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Sawtooth Spire transformation incomplete - Printable Version

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RE: transformation incomplete - RIP Krypton - December 08, 2015

Krypton helped the larger male lay the she-wolf gently onto the snowy floor, careful of her injuries. Her ears twitched at the male's words. His mate was fairly far away and a belly filled with pups. She couldn't make her way down here, even with help from others, for it would be too much strain onto her unborn and herself.

"Unless... We move her down the shore more. I loathe the idea as much as any wolf else, but if there are herbs that could heal, she must get them soon before she becomes too frail and weak to move." The burly female said, her voice calm and smooth. Moving the injured wolfess more would cause extra pain and trouble, but if they do not act, she will die in pain.

As the male spoke about his pack, Krypton felt curiosity bite at her about his pack. He seemed like a wise leader, however she was bound to her own pack. "We shall exchange words later for packs. Right now we must act before she gives out on us." She spoke, this time, her voice filled with a tone of urgency.

With her head full of ideas, one idea sprang into her mind quickly. She could run down there, although she wasn't the fastest wolf in the world, it could be quick enough where she could reach his mate in time. "What if I run down there and grab the herbs? I can explain myself to her and run back so she does not strain herself or the pups." She offered the dark male, her body starting to twitch with anxiety. Although she should not be excited for having to run for this, she could not control her fast heart beat. She swallowed dryly and looked around a bit with her eyes, scanning the ground for any kinds of plants that could provide aid.

RE: transformation incomplete - RIP Eigma - December 09, 2015

They moved swiftly - at least for the injured woman - and soon she was made to rest amid a collection of trees. Their shade was a minor comfort, but the presence of strangers was more troubling to her. Eigma was weak, she was broken, and these rogues were potential threats - still, Lasher remained, and she had an inkling of trust for him. His voice kept her centered on the present, even when he did not speak to her directly; then when he did, she blinked as instructed. Going so far as to wheeze, "Donne... laith..?" but it was clear that lucidity was fleeting, and she was going to fall asleep soon. The travel, though brief, was too much for her body.

RE: transformation incomplete - Snow - December 12, 2015

Snow flicked his silver tail. He flicked his ear when the female said Donnelaith. Being a newcomer, he haden't gotten all the pack names down yet. But it sounded like a pack. Snow stood apart a little, thinking about what would be the best way to help. