Swiftcurrent Creek Mini Site

Pack relations

This guide should give you an idea of what Fox expects of her followers. Failure of your character to behave properly around other wolves will have consequences. Repeated failures could lead to being chased out of the pack. "Visitors" are not allowed within the bounds of Swiftcurrent.

Stavanger Bay


Wheeling Gull Isle


Blacktail Deer Plateau

Neutral-friendly. Fox has a good relationship with Peregrine.

Silvertip Mountain

Neutral. When Jinx (former Beta) left Swiftcurrent Creek, she formed STM.

The Sunspire

Enemies. Currently holds Leaf and Magpie as captives.



Trespassers are to be fought on site and/or chased out of the pack, no exceptions.


Leader guide

Just wanted to give leaders a heads up about how I accept people. They should state whether or not they're joining IC or OOC in their request to join the group. If not, PM them and ask if they'd like a joining thread.

For OOC joining

For IC joining