Wolf RPG

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Vallkyrie's travels brought her northward yet still. Leaving the steaming pools of water behind her, she traveled through the Gyrfalcon's Keep, their screeches upon their hill allowing Kyr the will to move quickly past through a valley and it was here she came out to the coast. 

Eager to set eyes on the sea, Vallkyrie moved through the tall grasses and fallen debris from the storms that had passed and towards the sandy shore. The stavenger bay was far more beautiful then any of the Teekon Wilds thus far, that was for sure. Beyond, she could see where the emerald grasses turned to forestry. She made a note to explore there and find what wonders lay within. 

Even with all the debris cluttering the beach, it was a sight to behold. The late afternoon had brought a shift of tides, the water receding the a manner of prey being exposed. Vallkyrie, having lived on a peninsula, was no newcomer to hunting crustacean and so began digging about the beach happily.
Sorry for the wait! Oooh, another potential hunting thread toward the duty, thanks!

She heard the sound of crashing waves before she saw them, picking her way carefully through the littered sand so as not to step on anything that could potentially harm her. She was curious, having never been much of a fan of water but fascinated by its immense size and beauty non the less. She hadn't much luck finding plentiful prey on the surrounding land, at least not worth filling her belly as she preferred and today she thought to try her hand at fishing--that is if the water hadn't already frozen over.

She knew winter was coming, and with it a change to the land that severly limited her ability to hunt with precision. Her nose lowered to sniff at the sand, and her eyes immediately locked on the trail of pawprints leading toward the water, it was obvious that she hadn't been the only one seeking out the prey of the sea. She approached the dark woman careful and slow, her posture neutral, and when she was within a good speaking range she announced her presence in case her scent hadn't been picked up yet by the wind. "Any luck?" she asked the woman, testing to see if this woman would show aggression to another showing up on her hunting grounds.
I didnt even know she was going to be a hunter! Lol. But Kyr is too so just luck I guess.

Digging for prey in the sand was far different then tracking herds or chasing down rabbit, that was for sure. Your eyes were needed more so then your nose, looking for the shifting in the sands, the designs left in the dirt and the little holes spitting out water where they rest. 

One thing good about the beach was not worrying about being able to get to water food because of it freezing over. The beach waters were never tammed by the elements, even the cold and dead winters. 

Digging deeper, she began to scratch at the shell of a small crab. Its here that the salty winds carried the scent of a wolf near and Kyr's dark skull lifted to see another dark colored wolf in the distance, headed up the beach in her direction. 

Vallkyrie stopped her digging, alert and cautious of the stranger. Her paw swept over the crab which in turn burrowed further down. Now it looked like just a hole, nothing more. 'Any luck?' The woman had questioned. Last Kyr had attempted a hunting partner she had tried to swindle her. Vallkyrie wasnt in the mood for taking any more risks and so said, Not quite yet. Though I'm sure the receding tide will not fail us. She spoke with a slight smile to the mocha colored woman. Do you live near? Only curious, as it was hard to determine a scent of a pack upon her. Vallkyrie had passed many already, though none clicked with the woman before her yet. Maybe she was another wanderer, as herself?
So sorry for the wait >.<

Her tailed wagged slow behind her when the woman noticed her there, and a friendly smile came to her mouth when the woman responded with an answer that was uncertain but seemed at least somewhat promising for fair hunting. The dark woman made a remark of the prospect of successful hunting, having admitted that the sea was spotty at best and for a moment she contemplated searching for more promising land but remained at her spot despite the odds. She'd traveled this far and would not leave out empty handed, she would find something, even if she had to track down the pesty crab that had made a hole in the sand earlier. "Good, I'm willing to wait out the tide for a moment. I haven't traveled this far to turn back empty handed." she said, confident that she would have some kind of reward within her jaws.

