Greatwater Lake are we lost
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
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During his travels through the berry meadow he'd hunted a scrawny rabbit. That was a few days ago though and it was hunger that drove Eljay towards the large lake he had seen. He passed closeby a pack that looked dark and smelled terrifying for reasons Eljay couldn't explain to himself, so he hadn't approached its borders, afraid what it might be like. By now, he didn't smell of the Caldera anymore at all. The Caldera remained in his vision whenever he looked round, though it seemed really far away; but he saw its tip in the distance, further and further away...

He stopped at the northern side of the large lake and waded into the water, where he waited until fish gathered round him. Eljay was focussed on the task at hand and ignored his surroundings for now. Once fish'd gathered, Eljay dove down into the water, sending splashes everywhere but ending up with a big fish in his mouth. He could feel his stomach yearn for his catch and Eljay started wading back onto shore so he could eat his catch.
on my teeth
220 Posts
Ooc — Laur
After some convincing, Redshank finally managed to get @Rannoch to tag along with him on an excursion outside the Vale. He'd been learning about the borders that lined the territory and was now ready to explore the opposite side. Granted, he had had his fair share of wandering the wilderness but, this time, he was older and stronger. And he wasn't under Sol's guard.

A few hours in, the boy quietly slipped away from Rannoch's watchful eye, headed towards the great lake that lay in the middle of the area. It was a giant body of water, visible even all the way from the ledges of Northstar Vale. Redshank trailed the edges, sniffing curiously at the reeds that grew there before a figure caught his eye.

The water rippled from where he was making his way back to the shore, something large hanging limp from his jaws. Golden eyes narrowed hungrily, and the boy loped along the shoreline to close the distance between them and so he could meet the other boy before he came ashore. "Whatcha got there?" he called, standing right in the grey-furred stranger's path with his tail waving in an idle taunt.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay was relieved to have caught something, but his relief quickly melted away when a young wolf approached with hungry eyes and demanded what he had. Eljay was burning with hunger and he didn't really want to give up on the food, but the other wolf was young and Eljay felt a mixture of fear (that his food would be taken from him) and pity (that the youth was so hungry) which caused him to drop the fish as soon as he reached the shore, in the shallows of the water, by his own feet.

"Do you... Are you hungry? Do you want to share?" he suggested light-heartedly, trying not to show that he was afraid of the youth and afraid his meal might go to waste. Eljay wanted the whole fish, truthfully, but he knew it might be smarter to share lest the youth take it all.
on my teeth
220 Posts
Ooc — Laur
If he knew the other boy was hungry, he didn't show it; not that he would care anyway. Survival of the fittest, as Sol would say. While he had been under Rannoch's more principled mentorship for a while now, the other man had instilled within him shaky morals and thievery was yet not below him. The stutter betrayed the freckled stranger's nerves, and Redshank's lip curled into a wicked sneer.

His eyes flicked quickly from the fish that had been dropped at his feet to his green eyes, and then back again. "No," he said flatly before suddenly lunging forward, closing the distance between them and splashing into the shallows. He aimed to grab the meal as quick as he could, swivelling on a forepaw to swing the rest of his (admittedly small) bulk into the other's side to throw off his balance.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt his heart thump in his chest, but he tried not to show his fear. He frowned in confusion when the boy said 'no' because he seemed so hungry from the way he looked. Eljay hadn't seen the attack coming at all, for some reason, so when it happened he let out a surprised, girly-sounding "Ah!" and instantly fell backwards when he was thrust at the shoulder.

With tail tucked and panic written on his face Eljay fell sideways into the shallows of the lake with a big splash.
on my teeth
220 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Somewhat unexpectedly, Redshank found himself suddenly in possession of the stranger's meal, and now stood beside the other boy who had tumbled back into the shallows. His eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the older wolf who lay sprawled in the water, after having let out a high-pitched yell that had almost rivalled Titmouse's usual key.

Quickly regaining his unabashed demeanour, Redshank danced back a few feet and smirked, lifting the limp fish high like a trophy. He wiggled it within his jaws a few times, finding the thrill of stealing more satisfying than its actual taste. He wasn't even hungry, truthfully. The boy simply delighted in teasing the other whose tucked tail and expression told him enough — he was weak.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay looked up dismally at the boy who'd pushed him over, a sad frown on his face. "Why did you do that?" Eljay asked with a tremor to his voice, and he scrambled up from the shallow water as soon as he could. He didn't want to be bested, but he didn't really have the guts to stand up to the boy either. He untucked his tail, but by the way it hung half-mast and the way his ears were pressed back and he was licking his lips in a subconscious display of submission, it was clear to see that Eljay wasn't anywhere near standing up to the boy and getting his food back yet.
on my teeth
220 Posts
Ooc — Laur

Redshank's self-assured smirk turned into a deep sneer as the other stammered, asking why he had done what he did. He couldn't pinpoint the exact reason why, but he was enjoying this unorthodox show of dominance. The fact that that he was being unquestionably rude didn't even cross his mind or, if it did, Redshank paid it no mind. The boy was meek and if he couldn't even defend his meal from a mere child, he did not deserve it.

Redshank shook the fish again and laughed, prancing to the side as he did so. He noted the slight rise of the stranger's tail and shot him a glare, challenging him. Though the freckled boy's folded ears and the way his tongue crossed his lips spoke volumes. Deciding to toy with him a little more, Redshank threw the fish into the air briefly, caught it again, and then took off into the lake to the side of the other. He splashed him as he passed, laughing still. "Th'n cm gi'iff!" he called, voice muffled from the fish he was holding as he galloped deeper into the waters, goading him to come take the fish back.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay had expected the boy to leave with prize in jaws, but instead he pranced around even as Eljay got up, seemingly unafraid of retribution. Eljay didn't undestand why somene'd do such a mean thing — he watched with teary eyes and gasped as the fish was thrown into the air, following it all the way 'til it had landed in the boy's mouth again.

As the boy ran into the water Eljay just stared at him, frozen in place and not sure how to even respond, with a sad, broken expression on his face.
on my teeth
220 Posts
Ooc — Laur
The other refused to move even as Redshank and the fish he had in his jaws moved within reach. He simply stared with sad green eyes — though they prompted no sense of regret from Redshank. He regarded the other as even more weak than he already believed him to be. A great, big baby. Should Rannoch witness this, Redshank was sure he'd side with the pathetic freckled boy, but it seemed the older wolf was too busy with other things, fortunately.

Seeing as it did not seem like the stranger was going to put up a fight to get his meal back, Redshank decided it was only right for him to return it to where he had gotten it from. He gave one last glance back at the other before throwing his head and hurling the fish further out into the deeper waters where it landed with a soft plop before it sunk below the surface. Redshank watched as if in admiration for a moment as the ripples expanded from where he had thrown it. "Well? Are y'gonna go get it?" he said, turning back to the stranger.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
"Oh no," Eljay mumbled to himself while he dismally watched the youth dance around with his fish and then toss it out into the water. "No!" he called out with desperation in his voice. He was so hungry, he really needed to eat something and there was no guarantee more patient fishing'd result in anything good.

Eljay raced towards the water and dashed past the youth, then swam towards the place where he'd dropped the fish and dove into the water. What he didn't realise was that while he was under searching for his fish, the very same fish floated to the surface right next to where he was splashing about.
on my teeth
220 Posts
Ooc — Laur
A smile almost broke out upon Redshank's face as the other boy suddenly cried out desperately, showing some sort of life, finally. He was surprised by his sudden pursuit. As the pale boy splashed into the waters, the younger wolf followed closely behind, though pausing before the water could reach his chest. He wouldn't admit it, but the Cairn actually had no idea how to swim.

Though he did watch with a wide, shit-eating grin as the fish floated casually by the trashing boy. "A little t'your left!" he shouted with a cackle, stepping forward a little deeper into the lake to see if he could reach the fish again and take off with it.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
As soon as he had dove under Eljay realised how terrible an idea it was. He snapped his teeth shut a few times; he was unable to see anything down there so he was just snapping and hoping he'd capture anything. Unfortunately Eljay surfaced with nothing more than a few water plants between his teeth. He surfaced just in time to see that the fish was floating back to the shore and was headed back towards the boy who'd stolen it.

Eljay quickly started splashing back to the shore, but unfortunately with every splash he made he only made the fish drift closer to the fish thief and further away from his teeth.