She was all too eager to finally get something in her stomach; one could only take so many failed attempts.
57 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Im sorry for the hold up!! life
Thibault thought he to be a horrid person to consider agreeing with Astera. Who said that to someone? Let alone another woman, but then he considered that the bickers between women were far more complex than anything men had.. Then, he also hid away a terrible truth-- that Astera was right! He was pretty sure she was never wrong. It was unsurprising.

"Well, when you up and be leavin', remember when you come here who you be nearin'." Thibault resorted frantically to saying things that he knew how to say, because he was far more busy to try and fuss with what this lady said prior. He touched back down to reality with a more pointed comment. 

"You cross us, and you meet teeth. No time for feral women. Maybe someone elsewhere teach you hunt more den rabbit scrap." The boys tail flared, attention falling to Astera for a decision. They could leave now, or they could wait at their borders for the promised departure. Stay, even. He considered feeding the woman, truly, when he first saw the mangled hare, because his heart wailed to the hungry. Now he knew his aunties wouldn't appreciate it going to her kind. 
Nothing else could make me feel this good
38 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Thank you for the thread <3 sorry for the holdup, will wrap it here.

They stared at her with scrutinizing gazes; ones she failed to understand.

As she looked back into the gaze of the two who'd come to threaten her for sitting a little too close to their hearth, what could make sense beyond that she herself leaked with a poison that only others could see? It was a threat. She was a threat. She didn't wish to be one, and yet it seemed she was regardless of what she actually found herself doing. For even when simply hunkered in a crag of rock, eating a meal she'd worked to catch, she was dangerous. 

Rot did not discriminate, and she'd been born wrong and they could see it. She hated them for it. 

Stop looking at me like that.

Her lip beheld a light quiver as she felt like a whelp again, scolded by mother. But it was no different from the times she'd toy with her food. Picking on the weak if only for the thrill of being the bigger one. Once more, she found herself on the side of the defenseless, with no choice but to simply Take it. She didn't like this side, and the flex of her paws against the dirt stood as a testament to the simmer of venom that lingered beneath the surface. She'd need to find something to balance it out.

She hadn't begun with ill intent, and yet now it festered within her wretched little heart.

Remember this, she swore a silent vow.

Envy would rise to dainty pearly paws, and drag her tongue across her jaws in a derisive manner, idle thoughts of a violence she could visit onto them once she'd grown healthy and fat dancing across a scattered mind. ...Ill be going. Don't worry yourselves. She huffs and pulls her head toward the sky with a righteous air, and carries her scraps away. Further inland, she would travel, for the wolves of tundra and sea were nothing but unwelcoming.

Though, at least they hadn't taken her rabbit.