She sniffed at the salty air, allowing her eyes to turn to the lapping sea waves, mesmerized by the sheer size and beauty, before turning back to her company, finally answering her question about her home. "No, I live near the mountain. Moonspear mountain to be exact." she responded. "and you, is this your home? she asked with a tilt of her crown, bright eyes curious as to whether this woman was so lucky to call this place home, she couldn't recall having ever meant a sea wolf before but there was a first for everything.
oh your fine girl!

The woman approached with a friendly demeanor, stating she had not come all this way to return with empty jaws and she was determined to find something to eat here along the coast. Vallkyrie lifted her head high, sniffing the salted air and then turned her icy attention to the seas. While the ground animals can flee this land to another, the sea creatures seem more adept to stay strong and true to their beaches. I feel like hunting in or near water is always more reliable. After all, everyone needed water to survive. Predator, prey, and the beey earth itself. 

When the woman then explained that she lived within the mountains, Moonspear, Kyr then directed her attention back to her, ears perking curiously. Another pack then, within the mountains though not the chain which Kyr had so far come across. This was eastern chain which loomed far in the distance from here. When then the stocky woman asked if this was her own home, Vallkyrie half smirked and shook her crown. No. Although, this bay is quite beautiful, I havent quite settled down just yet. These Wilds are still quite new to me.  She admitted and took a few more long-legged strides into the other woman's direction. My name is Vallkyrie Archer. It's a pleasure.  She would formerly introduce.
"I am not the best at fishing." she admitted, settling to her haunches and listening in silence as the water rolled and retreated around them. She had come from flatlands and they were plentiful of both large and small prey and pests all kind--they hadn't a need to fish for their food to survive. She was willing to give fishing a try and hoped beyond hope that her company was experienced enough to lend a few tips for her as well. "but I'm a fast learner and very determined." she'd mentioned her desire to return back to Moonspear with a prize for their caches and she meant it. 

The woman was a loner and was relatively new to these lands, she wondered if the dark woman would be interested in joining a pack with winter upon them. She knew that with time, and fleeing prey, that her life a loner would grow harder as the weather grew harsh. "I hope these lands are plentiful for you, Valkyrie." she spoke, nodding her head and gave the girl her name in return. "I'm Katya Noir. It's a pleasure meeting you as well." she said, happy that her company was friendly enough to share these hunting ground with her. "are you any good at fishing?" she asked next, silence finally coming over her.
The woman before her settled down into a sit, openly admitting her faults when it came to being a fisherman though equally her willingness to watch, learn and try on her own. A determined nature was also something Vallkyrie held in herself and she could relate to the coffee colored woman's willingness. 

Politely and properly, the stocky woman before her wished her well this day and then introduced herself as well. She was pleasant in a manner which reminded her of many of the Empire wolves back in her birth pack. Though not always friendly, kind, or even good wolves in general, the majority of them were always well mannered, honest and never rude. Katya hu? I like that. She admits, nodding her head as though confirming. Kat and Kyr - that fit. 

Then, a puff in her white chest, she boasts.Quite decent, I'd admit. She spoke with a sheepish smile. My homeland is a land surrounded on all sides with the sea savor one, which has treacherous mountains, guarding it from the rest of the world. I've admited quite well with both water hunting and land hunts. She explained this, leaking out her skills in the hunting trade. At least she knew how to hunt well if she were to survive through the winter primarily on her own. Now she just needed to avoid conflicts and getting injured for although she had been trained to dabble a little in all skills, hunting was very obviously her natural trade. I'll show ya a thing or two.
She smiled hearing her name repeated, the woman was kind to say the least and seemed welcoming of Katya's questions. It was a pleasure knowing that at least someone didn't find her questions prodding and overly abundant. "My home was flat and grassy...boring." she added, sticking her tongue out in displeasure and chuckling at the childish response she gave. She was sure that the woman got the gist that her homeland was not one that she enjoyed reminiscing about. "I'll let you do your thing and try afterward if that's okay with you. I'll admit, I'm a fast learner." and she moved to allow the woman enough space to settle for fishing. She hadn't tested the temperature of the water and wondered if the crashing waves would make a difference but was positive that Valkyrie had considered all these factors and was prepared for the task ahead.
Katya spoke, revealing she was born a field wolf where the lands were flat, open and to her, boring. Kyr could understand, for although it was nice to get a good run in an open, lush meadow or plain, especially while in the hunt, it was not as fun to dig in and explore like a forestry or beach side, or hell, even the crages and caverns amongst the mountains. Vallkyrie couldnt imagine calling home to some place so exposed

