Whitefish River Last Man Standing
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Limit Two 
The decision that they had made did not come bereft of further internal conflict. He was tired from the weight of everything riding on him, but he had to press onward. There wasn't much the guard could do staying in the confines of the empire. He needed to start setting out on his plan to find somewhere else to stay. As soon as Yuudai was safely kept somewhere else then Collision would be able to make his move. That included no longer living in the Vale.

 It was sad.

 He hadn't thought too hard about the sister-pack in any of this. Did they have any idea what was going on within the Empire? Likely not. Perhaps they had issues of their own. He couldn't help but to wonder if this would be a good move. Coming to them. Reiko had so many friends in this place he felt as though it would give him more allies and people with understanding for what needed to be done. Perhaps somewhere here would be able to give him advice...perhaps it would turn the tables for the absolute success he so desired. 

 He came upon the border of Kaistleoki and his head tiled back into a howl. He knew he could just go in, but he still lacked the confidence to do so. The wolves here knew of him, but they did not know what his true intentions were underneath the surface he had given. They only knew him to be a silent guard. His body settled into a firm stance and he awaited, with hope, their leader. @Ira
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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The day had been rather eventful and for good reasons as far as the Count was concerned. It seemed that her pups were excited to finally explore past the den, but their energy was still limited. Ira made sure to let them have a good amount of time exploring the area surrounding the whelping den, but after that, she'd have @Hieronymous stay with them for a nap. She wanted to move, not sit back in the drowning silence. Never would the Count have guessed that she would miss working so much. Raising the kids was supposed to be a blessing, yet every turn a new obstacle struck, one unnatural and consumed by sorrow.

Ira's concerns of her friend had drifted, the chaos ensuing the vale of their sister pack blissfully unknown. As far as the roan woman was concerned, life was well and many pups were on the way, likely born now. A howl called for her attention causing the warrior to stop in her tracks. It had been a while since she was requested along the borders, or well, more so since she answered one. Perhaps it was what she needed, something normal.

It wouldn't take long for the Count to arrive and quickly identify the man. He was the guard that had traveled with Reiko weeks ago, a man of the Empire. Brief confusion filled her features as Ira offered a head tilt in her approach. Collision, correct? You have no need to call here. Perhaps he still found the borders strange, hopefully, soon everyone would adapt. It would prove the strength between packs to live so entwined.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Bringing bad news was not often something that Collision had to do and he found quite quickly that it was not something he enjoyed. It were as though a dark cloud hovered over him. Covering his mood, his feelings, and his expressions. He wanted out of the darkness and to bask in the sunlight once more. It was a long road before he could be certain that was entirely possible. 

 Ira began to appear before him. Her body drawing closer and closer and Collision felt more anxious with each stride towards him she took. What was he to say? How could he word it? He couldn't ask to soon take refuge here after she had witnessed what had been his supposedly unbreakable loyalty to Reiko and not explain why. She was going to get an answer and he hoped she wouldn't jump the gun. 

 She greeted him and remembered his name. He offered her only the slightest of smiles and bowed his head to her, "Yes, that's correct, Ira. I know I didn't need to ask, but I'm still unknown to many of your wolves and I would imagine Kaistleoki has new children around. I didn't want to cause any alarm," It was simply a show of respect and Collision figured she would understand that fully. 

 "I actually came on a quite serious note, as well," He wanted to burst like a dam and unleash everything. His mind argued that there was quite a level of delicacy that needed to be given to this situation. He hoped that he could even make sense of it to get it all out both chronologically and without misunderstanding, "For starters; I wanted to see if Kaistleoki had room for another--myself," Surely, that would be the beginning of the end of this horrible tale.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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Master Guardian
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The guardian was quick to offer a bow, polite as ever, but this time far less quiet. He was quick to provide a reason for her summoning and while she stood by the pact made between packs, she wouldn't deny that she was not eager for her children to run around with a stranger. Collision had seemed trustworthy though, and loyal at that. Only wolves who have proved themselves to their pack were allowed to cross the borders freely and given the Empress' escort upon her last arrival, she was certain Collision fell into a safe category. Even so, she'd hum with a short nod before moving to the next topic the knight brought.

The man asked if there would be a place amongst them, but not for just anyone, it was for himself. The Count raised a brow ever so slightly as she straightened her posture. We have room. Those of the Empire are always welcome, even if the switch be more permanent. Once more her head tilted as she gazed at the knight before her eyes flicked up to the mountain peaks. But I believe it is only fair that I ask for your reasoning. It's true the packs were close and their members were allowed to switch homes should they desire, but if he had been forced out for some reason she would not be as eager to accept him into their ranks.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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His mind reeled with ways to say what obviously needed to be stated. It was no surprise to him that Ira questioned his intentions. Honestly, Kaistleoki would be a good choice for him. It was close to the Vale so that he could keep tabs on what was happening and get to Vespera quickly if she was found out. It would also make it so she could get any information to him. Equally, they would understand the importance (he hoped) of his mission and he would be able to disappear to confer with Yuudai. 

 It had occurred to him that he could very easily go without a pack and remain a loner until the dust had settled within the empire, but he wasn't sure how long it would take and he needed to feel a purpose and keep his mind busy. Additionally...he wasn't sure he could return to the Vale and trust Reiko given what she had put them up for anyways. They had all become lambs to the slaughter. She had perverted what it meant to be an honorable member of the Empire. 

 "I suppose I owe you that much. I'm sorry for what I have to tell you," There was a deep-rooted sorrow that manifested in his eyes and everything in his body showed discomfort. He did all but sigh. "Reiko announced Takeshi as her Emperor. At first...I was willing to follow as that was the wish of my empress...but things...went wrong," Did Ira know of Takeshi? Did she know of who he really was? Honestly, Collision didn't understand the initial deep-rooted hate, but if it was just based off of his personality...then there was plenty to have bad taste towards. 

 "Yuudai spoke outwardly towards him. Takeshi struck him down and stripped him of his rank. Yuudai's ribs were broken in the process. I guarded him and several others that stood in opposition...and I also had my rank taken from me," This was beginning to sound a lot like the temper tantrum of a jaded boy and not the heroic story of a just man, "I don't mind the loss of my rank. I am not who I've become because I was in the process of ascending. Takeshi showed colors of rage. He was irrational and quick to make judgement. Ever since...ever since Reiko has let him in she has fallen further and further. She's....presently catatonic. I suppose that's the only means of explaining her current state. I don't believe Reiko wanted him to rule beside her. However, I also am regretfully pained to see her unwillingness to show the strength I know she has and stand up for what she truly believes to be right. A plan is in motion to remove Takeshi from the thone. By any means necessary. We just need time, and I can't remain there and the plan succeed," No, he had far too much to say to too many others in that place.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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The guardian had no qualms opening up, though his story was much more than she expected to hear. Several names were unfamiliar, Takeshi, Yuudai, the Count knew that Reiko had taken on a mate so she could only assume that the man was Takeshi. Had she not praised her small family when the Empress visited? Still, his story had the potential to be honest. Reiko had made a sudden trip down the mountain so close to her due date with the means to getaway. It puzzled her and their healer as to what might have spurred the sudden "vacation" as she called it.

It was troubling that more than one stood in defiance towards the new Emperor's crowning. This was just the word of one, but once more Collision had seemed fairly loyal upon his last visit. It would not make sense for the man to rebel now unless his words were true. The guardian did not seem like a power-hungry individual, this was not for his own gain. The Count would still need confirmation though. Ira's thoughts lingered on the last words of Collision's words. A plan was in motion to dethrone the Emperor. How many of you are there? She had been referring to those that were plotting. Rumors would do no good floating around and Kaistleoki had their own issues to deal with.

As things stood, Ira was in no state to travel up the mountain. Her kids were far too young and still too dependent for her to leave their side, nor did she want to after...well. The roan woman was quick to shift her thoughts, she would have to send someone else. Someone who could keep a secret should this tale prove fact. Perhaps @Hieronymous, the Count was growing to trust him more by the day and he already harbored one secret. I'll have to confirm your story myself, but for now, I shall trust you. If you are to stay here though, there will be no rumormongering. I have a lot of faith placed in my apprentice, I'm sure you might understand that I do not want your words to be true let alone a panic to stir within my pack.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Ira was a strong woman. Something that Collision found he admired. She found her refuge in her strength and as that went rarely did they stand to trust anyone outside of a select few that had proven themselves time and time again. For him it had been Reiko. She had been the first to extend him a hand of friendship...then she had let go so that the waters could overtake him. Then there was Yuudai and Vespera. Two that were as strong willed and two that had his back. They all had to hold one another now and there was nothing else to do besides stand strong together. 

