Blacktail Deer Plateau A little warmer weather makes the heart grow
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow woke up and stretched she snorted at herself, she really needed to get on with herself and finish a den. She was tired of waking up with dew on her pelt. Granted it was something the lean girl was used too, but never the less she was here to quit her nomad ways, so a finished den was the first step in the right direction. She shook herself to get the last of the snow drops off her pelt. She sniffed around among the trees not really looking for anything, just exploring maybe she would find some plants she could use or maybe scare a rabbit from a den or something to add to the caches. Warmer weather was in the air and it made her smile, she so loved spring and it would be here soon, but not yet.

As she walked she thought about her den she would put some pretty gem stones on the floor if she could find some, rivers usually had them at the bottom glittering prettily as the sun shone on them. She sniffed some more and continued on just slowly walking her mind lost in thought. She would need to dig some clefts into her walls for her herb stock, unless Hawkeye would want a medicine cache or den for the healers. She put that on her mental list of things she needed to do talk to Hawkeye or Peregrine about medicine den or if she was making due with her own den for medicine.

She finally smelled a rabbit and as she moved around she saw it dart out of its den still slow and weary from the night before of sleep. She quickly dispatched it and lay it down taking a few bites and grabbing the rest to find a cache to throw it in.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Here you go! Healer thread for you ^_^

It was during this mission to the cache that she would have found Ariston sprawled lifelessly across the path. He'd gotten up and wobbled his way down the trail in the early dawn with intentions to squelch his sore throat - the likes of which felt as though he'd forcibly stuffed a porcupine inside - when the strength in his legs simply abandoned him. Too many daybreaks in Firestone Springs and too little time taken to acclimate his humidified lungs to winter had compacted into a somewhat severe cold...the kind that had taken a turn for the worst within a very limited timeframe.

He'd been laying there staring miserably at the land ahead of him when a black she wolf's silhouette filtered from the scenery. She was blurry to him and her identity was unknown but he was not typically the type to illustrate wary countermeasures (the lift of a lip or the sharp narrowing of eyes) even in good health. As it were he could only manage to blink blearily up at her and whine...hoping that Peregrine's promises to maintain unbreechable boundaries did not fail to consider a psychotic killer who would be stumbling upon very easy prey this morning.

set by Emy

Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Blue Willow saw the large male sprawled on the ground and recognized him from their meetings. She dropped her kill quickly and ran over to him as fast as she could. "Oh my goodness oh my goodness are you okay? I'm Blue Willow, can you tell me whats wrong I'm a bit of a healer I can maybe help.

With a practiced eye and a precision borne from all her life as a healer she looked him over. Noticed his eyes were a bit glassy, his whine was hoarse and he looked as if he wasn't able to move very well. She leaned over and gave him a soft nudge to the side of cheek to let him know she wouldn't hurt him and continued to look him over. She didn't want to poke and prod at him until she was able to determine if he could talk or if it hurt to much.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
No problem!

Though he felt mildly comforted that she was not in fact a serial killer but a well meaning pack mate his eyes grew as big as silver dollars once she began to speak. So many words! he remarked to himself as the femme spilled out a manuscript into his limp ears. He was typically a chatty wolf...but his scrambled thoughts had difficulty sorting between both the information she'd given him and what she in return wanted from him.

His cheek was nudged and the entirety of his skull moved from the touch to loll uselessly on the ground; the truest testament to his defunct vitality was his lack of rebuffing her concern. There was no manly I'm okie dokie miss 'tis but a flesh wound refusal of her help. He looked at her and gave his plume a single, limp wag before managing the words, "T-too muuuuuch wah-"

A sporadic coughing, deep and mucous, interrupted his weak explanation. That he expression said plaintively. Too much water in my chest.

Obviously he didn't have much medical experience. But he could only go on what it felt like to him as a victim.

set by Emy

Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow gave a dry chuckle of mirth at his silver dollar eyes, "I apologize I talk a lot, our Alpha Peregrine will attest to that. Her father had always told her to talk less, though he said in the same breath that it was an endearing quality. She had a small moment of embarrassment that she as indeed speaking so much, but she shook her head and went back to the task at hand.

Blue Willow tsked deep in her throat when his entire head moved lifelessly, it shouldn't have. He was very sick, she was looking at the size of him and wondered how she would get him out of the middle of the trail. She was strong but he was still much larger than she and he was going to be nothing more than dead weight and she didn't want to drag him, she would need to call Peregrine she would need his help but for now she was intent upon lessening his pain a little bit and figuring out exactly what was wrong.

Blue Willow flinched at his deep cough. "Oh you are a sick fella. Let's see what I should need for you. First and foremost we have to get you somewhere warm and dry. Somewhere where the air is a little less filled with water, a den that is completely sealed perhaps. Then lets see what herbs should I get for you. She took a moment to look him over to see what all he would need.

She was talking for his benefit in a low soothing voice making sure he understood everything she was going to do for him, so it didn't frighten him, some wolves were extremely impartial to healing and she did not want him to be that way. "Definitely some butterfly weed for that wet mucous cough, Maybe some Canada Milk vetch for you to chew if your chest aches. Some New Jersey Tea roots to clear your respiratory airways. And finally some Ironwood to help joint pain, as i'm sure your poor body aches. She continued to look him over poking gently here and there, sniffing at him to make sure there was no infection anywhere. Finally, She sat down on her haunches and looked right at him.

"Ariston right. Okay Ariston I am going to have to call another wolf, unless you think that you can get to your feet with my help? I don't want to drag you so if you can't they will have to help me carry you. You need to be in some place dry and warm immediately. You should have come to me or one of the alpha's before it got this bad. She chided at him the last part gently with a small smile and then with another smile she waited for his reply a nod would do just fine if he could or couldn't get to his feet with her help.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Sickness was not a luxury that wild animals could afford...much less during the winter months. Sure enough her assurance of medicinal aid was enough to strike him with trepidation but it was a mild emotion that he was quick to disengage. If she could make him well by drawing polka dots on his ass he'd endure it...the intimate details of how were not so important.

The options of dying where he laid, being painfully dragged to his sickbed, being aided into his sickbed, or walking of his own free will were analyzed with noteworthy focus through the vapors of his scattered conscious. There was a moment after Willow's pause that he occupied with his considerations...and then he began to feebly draw his quaking limbs beneath him. If only he didn't weigh so much! Wobbling, though stable enough to move, he let his head hang almost low enough that his nose skimmed the surface of the earth. He could rise and march in mechanic dutifulness but there was scant else in his current range of ability.

"Lead," he said in a whisper soft acknowledgement. He was prepared to let her command him as she saw fit.

set by Emy

Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Okay for this one I am going to pretend my girl's den is already dug unless Ariston has one and then I can fix my post

Blue Willow watched nervously as he pulled his waning strength together and pushed his paws underneath his large body. She flinched in sympathy at how terrible he must feel and she whined softly to let him know she felt his pain and felt sympathy for him. It was no small thing to be in the wilds and sick, especially with the pack as new as it were and the herbs she had carried with her the many miles. She did not have many and there had been no healers before her. It made her uncomfortable to think of the scant amount she had, but she would make do and then once her pack mate was comfortable she would hunt for more.

Blue Willow stood near his shoulder, but made sure to not jar him, he was barely keeping himself upright as it were if she needed she would be able to catch him if he should start to fall. She leaned over and grabbed the rabbit she would feed Ariston small bites when he was feeling up to it. She spoke around the rabbit her words a little muffled, "mmmff We will have to make due with my semi finished den for now until I can talk to Peregrine or Hawkeye about moving you to a warm one. She nodded towards her forest den and began to catalog her herb stock in her head she was pretty sure she had small amounts of at least two of the herbs, she would have to gather more, but at least she could get him started on some medicine. She kept a weather eye on him as she walked slowly beside him, a soft sigh escaping her as she watched his large body so sunken with sickness.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Sounds fine to me ^_^

The thin shrill of the medic's whine made Ax's heart clench with regret. Light headed as he was he was adequately comprehending the situation as it played out; his memories were not impacted by the bacteria swirling in his system. When all was well again he would be certain to make up for inadvertently causing the femme's distress.

It was fortunate that the journey to her den was not a far one. He was more than ready to call it quits by the time he ducked into the humble abode that smelled entirely of Willow...the tepid , singular wag of his tail expressing gratitude for her selfless offer of housing him. He made it a few feet, enough so that the bitter chill of the air no longer stung his watery eyes, before he flopped gracelessly to his side...a homage to how she'd found him earlier. Absently he wished he was of better conversation but vowed to later return the favor to Nurse Chatterbox.

set by Emy

Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow had noticed that the other's eye were clear and he was able to discern what she was saying so she knew that this cold which is most likely what it was, was just a bad one but it could not harm him long term unless he did not follow her instructions. However, she would have to wait to see how that played out once they got back to her unfurnished den. she was a bit shy about it as it was very rough and not quite as homey and cozy as she would like to make it. After all she figured that a healer's den should be welcoming and comfortable, but right now he was a bigger concern than her inadequate living space.

Blue Willow watched him flop down and winced slightly at how much pain that probably caused him. With a quick once over she then quickly placed the rabbit in the corner and began to dig in the other corner for the small amount of herbs she had brought with her. She had hidden them before being accepted into the pack right before the border and then moved them into her den and surrounding area after she was officially accepted. She knew she had her butterfly weed, and some Canada milk vetch. She dug and then with a whine of triumph she pushed them towards him.

Pushing the Butterfly weed forward she began to speak, This is butterfly Weed it will help with the wet cough you have. See the many small flowers that make up the large bulbous bunch?" She pushed it towards him a small amount for him to eat. Then she went back and dug around until she gathered the small amount of Canada Milk Vetch for him. She pushed that towards him as well, and spoke again. This is Canada Milk Vetch root, you want to chew that only, do not swallow it. Once you have chewed it then spit it out and i'll dispose of it. It will help with your fever and chest pain. She sat down on her haunches to let him eat the one and begin to chew the other to see how his body reacted before she would tell him of the ones she would have to find.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
The 'swag-itude' of Willow's home was about as far from Ax's list of concerns as possible. To him, having spent hours dumped on that trail she'd found him on, the comfort level of the den was entirely up to par. The warmth naturally radiating from her body coupled with the close confines of the earthy walls was quick to take the bitter chill off his bones; he found himself in a restful lull by the time her herbs were pushed in his face.

He ate the first offering...but it wasn't as if he enjoyed doing it. The mucous gumming his throat had created a haven of foul taste and the herb had little going for it flavor-wise. Once gagging, and twice shuddering, he mangled the unappetizing treat before smacking his lips and minding the careful instructions of his caretakers regarding his second treatment.

The sick wolf did as he was told but put his cheek firmly on top of the discarded root after he spit it out to prevent her from taking it. "Ju...just leave it here," he breathed on the cusp of an exhale. The thought of her directly handling some saliva crusted thing fresh from his mouth was a tad mortifying to him.

Since but a scant amount of time had passed he was not yet feeling particularly relieved of his symptoms the fact that he was warm made a world of difference. "You're smart," he commented idly as he noticed her studiously observing him.

set by Emy

Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow felt bad as he ate the foul tasting plants to appease her and to alleviate his suffering. She knew very well that the herbs tasted absolutely terrible. However, he needed them and they would help. She watched as he gagged and she was concerned immediately that there was so much mucous in his throat. She had known that there was some in his throat but she didn't realize how much. She would definately certain she would have to get him some more butterfly weed she hoped she could find some.

She looked at him and she smiled gently, "Okay i'll let it there for now. As soon as I make sure you're out of danger i'm going to go comb for some ironwood and some new jersey tea root. Ironweed looks a lot like butterfly weed except it's purple and a little more sparse. and New Jersey Tea Root is bulbous and its made up of tiny white flowers. She was explaining the herbs and what they looked like mostly to keep him awake to make sure he didn't have any adverse effects to the herbs she had.

Blue Willow smiled and blushed at the praise. She blushed easily at praise always had. "Thank you, both my parents were healers and story tellers I picked up much of their knowledge. That was our livelihood we went from pack to pack selling our medicines and knowledge for a warm den to sleep and some food. This is the first time I've had a permanent home.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
You are more than welcome to fade this now if you want! If you would like a co-rank thread with Hawkeye I believe this one would be a good place to jump in. If you'd like me to have Ax tag along so Willow can show Hawkeye her ability just let me know!

"I'm sorry that you must trouble yourself for my sake," he said in a hushed, though more precise, voice. The salve of the digested weed was already beginning to balm the soreness of his throat and quell the little tickle that made him want to cough. A tremor of relief sank into his weary soul.

Her blush at his praise was not discernible but the mild change of her posture - mainly the subtle duck of shoulders that indicated bashfulness - was conspicuous enough for him to catch. The sickly fellow conjured a weak smile and listened patiently to her background. "My father was a bad storyteller," he returned with a disdained roll of his eyes. "My mother healed us with her love...but never herbs. She did well by her kids."

And finally to acknowledge her celebration of finding a first ever forever home: "The Plateau is lucky to have you."

set by Emy

Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I'll go ahead and fade with this post. And Ax can tag along if he wants I like him he's a sweet guy must do threads in the future. Though my girl doesn't shut up :)

Blue Willow smiled "Oh really it's no bother. I like helping others very much. She listened to him talking and a small smile came across her face at his healthier sounding voice. "You sound a lot better. She leaned forward and pressed gently onto his chest. "Does that still hurt? or does your chest feel a little bit better? Try not to chew to much more on the vetch, but you can have a little more if you need it.

She chuckled and said "Not everyone can be good at stories, my father was a wonderful storyteller, but his was colored by a long life and a much lived one. My mother was more shy and quiet she was the one that knew the most about herbs and she had a healing touch.

She smiled again and said "thank you. You look like you are not going to have an adverse effects from the herbs. So now I think I will go look for some of those herbs I need, hopefully i can find a few it is still rather cold to be hunting herbs. You sir need to rest I don' t want you moving or going anywhere, you should stay here for a few days, a little rest goes a long way in healing the body. She stood swiftly and with one last look behind her to make sure he was going to stay she trotted off in search of some herbs if she could find some.

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