Moonspear Say Hello to the night
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
making of talisman for @Dutch

Water cold from thr sprong sat in a hollowed out log. A fur skin covering it. He would put it out as the first rays of dawn began to purple the sky. And it would sit just past when the sun was high then he'd soak the stone of obsidian in it. That also sat collecting sun. Followed hy the strips of rabbit hide he was using for the wolf Dutch.

In the water he added Sage for protection and cleansing. Chamomile for repelling the negative. Mugwort for protection. Then he also put some of the dried herbs in small rabbit fur. Clasped it shut tight with a hole bored on the top with claw and a small branch of Hawthorne to hold it tight.

The nightshade already lay deep in the den in a similar bag. But otter skin so it did not touch the wolf Dutch. He would need to not touch with paws, use the fur only and still wash well in the river.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He wasn’t dying. The scrape along his back wasn’t even that deep, just long and painful. All he wanted to do was sprawl in some snow to numb the constant stinging. He would need to head north for that, which he did, because it wasn’t just his flesh that hurt.

Soon the ravine would fill with the pitter-patter of tiny feet, none of them belonging to him. It bothered Talisman deeply, convincing him that he didn’t belong with The Tribe, once and for all. They didn’t even want him. Well, the women didn’t, anyway. And all he wanted in the world was to be a dad!

He walked toward some distant mountains, where he knew he would find plenty of snow. He passed an enormous lake, which looked frozen. Fearing otters, Talis gave it a wide berth. Soon he was scurrying up the nearby mountainside.

The young coyote found plenty of snow, even falling asleep in a drift. He woke up the next morning chilled to the bone and shivering all over. Even after he climbed out of the snowbank, he couldn’t stop the quaking. The numbness wore off and the pain in his infected cut was excruciating.

Between the fever and the pain, the young coyote was soon disoriented, then downright delirious. He stumbled through the mountains, crying in agonized confusion.

If this is totally intrusive, just let me know and I’ll remove it!
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
never!stares at your claim of intrusive scandalized. Not intrusive at all.

The call that came to him had his ears perked to his head and his fur raised. What? He looked sround ryes wide as each yipping scream put him further on edge. Something was hurt bad.

He warred between indecision and his need to help. Finally, the latter won out. He cut a slow path through thr mountains knowing it was treacherous if you didn't know where you were going.

As he neared the creature crying. He recognized it as coyote and continued. Hey

A gentle croon in his voice. The other was obviously out of its mind with fever. Clear by the glazed look and the smell that came from the wound. He would garner achingly cold too.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Someone appeared in front of him. Talisman jumped, his mouth opening in an “o” of surprise as he inhaled sharply. When his breath left him a moment later, it sounded like air escaping a deflated balloon.

He flung himself at the stranger, crying, Help! I don’t want to die! His dusty paws clutched at the man he didn’t know, hissing now, I don’t want to die like her… please, help me…
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric hadn't meant to surprise the coyote. But he was definitely surprised. He briefly wondered if he would need to grab onto him in case he lost his footing from being startled. 

Suddenly the other was in his space and atop him. He dug his paws into the ground so they didn't topple and gently used his front legs and paws to hold the man. 

I will do what I can. First we need to get rid of the infection. That should do a great deal for you. Who died? Is someone else hurt?
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The stranger steadied Talis, who gulped in a great breath of air. His whole body trembled uncontrollably. Pain and a peculiar sense of pressure seared up the length of his back, where the wolf’s tooth had etched a shallow line.

My—mother, the coyote replied haltingly. He shuddered at the word “infection,” tears wetting his eyes as he begged, Please, will you help me?
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
While Alaric held the coyote in this position he was able to look over the wound at least in part. it wasn't deep this was good. Just shallow and by the looks from teeth or claws. If it was teeth they were dirty anyway. And if it was a particularly raunchy brute that had bit this poor creature. Well.

Oh so his mother had died of infection. Easy you won't die today or anytime soon from this if I have my way. I'm Alaric by the way. Let's get you to the nearby stream. I have all the herbs i need on me, but I do need to clean it out.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He sobbed himself into silence when the man reassured him he wouldn’t die today. Still trembling, Talis allowed himself to be guided toward a stream, where Alaric said he would clean out the wound.

Talis, he murmured, falling quiet again before remembering to add, That’s my name.

For some reason, his lip began to quiver a few seconds later. The tears swimming in his eyes began to fall, hot at first but quickly chilling in the frigid January air. It wasn’t just his body that was hurt and confused but his heart too.

I just don’t want to die before I get to be a dad, Talisman whispered miserably.
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The coyote was very tearful for such a shallow wound.  Though Alaric knew the pain was probably ten fold thanks to the infection that leaked from it in pus and bile.  It would hurt like hell to clean out. And he burned with fever, but was probably achingly cold. 

Well Talis, this unfortunatly is going to hurt before it gets better, but let me see here. Ready clench your teeth if you need too, bite a stick.

He reaced a paw into the water and lifted it allowing it to drip along the wound. Then he would need to clean with some fur. He knew it would be painful and he tried to keep the man talking, and steady him at the same time.

You want to be a dad eh? Well if you are looking for a wife. There is a wolfess in the mountains named Kukutux or moonwoman. She offers matchmaking services. She maybe able to find you a mate. Unless you already have one?