 How many...that was all a matter of perspective. There were many wounded and thrown to the wilds without a second thought. There were many in danger. But there were only, "Three. Yuudai, Vespera, and Myself. We are all working together..." He just wanted to try and make things right, "I don't want any special treatment. And I don't mind if Reiko seeks punishment for the way I've spoken to her or anyone else. I refuse to apologize for doing the right thing," 

 Collision looked Ira directly in her eyes and he knew that she would have rules if he decided to stay here. Things he could agree to, "I...have to ask, Ira. As far as anyone knows Yuudai is dead. We wish to keep it that way," It was a secret he had to confess to her so that they could attain their ultimate goal. If she upset that balance then they would have no chance at redeeming the Empire's prestige, "I have much to do before I should need to be here, but you have my word I'll not involve any of your assemblage in this matter. For all they need to know I'm here on an extended stay to get to know the sister-pack," And while the lies seemed to pile on and on Collision couldn't help but figure this was the right thing to do. It quelled her concern and it kept him where he seemed most comfortable in these times--alone.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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Only three, one of which was Vespera. It surprised her to hear that the girl was getting into more trouble, she seemed to have sworn a path of betterment last they spoke. Perhaps it was for the best though, of not just Reiko, but all who resided in the Empire. Ira only offered a simple nod to the man's request, Your problems are your own, I wish no part of it. I only care for the safety of my friend and her people. Whatever lies you have spun I know nothing of should the truth be revealed.

It was important to her that things were settled within the Empire, but Ira still stood by her own personal rule. She would not get involved in the drama that did not involve herself. If Yuudai was proclaimed dead then to Ira the man was dead, whoever he might be. I can follow your reasoning. When the time comes all you need to do is call. Perhaps it would be better for someone else to greet the man upon his return. It would settle his lie better and leave the Count unaccountable for whatever it was they were planning.

Gods, what mess have you gotten into now Reiko.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Ooc — Impala
Collision was happy that, though she was not willing to participate in the slightest, she would not advocate against what he was doing and would not stand in his way. There was a balance that must be upheld in this situation and he didn't want Ira to end up being the reason nothing changed. It would have been something regrettable for him. 

 "I appreciate that. When the time comes it will be as though all of this is going on. I want what is happening in the Empire to remain in the Empire," If word got out at the instability he could be battling outside forces. The unholy trinity might be able to work against a single arrogant minded male, but he wasn't sure what he would do if a greater evil decided there was enough discord for a full take-over. He had already lost one home that way. Funny enough, he still referred to the Empire as home. Maybe that meant...

 "I have much to do, Ira. Thank you for your...listening," he couldn't call it understanding or support. He didn't believe he truly had either. She came off as cold, but the truth was, he saw where her heart simply wished to guard those most important to her first and that there was concern for the tribulations unfolding. Perhaps that was all that needed to be done for now. Perhaps that made her the perfect unofficial alliance. Now he had to do the most painful thing he ever would've done and he set back towards the empire.

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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
The Count was relieved to hear the guardian's plan to keep these happenings within the Empire. They were sister packs, but the chaos of one should not harm the other. The packs are meant to lift each other up, and while she knew a downfall would require their aid, it was Reiko's job to manage her pack. The Empire was still new, they had to stand on their own legs before Ira rushed to their aid. Otherwise, it would just be a group of wolves dependant on the river wolves when they still had their own problems to deal with, even if they might be smaller than the current upheaval in the mountain valley.

Collison took his leave, thanking her for her time to which the Count would just offer a nod, Of course. I shall commence my own digging in the meantime. If the man had been lying well...then there would be a change in plans, but for now, Ira would play along. She watched as the knight left and only once he was fully out of sight would she head back to her pups.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads