Grouse Thicket I can tell by your tone of voice that was smart
26 Posts
Ooc — Cruz
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Mr. Peanut Butter LOVES to run. However, he does not love to run away from something scary and that wolf, or whatever, was definitely scary. His shoulder aches and red coats his yellow fur, even with the wash on the other side of the river. The pee is gone from his coat and he’s tried to lick at his wounds every so often to keep the blood under control. Having no survival skills outside of his owner, he doesn’t know what to do and he’s definitely getting hungry. They’re the ones that feed him! It’s been days! And deer droppings do not last very long on an empty stomach.
Especially for a fat yellow lab.
After leaving the river, he moves through a thicket of trees. It’s not very easy, especially with a hurt shoulder, but he’s found a few apple trees with several apples on the ground. He definitely recognizes those. TREATS!!!
He jumps forward and scoops up one, despite one rotting side, and chomps down hard and makes a mess. And then he does it with another one. And another.
At least until he notices the birbs. With eyes wide, he lifts one paw and stares, tail straight out, somehow forgetting all the pain in his shoulder as he watches them from a distance.
2/2 threads
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
With a destination in mind, Blackbear left Tegan and the Redhawks behind. She'd be back to see him at some point, and maybe to apologize to @Niamh for the awful experience that meeting must have been for her. Maybe not, though. With any luck, they'd have both forgotten about it by the time they met again, if they met again at all.

Everything was kind of looking better after she'd gotten over her crying jag. Yeah, she was still on her own, but at least she wasn't starving. At least she wasn't sick or injured. At least she wasn't -

That guy.

Blackbear blinked at the strange creature before her. She didn't know enough to label it a dog (to her, Aunt Seelie and Lavender were dogs), but she sort of filed it into the same weird space that coyotes and foxes took up - not quite dogs, but not quite not dogs, either. Which meant she didn't really make friends with them, but she didn't really like to kill them, either. Normally, they avoided each other just fine, but this one... Well, Blackbear got the feeling that its mother should've taken pity on it at birth.

"Hey," she called, padding toward the little weirdo. "What're you, uh... what're you doing there?"
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
26 Posts
Ooc — Cruz
His focus is on the birds in the distance, entranced by what could become. Somewhere, he knows they’re food, but his first instinct is to simply chase. He’s never caught something like this before and while he is temporary satiated with old apples, he needs something else to keep his chunky body in tip top chunky shape.
Hey, he hears and immediately yelps in surprise, spinning around and totally disrupting the birds he’d been watching. As he turns, though, they are forgotten and he shrinks back, wincing at the pain radiating his shoulder. At first, he thinks it’s the bad dog from before, the one that bit him, and he shuffles back several feet to keep distance between them. His mouth opens to object but he realizes that it is not the same. Another wolf? If he had to guess, anyway, but… she doesn’t look as angry.
Still, his ears remain back and he scents the air, curious—the other brute wouldn’t let him smell his butt and maybe this one would? He doesn’t take the chance just yet. “Um, I um… there were birds and I… was gonna… I don’t know. I’m lost and I can’t find my owners and I’m HUNGRY,” he more or less wails—of course, his chunky size doesn’t make him look terribly hungry but god! He’d go for some kibble right about now.
2/2 threads
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The boy turned around to face her, revealing his injury and seeming none to interested in getting another. That was fine - Blackbear had never hurt anything just for fun, and the creature in front of her didn't even look as though it would be fun to hurt. To eat, maybe, but it was in that weird shape that made her a little uncomfortable about killing and eating.

"What do you mean by owners?" asked Blackbear, padding closer to the smaller creature. Sniffing seemed to be in order, although Blackbear planned to sniff more around his mouth and ears than his butt. "You don't look very hungry," she added, but of course, neither did she. And she was, a little. It'd been a day or two since her last good meal. Grouse seemed like a workout, though. She would much rather fish, or perhaps even just comb the coastline for a snack.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
26 Posts
Ooc — Cruz
The wolf doesn’t seem too keen on trying to hurt him. There’s no hackled fur or bearing of the teeth. Her voice is soft, at least compared to the last one. It doesn’t make him so easy to trust but it’s hard to keep it contained, especially when he’s always been friendly with other dogs. Wolves, not so much now that he’s figured out what they are.
“My owners… um. My people? They take care of me and feed me this dry cereal twice a day but I haven’t seen them in a few days. I saw some deer and went after them and wanted to bring them back but they’re gone and I don’t know where to go to go home,” he informs, rambling nervously and his voice speeding up as she tries to get closer. Carefully, Mr. Peanut Butter steps back and sniffs at the same time, though he still keeps his distance. “I’m very hungry! I’m wasting away! They feed me like, twice a day and sometimes I get snacks and well, none of that is out here. Except the apples but they were just okay,” he says, quietly, ears drooping down the sides of his face while his head lowers, hoping she doesn’t turn on him like the other dark canine.
2/2 threads
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Blackbear blinked at the boy, wondering what he could possibly be going on about. There was a word in there that she didn't really know, and he was talking about his people as though they were his lords rather than his tribe. But there were some weird packs out there, right? Maybe he was in one of those.

She moved a bit closer when he stepped away, and finally caught a whiff of a somewhat familiar scent. For a moment she couldn't place it, but then she remembered exploring with Dawn and Aditya, and coming across the place where the Last Shadow had roosted. "You lived with the aliens!" she said excited, tail wagging double-time. "Did you come from the sky?"
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
26 Posts
Ooc — Cruz
She moves closer and his lip pulls up in warning—something he’s never really done, but he mimics the wolf from the day before—but it does not seem to deter her. Still, she’s nice and he hesitantly lets her get closer. When she announces he lived with aliens, and questions where he came from, he blinks dumbly.
“Aliens? Huh?” he questions, first, “I live with humans. They don’t have fur and have two legs and we didn’t come from the sky. I came from… a place with other dogs, like me but that was a long time ago before they took me…” he pauses, sucks in a breath, and puts another step between them. “You’re not gonna bite me, are you?”
2/2 threads
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"Humans," Blackbear repeated, intrigued. Things that walked on two legs, apparently. She imagined them as large birds, since birds walked on two legs and didn't have fur and didn't always live in the sky. Interesting that birds would take care of a wolf. A dog, that is.

At his question, an amused smirk took over her face. "Do I look like I'm going to bite you?" she asked, partially teasing but mostly just curious. She considered herself relatively harmless, and didn't think that her size really took away from that. Perhaps she could seem intimidating at first, but she was just a kid! That was how she felt, anyway. "I can help you get something to eat," she added, feeling a little sorry for the weird bird-boy.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
26 Posts
Ooc — Cruz
Mr. Peanut Butter doesn’t see the skepticism in the girl’s face but it doesn’t matter. She accepts the information anyway and he nods sloppily. Humans. Yes. Good.
“Well, the one that bit me didn’t look like he was going to bite me,” which, of course, isn’t the truth, but he’d been oblivious. Everyone is supposed to be a friend, even the angry ones. If he’d had a moment longer to show him, perhaps they’d be together right now! And he wouldn’t be alone. Or hurt. But she mentions food and eyes widen, stepping forward. “Yes, please!”
2/2 threads
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"Hm," said Blackbear, eyeing the bird-dog's wounds. They looked painful, but she wasn't a healer. Best she could do for the guy was get him a grouse or two and call that her act of kindness for the day. Better yet - if she could teach him to catch grouse, she might end up helping him out for the long haul.

This in mind, she turned and began to seek out some of the grouse she'd smelled in the area. "We're gonna get some birds. I hope that's alright with you?" she asked, shooting the bird-dog and anxious look. Maybe he had the same feelings about birds as she did about coyotes and foxes (and dogs)? "It's just that - I'd get you some fish or something, but there's not a river close by, I don't think."
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
26 Posts
Ooc — Cruz
“I’ve never had bird,” he tells her, which is also untrue; chicken isn’t bird, it’s treat! “But I’ve had fish before,” he tells her, thinking about it, certain he had. Anyway. his people gave him too many loving treats but Mr. Peanut Butter would never admit it. She mentions the river and he doesn’t even consider telling her about where he’d been because that’s where the bad wolf is and he doesn’t want to be bitten again, nor does he want to lead his new friend into danger. The last thing he needs is getting anyone else bitten! “How do you get birds? They always fly away from me when I chase ‘em,” he adds with a goofy quirk of his lips.

Blackbear spends a little time with him, helping him and teaching him, before he gracefully fails on all accounts and she has to do it for him.
2/2 threads