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Wild Berry Meadow sloe-eyed demon - Printable Version

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RE: sloe-eyed demon - Pantaleimon - October 28, 2015

Pan and Lasher approached the warren, and waited to observe a moment while Lasher picked his prey. As they dashed forward Lasher was quick to go for a larger doe and he caught it and snapped its neck. Pan initially wanted to go for one of the smaller rabbits with the doe, but when a male came rushing towards Lasher in misguided (for he could never win this, of course) rage for the lost doe, Pantaleimon leaped at it and grabbed it instead.

Pan snapped its neck and it fell limp to the ground, rage flooding from its lifeless eyes. Pan hadn't realised how hungry he was until this very moment, and quickly dug into the warm flesh to sate his hunger.

RE: sloe-eyed demon - Lasher - October 30, 2015

the young man struck, and lasher watched with approval as he satisfied his hunger with the rapidly cooling body of the hapless rabbit-buck. rocking back upon his haunches, taltos wrapped his tail about his paws and licked the blood from the edges of his mouth, gazing about them with a serene expression that belied the torn body lying at his paws. "i come here to hunt often. it is a lovely place."

glancing at the sky, the beta returned his attentions to pantaleimon. perhaps the freshening quickness of blood within the other's body would stave away some of the regret and trepidation he so felt. crimson clung charmingly to the other's fur -- had lasher been more bold, he would have pointed it out upon the generosity of his own offer to cleanse it away.

RE: sloe-eyed demon - Pantaleimon - November 05, 2015

"It is." Pantaleimon looked about the place. He could imagine someone spending much time here. A silence fell over them, as Pan had little left to say, and he looked at Lasher while he ate; now that he was eating, Pan realised how hungry he'd been.

Once he had eaten his fill — there was little left of his rabbit — Pantaleimon waited in silence for a moment longer, making no sound beside licking the blood off his lips. He lingered a moment, in case there was anything else Lasher wanted to say, deciding it was soon time to go home.

RE: sloe-eyed demon - Lasher - November 07, 2015

wrap up with your next post? ty for the thread -- maybe they will meet each other again! <3

they ate their fill and lasher noted how the other had gathered himself with the silent intention to depart. "the plateau is always welcoming of visitors," the druid intoned softly. "i must return now. i wish you well upon your trek back to the caldera."

with a warm smile, taltos turned and began to move in the direction of home, casting a last glance over his shoulder to see if pantaleimon too had begun to walk toward the south.

RE: sloe-eyed demon - Pantaleimon - November 08, 2015

Pantaleimon smiled at Lasher as he welcomed him as a visitor in his home pack, and then made to leave. "Thank you, you too," Pan said in regards to the good trip back. Unfortunately, he couldn't say such a thing about being welcome as a visitor. Even moreso considering his past with Perry.

While he made the trek back, Pantaleimon's thoughts seemed to get only more confused. He began to think how Lasher had seemed very convincing, but then again, he barely even knew Lasher at all. And he knew Perry. All in all, Pan concluded that Perry was just confused, too, and that neither of them seemed to know what was best to do now. Pan heaved a sigh and upon his return to the Caldera, he found that he still held the same abundance of emotions and pain and doubt inside of him, having gained much information but not really having gotten much farther in his personal quest.

thanks for the thread! :)