He didn't smell like other's. Just loam and dirt and infection.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Talis managed to calm himself by the time they reached the stream, though there was no stopping the shivers. His wet eyes widened when Alaric said it would hurt when he washed his wound. He immediately cast his pale eyes around for a stick, snatching it. Tears still leaked from his eyes as he maneuvered himself into place.

Alaric talked to him as he poured icy cold water over the hot, weeping flesh. Talisman gave a little cry, muffled as he clenched down on the stick. His whole body tensed and released as the shivering became even worse. Soon the stick was clattering as his teeth chattered against the wood. Still he did his best to concentrate on the wolf’s voice.

The question made him shake his head mournfully. He didn’t even want a mate, just the kids! It hit him like a lightning strike: maybe that was part of the problem? Maybe Candle, S’ari and K’oa wanted the stability of a proper partner, hence they hadn’t chosen him? Talis couldn’t even deny that he was flaky and noncommittal.

He hung his head, the stick dangling before dropping into the water.
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was as gentle as possible. But he was sure it hurt so bad. He cleaned it out as quickly as he could. And then began to heal. Sage, yarrow, aloe. Squiahed into a paste.

He smeared it along the wound. All these help stave off infection.

Cobwebs he wound on the fur. It made it sticky but it would work.

does it feel a little better at least? Any other ailments? Are you cold? Or too hot?
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He grew numb. It was probably just the cold water naturally anesthetizing his skin, though Talisman’s insides suddenly felt hollow too. It was his own fault he was such a disappointment and a failure. He just didn’t match up with his own kind. He wasn’t even cut out for Muat-riya.

Alaric murmured that dreaded word again but Talis barely heard him. Instead, he was thinking about his very first conversation with S’ari, when he’d told her about his mom… and how her fate and its effects on his dad had driven him away from the thought of ever taking his own mate. But he’d just survived something similar, so maybe it was time to reconsider—reconsider everything.

I’m okay, he said quietly to Alaric’s queries, turning to look gratefully at the swarthy man. Thank you for helping me. I think you might’ve just saved my life. Talis let out a breath. And now I have to decide what to do with it.
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric wasn't sure how the coyote was fsring. He was awfully quiet. It made him a tad ner ous, but perhaps he was just hollowed out from it all. Infections wrung you out.

Alaric smiled. We're all figuring that out bud. Now I'd like you to come with me to my pack or if you're not comfortable we can find you a warm dey place. Just for a couple of days so I can keep an eye on you is that okay?
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He didn’t deserve this generosity, he knew. Talisman had failed The Tribe—and its women—yet again. But he was in no position to decline such an offer. He wasn’t ready to embrace a life of solitude just yet. Talis still clutched at his dreams of fatherhood. Maybe this could be an opportunity to redeem himself and earn that privilege…

Of course that’s okay, he said with a wobbly smile, still shivering. If they won’t mind, I’d like to go there with you. What’s it like? Your pack?

The sensation was returning now that Alaric wasn’t actively pouring frigid water down his spine. The sense of pressure was gone and it didn’t burn quite so much. It just felt deeply achy. And maybe a little sticky. The coyote didn’t turn to see what ointments Alaric had applied. The guy had just saved his life; he trusted him implicitly.
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric didn't give two shakes of a lambs tail if this coyote didn't feel deserving. He was gonna help him anyway, cause thats just what he does.

He made soft hmm sound. Most of us are healers, or seers. Our leader Sialuk is both. We have a few hinters, but not many. Peaceful mostly.

Alaric moved so the coyote Talisman could see him. We even have a den just for patients. So you'll have a nice warm dry place to rest and heal.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
It made sense that Alaric hailed from a place of healing. Talisman didn’t know what was meant by “seer,” though he didn’t inquire further just now. He supposed he would find out for himself in time.

That sounds wonderful, he replied, ready to follow wherever Alaric led him. Once I’m feeling better, I’ll do everything I can to repay your kindness, earn my keep.

He should probably mention that he was socially inept, though Talisman kept that to himself. He would just try harder, do better. This was a fresh start, a new lease on life. Talis could reshape himself into a better contributor and, eventually, a worthy choice for a mate and father figure.

Are you a leader too? What’s the pack called?
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alsric had been a tradwr before he was a healer, so even he was unsure were he 100% healer.

Alaric smiled. Well get better first and then we'll gladly take the help.

Alaric blinked. He supposed he was. He had almost forgotten. He gave a nod. I am. It is called Moonspear.

It was so new his shiny title that he sometimes forgot
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Deal, Talis said wearily, managing a small smile.

By the time they made it down to the healing ulaq, the coyote realized he knew this place. He wondered how those little guardians were doing. He supposed they probably weren’t so little anymore. He remembered the girl yelling, “We’ll eat you!” and just hoped she didn’t feel that way today, if she even remembered him at all.

He made no mention of that day, only saying, Thank you, Alaric. As soon as I get some rest, I’m at your beck and call. If there’s anything I can do, just tell me.

It wasn’t exactly the same thing as being a zafra or fellahin, yet saying the words settled something inside the young coyote. Talisman would live to serve Alaric and Moonspear.
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric would help Talisman settle. A small smile.

Alright get some rest, Talisman. I'll be bsck to check on you.

 Then find @Sialuk to let her know he was here. He didn't think she'd mind, but he would need her help he imagined.

 He'd work to restock his supplies and maybe find Acrux and Maggak.