Vallkyrie would wrinkle her black muzzle and stick out her tongue in the same manner as Katya had, a sign of her agreement and chuckled. With the woman stating she was going to step back and let Vallkyrie do her thing while she observed, Vallkyrie felt more at ease. If she kept settled off to the side, Kyr was confident she could dash out of here if needed should this woman try to scam her. Thinking back to @Belherra, Kyr snickered once more and began padding towards the shallows of the bay. 

I wouldn't ever suggest fishing on an open beach and taking on the waves. It can be quite dangerous and hard to capture food without a mouth of water and sand, not to mention getting knocked over by the waves. But coves and inlets like this, the tides are more gentle where they've broken up by the land around them. Easier to wade in the shores for something decent. She called out in explanation to the woman as she splashed through the shallows of the beach.

Coming to an area in the waters where some rocky formations and sea grass lie, she slowed her pace and stood there in the waters, head low, frozen. She seemed like a status for the longest time. The area of cover from the rock and kelp provided comfort to the fish who lived here. After some time, the shadow of Vallkyrie was but another rock to the fish, a place to hide. 

In an instant then, Vallkyrie lunges downward, plunging her front half into the water and then up, revealing a short, round and plump slivered fish from her jaws.
She watched and listened in silence. Her attention never wavered as Valkyrie made her way through the water and waited, with a patience that Katya wished that she had, until a silver fish was brought from the depths of the waves. She squealed for the dark woman, excited that she had a prize in her jaws worth the effort and made her way to the water for her own round of fishing. She could hear Valkyrie's words in her head, advice on the best way to capture the flighty prey and without missing a beat she dunked her head in the water. 

She lifted her head quickly, relieved that the chilly water no longer surrounded her head and filled her ears but embarrassed that she had failed to mimic the woman's actions. She shook out the water that dripped from her frame and turned toward Valkyrie with a whine of frustration, ears coming down on her head. "I think I came in too quickly." she said, admitting her fault and coming back to the land to clear her mind. She glanced toward the fish in her partners jaws in earnest, licking her lips and turning away with a hope that it would quiet her rumbling stomach. She had failed, and for that the woman would go without a moment longer. "I'll watch one more time, just so that I can perfect the technique."
The other woman squealed in delight that Kyr had been successful in her catch, causing the black cloaked woman to smile wider, mouth of fish, and her soaked tail waving up in the air, tossing salt water about.  She trotted back over into her direction, high-stepping through the water just as Katya came equally towards her and then take her placement in the waters where Vallkyrie had been. 

Settling down on the beach and plopping the fish down between her long forelegs, she watched with an icy attention as Katya gave her first try. Unsuccessful and to be suspected. Many hunts ended in failure even for the best of hunters, especially when food was scarce. Vallkyrie nodded her head, agreeing to the woman's comment on coming in too quickly. Vallkyrie could see the woman's error in what she had done but more importantly, so did Katya see it. 

I admit, fishing is not for everyone. It does not have the rush or appeal as with land animals. There is no sniffing them out, no tracking, no rush when your running after them or an adrenaline boost when it gets risky. She spoke, breathing in deep and lifting up from her sit as Katya made her way back to the beach by her. Though I feel fishing is more likely to bring success in the long run, it requires much patience, stillness and silence. Would Katya have the quality of patience to pull it off? 

Moving back towards the water, Vallkyrie took pleasure in knowing this bay was plentiful with food, probably due to the recent change in tide which caused the sea to recede. As well, she had purposefully left her catch there on the beach by Katya, if only to put the woman's intentions to the test. The fish have been frightened. They will need time to come back out, but their memory of danger is far less lived then that of a hare or deer.... She speaks quietly and yet, knew that the wolf, of course, would be able to hear her perfectly. I'd imagine, raised out in the fields, your an excellent hare hunter. She spoke with question, a smile on her lips to the woman.
It was in the moment, watching the woman eat her fill, that she found herself even more determined to master fishing. She would be the best fisher in the area, and if needed, she'd be ready to teach others the technique as she'd been taught. She would be sure to give Valkyrie her due credit. "Fishing is definitely not something we did back home," she said, smiling rather wide. She nodded her head when the woman made mention that hares were probably more her fortay, it would be a truth she couldn't deny but the lithe woman rather preferred chasing down fowl than the light footed rabbit anyday.

"We hunted down plenty of hares, deer and badger. You know the like. I preferred the birds myself. They were difficult, and hard to catch off guard, but the adrenaline is enough to make anyone addicted." she said with a smile, reminiscing of the times when she'd catch one nearly in the air, feathers flying everywhere. It was a sight for the world to see. "I'll get this fishing down too, if anything, I won't give up." she said while coming back to the bank, ignoring the piece left behind from Valkyrie. She'd catch her own even if it took all night--she only hoped it wouldn't.

She settled into the water nearly elbow deep and watched the first visitor come near, it inspected the rocks below for food. She didn't move, not wanting the fish to flee from her shadow as it came close to her dark paws, unaware of the fate that could become of it. She waited, creeping near the surface of the water with the carefulness of a cat nearing to pounce on an unexpected mouse and when she felt the adrenaline in her nearly explode she launched toward her target, jaws wide. It was quick but her teeth clamped down on the small fish, its muscles wiggling within her grasp with a ferocity that she hadn't anticipated but it only made her clamp down harder until she slung it quickly to the ground where it would settle down in defeat. Panting as though she'd run a marathon she looked to Valkyrie expectedly, yipping in delight at her flapping prize.
The Archer woman listened on as the other woman mentioned common prey of her home as rabbit, deer and even taking down badgers and last... birds. A bird hunter? She spoke, silken black ears perking with interest. I cant say I have ever hunted birds before, although i had had pheasant before. Maybe you could teach me one day? She spoke with honest interest. She thought, perhaps, she would be good at it too given the fact that she was quite a tall, leggy woman and could jump high to catch birds it flight. 

Stepping aside out of the waters, she allowed the short, flowing furred woman take her placement back once more. As Vallkyrie say back down on the sands, she watched Katya silently, patiently. She observed how still she was, her eyes studying the water, frozen in her placement, easing her muzzle down very slowly as she awaited her strike. Kyr smiled, taking in a deep beath of the salty winds and overlooking the cove around them. 

Turning back to Katya with pale icy eyes, she catches her just as she darts her face down into the water, lifting up but seconds later with a fish wriggling wildly in her jaws. The coffee colored woman would toss her prize onto the beachside and Vallkyrie lifted, woofing happily towards her. Swift catch! She spoke with an excited laughter.
It seemed that as Katya would learn from this woman, she too was eager to learn a thing or two from her--so be it. She smiled wide, her head nodding quickly as an accessory to her acceptance to teach her the art of catching birds. It indeed was an art, a complicated and complex art that was both confusing and rewarding. "I would love to teach you!" she said, happiness and excitement in her tone. The woman had been a great service to her, taking the time to teach a stranger the skill it took to take down a fish and Katya thought the least she could do was return the favor.

Now that the event of taking down the fish had past, she bit down harder on her catch and felt her teeth catch onto the rock solid and bony skull of the fish of which provided her better leverage and ate at the fish greedily. The scales, though annoying, she flicked from her tongue and felt the warm ooze of blood on her dark fur, staining what light hairs remained on her pelt as she got her fill. The fish was tasty, well worth the effort. "You are an excellent teacher so I have you to thank." she said, smiling at the woman and turning from the carcass once nothing but tail and thin bones remained. It was apparent that one fish was not nearly enough to satisfy her hunger. "Care for one or two more catches?" she asked the woman while coming back to the lapping waters where her eyes searched the depths for any movement.
Katya seemed happy and pleased with the idea of in turn helping Vallkyrie learn to catch birds. Together, if they learned from one another, their hunting skills would greatly widen and they would ne of much benefit to not only themselves but whatever pack they were a part of. Not only learning to catch land animal like deer, rodents and ram but birds and fish as well. 

Vallkyrie watched as the woman gobbled up her kill, a smirk toying at her features as she saw her struggling with the scales. Once mostly finished, which didnt take long, she thanked her for her skill of not only fishing but teaching the trade as well. Your very welcome. I enjoyed it. Its been awhile sense I've had good company and have been of any use. After  all, she had been traveling far longer on her own then she had originally planned for. 

Still hungry, as the slivered fish here in this pool was nothing ccompared to the large salmon during their season, Katya got righy back to it. I think I'm going to search here along the beach. There is crab here I'm certain... She spoke as she moved to the area she remembered digging one up earlier. Ever had that before? It's a bit of a task too, especially cause of their pinchers but yet another food source off the coast. She explained as she began digging around at the one she found before, coaxing it up out of the sands.
She flicked her tongue similar to a snake, raking the scales off her tongue and watching them fall in small clumps to the ground below, the iron taste of blood and fresh meat still lingering in her mouth. The kill had been well worth the effort and the lesson itself wasn't nearly as hard as she'd assumed, although concentration and patience were definitely key. She was intent on catching another unsuspecting fish when Valkyrie asked whether she'd experienced the taste of crab and immediately her ears perked, head cocking to the side in question. The term was foreign to her, having never lived near a large body of water and definitely never having experienced the taste of crab or the task of hunting one. 

She moved toward Valkyrie with peaked interest, her head once more cocking to the side as she watched the woman dig at the earth and uproot a crab that sliced the air in anger and fear of being found--amazed she watched momentarily in silence. "Looks like it could take an eye out." she said, niavely stepping forward and jumping back just shy of feeling the pinch of its claws on her nose. "how would you eat that? Looks like its covered in armor." she said, noticing the shell even despite the thin layer of sand covering. It would seem she had become a student once more.
Ears perked with much interest, Katya had thought secondly about fishing again when Kyr mentioned the idea of looking for crabs. Trotting towards her, she was silent, a childish curiosity overtaking her. Then again, they still were very much youths, were they not? At not yet reached a full adulthood of two, the young ones were learning still curiously of the world around them. Especially so for Vallkyrie whom left her family Empire to venture on her own. 

Have you not seen one before? Kyr couldn't help the soft chuckle at Kat's expression as she inches forward with wonder and dodges a snap on claws. Yeah I got to say the pinching hurts especially if they get you right on the nose. But if these isnt any good tide pools for fish, this is another option. Crabs, oysters, crawfish, gull... there is even seal and otter. Now that's some good eating. She spoke, licking her jaws hungrily at the thought. 

I ain't gonna say I haven't gotten snapped plenty, but heres the trick.... She quiets as she finishes revealing the angry crab, which backed away as it faced the black wolf off. It snaps at Vallkyrie lunges, taking bits of white fur from her underside as a prize in its claw. A victory short lived as Vallkyrie manages to flip the crab over and bite down from the back end of the crustacean, crunching into the belly of the beast. Just like that!
Gonna have to make a quick close on this since it's old and Katya went bye-bye...

Having shown Katya the ropes on some of her hunting skills along the coast, Kyr would take the time to settle and eat with her newfound friend. Soon, however, she knew the woman would have to be on her way and Kyr, rogue she was, would need to find a place to settle for the night... maybe even catch back up with Belharra if she could. Until next time then... I look forward to those bird lessons. She spoke up and after a smile and goodbye, headed off down the coast.