Whitefish River Was it all in my head??(thought it would be different this time)
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
dated after the howl thread
She had woken up and he was gone and she didn't even remember him saying that he had a patrol and the woman's heart sank as she let a small whimper out. She wanted to relax so she had a few poppy seeds stored away and she ate them with no hesitation.

Nothing could be done and the female decided to take a small stroll. So many thoughts ran through the woman's head and she felt the depression she tried to keep at bay start to try taking hold.

Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Connor had been taking time to himself, he planned to meet up with a few other wolves to social interactions with but the man was constantly happy to which would tire him a bit. The titan was casually strolling through the fields when a familiar scent hit him, with a nose twitch and swiveling ears, he turned his head in the direction of the scent, which was Moonshadow. The Herald hadn't seen the Newcomer a lot, but he was always in a chipper mood to meet someone and hopefully give off a first impression, so he wagged his tail and made his way towards her. But upon seeing her, he noticed that something was off about her, so being the good-willed man he was, he would try to comfort the woman in any way he could.

"Hello, Miss Moonshadow!" Connor approached her with a grin, completely unaware of what was going on in her head, "how are you?" He stared at her with his large green orbs that were full of cheer, for he believed if he could give off the vibe of happiness, she would feel some happiness as well.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She hadn't meant to run into anyone let alone another male....the dark woman had tried to avoid everyone again especially in the state she was in. "Oh." She hadn't noticed he had been near, being so swarmed in her own mind but too late. She had heard his name in passing and she smiled at the male. "Hello. Connor right?" She wanted to make sure she got it right. "I...I'm okay just need to blow off steam I guess."
Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Just by the way that she responded, Connor's instincts were telling him that something was wrong, but he didn't want to pressure the woman. The titan nodded to the female remembering his name to confirm her confusion as she answered his question by saying that she needs to blow off some steam. The cinnamon male tipped his head with his orbs curiously eyeing her, "is... Everything alright? Uhm..." He puckered up his lips and tipped his muzzle to the side to think of a response, once he got his gatherings, he turned to Moonshadow once again with a slightly lost but concerned expression.

"Do you want to talk about it...?" He shrugged, though he didn't know her, he just wanted to help anyone that seemed distressed, he really couldn't help himself.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She shook her head slightly. "I guess you can say I'm confused by all hell. But I don't want to burden you with all my problems." She had already done that once and wasn't in the mental state to do that again. She refused to. "Do you want to spar with me?" She wasn't really liking the groggy feeling the seeds were giving her at the moment.
Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
There was something definitely up with the woman, but he couldn't tell, she seemed groggy, perhaps a lack of sleep? Her words felt a little slurred as she asked him to spar, Connor was hesitant, she could really hurt herself. But if this was the only way to get her to take her mind off of whatever was plaguing her, then he was up for it, the titan was always willing to help. 

But he had no idea what he was getting himself into.

The man made some distance between the two, he had stapled it into his mind that he was to go easy on her so that he doesn't injure her too much since she seems so out of it. "Sure," he smiled and wagged his tail, inviting the woman to make the first strike.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was bit playful today and the woman knew why but she didn't really care at this point she just wanted to stop thinking for once and she playfully lunged at the male.
Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
The female lunged at him, she seemed to forget what she was thinking already since there was a sense of childishness to her as she came charging at him. Connor relaxed his muscles, he had to remember that he didn't want to hurt her since he was practically a wall with his muscular built and he felt that he could easily take her out with one paw. So he stood with no anchorage to his stance and let the woman collide with him.

The two were knocked over with Connor flat on his back as his emerald orbs stared into hers, was it working? He hoped that it did and wanted to make this a bit more exciting so he pushed up on her chest with enough force to get her to back off of him so he was able to get onto his paws once again. 
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her heart was racing with adrenaline and emotions as she raced towards him and she was now over him his eyes almost mirroring hers in color. When he pushed off she allowed it and backed up. Her tail swaying happily behind her.
Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Connor locked eyes with the lady, she seemed happy, and that was all that he cared about was that his packmate was happy. That was all the titan wanted to do in life, make others happy, for some odd reason, the magic of someone else's enjoyment made him happy. As he got to his paws, he saw the maiden's tail wag, as a response, he let his tail wag and opened himself up for her to attack him.
Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju

The two sparred and sparred till the sunset dipped down into the mountains and its beautiful pinkish colors beamed through the horizons. Connor's emerald eyes were still beaming despite the fact he was a bit tired from all the sparring but if it helped Moon take her mind off of what was happening with her, so what. But, just when he thought it was over, Moon wasn't done with him, his sorrow deepened for the woman when he saw her start to become vulnerable in front of him by expressing that she wasn't happy, she wasn't happy with herself of life at the moment. The titan crept up to her slowly with his round eyes softening along with his expression to let her know that it was okay to speak her mind out with him. Connor reassured her that he was there to try and make her as happy as she can be because he felt it was his nature, his duty to care for others even if it wasn't his business.

He just couldn't stand seeing someone unhappy with themselves.

The cinnamon male offered to her another activity that would take her mind off of whatever was plaguing her even though he was quite exhausted himself. He figured it would be another activity like hunting or sparring again but oh no, instead she asked him a great favor, a favor that caught the male off-guard that he didn't know what to say. Connor was stuttering in his words, he almost wanted to back out immediately since he could see how this would all go wrong in so many ways. He didn't know her, in fact, he just met her, but unfortunately for the titan, he was too sympathetic for his own good, so he agreed.

The two wolves began slight flirting, then after that, Connor would gently mount himself behind her and lick her scruff before the two would begin the process of mating.

Fade to black

After the two were done, Connor gently dismounted and brushed up beside her dark fur, his emerald eyes locking into hers, did he do the right thing? Something was telling him that he didn't, but he just couldn't leave her there to drown in her sorrows, but this would soon come back to bite the Herald. Connor and Moonshadow sat together with the male wrapping his tail around her rear, hopefully, she was feeling better about herself, and the titan was just happy that he could help her.

Even though this would end up to being one of the biggest mistakes he would ever make, and the kind-hearted idiot should have hesitated more.
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The day was turning into afternoon, and it was time for Howl's duties of patrol to fall on other paws. Making his was back to where he had spent the previous night with his newfound pair, he wasn't all that surprised to not find her there. It would be awfully boring to set oneself down in a spot and proceed to wait for hours. Luckily for him the scent of her was still intensely strong and tracking her down would be of ease.

He followed her scent through the tree's and in the distance saw a pair of wolves sparing. One was surely the apple of this eye, and it appeared that the other was the energetic younger man he had met prior. Still ways away, he walked towards them weaving through the trees, but as he did, their activities began to change. Their sparing ceased, but they stayed close and began to make affectionate banter towards one another as though there was something between the two. The sheer sight of it shocked and confused him as causing him to halt his advance. Had he been mistaken. Was this another female with this man. For Howl was sure just an evening prior, the two of them had been together and devoted themselves to being one.

There in the lining of the trees, he peered, observing the two carry on without hesitation on either end. In a state of shock through the whole thing, he stood still and quiet until the very end. His emotions of anger subtle at the time in comparison to the sickening feeling that made his stomach feel empty. For there was no mistaking, this was the Moonshadow he thought was his. This was certainly not done amongst founded matches. The thought of such things wouldn't cross either of their minds had it been true. Even if he had gotten the sense to angrily break up the two before the deed was done, the intent would have still been present.
It was clear now this was not what he had wanted when he thought of his life. Finally, able to settle down and put behind him all that he had lost to build something new and earnest. He would not find that here, not with her. He emerged just barely from the tree line "I'm truly astonished to have found you two here. You've done quite a good job keeping this veiled from me. I wasn't even aware the two of you had made introductions. If this is what makes you happy, then so be it, but it will no longer be at my expense," he stated with all the false pride and confidence he could muster before slinking away from the scene.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
Just PM me and we and plot and thread!
Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
The moment wouldn't last forever for Howl had come on the scene and the titan's heart almost jumped out of his throat. He whipped his large head around to see that the male was right there, he had watched them together, he had watched them become one. First, Connor was confused, why was Howl here in the first place? Second, what was he saying? Had Moon and Howl been together before? But, But Moon didn't say anything to him! Is Howl even telling the truth? The titan's eyes widened as the male spoke his truth, there was a great deal of hurt and betrayal in his voice which was something that only told Connor that his instincts were right.

He fucked up.

Connor's ears dropped with his brows arching up and his lips peeling back into a deep frown, his breathing became rapid as he darted his eyes back in forth from Moonshadow to Howl. What had he done? His draw dropped horrified as Howl finished his preaching and turned away, exiting the scene, Connor looked to Moonshadow with desperation in his eyes, "you mean to tell me that you were seeing someone else all along?" His voice came out like a whisper, almost like he was about to cry as his emerald eyes looked into the eyes of the woman he just made love to.

Now he just felt sick.

He didn't wait for her to reply as rage started boiling in his blood, he figured that she would make excuses for herself since she didn't tell him at all, did she use her depression just to use him? Connor's once distraught face turned into one of rage, his nose wrinkled and his brows furrowed, his once sympathetic gaze turned into one of hatred. He didn't say anything to the woman, instead, he whipped around and dashed for Howl, he dashed for the man that he had betrayed, was it even his fault? No matter, he called out for him as he caught the male in his sights, "Howl, wait!" He skidded up to him with his chest heaving, "there has been a mistake, or-or something! Moonshadow didn't tell me that she had relations with you!" Connor panted, his eyes widen with hurt for he didn't want the male to think less of him because he had made a mistake and he felt like an utter idiot for not sensing it. He should have known better!

But the titan didn't want Howl to be hurt, "I-I'm sorry! I was a fool! I had no idea I swear! If I had known, I would have never done it!," he stumbled but his words were true and sincere, he would have never committed such an act for cheating in his eyes was a sin. 

All cheating does is hurt others, and that was the thing Connor hated the most.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She had messed up again and this time the woman didn't even know what she did wrong. But the woman didn't even want to ask. She just wanted to go hide from this as she watched them run off as she just stood there feeling more broken and confused as ever and she sunk into the earth a bit.
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Howl's exit

He heard Conner's voice call out to him but he kept walking forward ignoring it. It was only once he couldn't that he acknowledged Conner. He cut in front of Howl with heavy breath. Howl glared at the male out of instinct the pit in his stomach feeling more and more empty as he had to look him in the eye and further acknowledge what he had done. "That doesn't change what happened! Did you even bother to ask?" he said ina deep aggravated voice, uncharacteristic of Howl. 

His thoughts were not rational. It wasn't as if he were going to suddenly have a change of heart and find the will to have a civilized chat with Conner at this moment. He wasn't solely to blame but that wouldn't change what he had done.

As Conner continued to plea and express his guilt the look in his eyes was passionate. Howl looked away and huffed, knowing his anger may not be justifiably aimed at the right individual. "I will try and take that into consideration," he said as calmly as he could though rage was still heavy in his breath. With that, he went on, a way to collect himself.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
Just PM me and we and plot and thread!