Heron Lake Plateau smiling in photos without any reason with people that i'll never know
a determination so powerful it could turn the sky storm black
683 Posts
Ooc — Athena

Oh.  Okay.  Or she could deal with it today, that was fine, too, she guessed.  She wasn't wholly prepared to deal with it, but at least now she didn't feel like she was a dangerous explosive thing about to burst at the seams.  Deflated was more like it.

Her ears flicked in his direction before she got the nerve to pull her head up, and she nodded.  It took longer than we expected.  Towhee got hurt, and we had to help her back.  Why, d'you miss me?

ring the bells that still can ring
forget your perfect offering
there is a crack in everything
that's how the light gets in
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RE: smiling in photos without any reason with people that i'll never know - by Fire - September 03, 2018, 02:09 PM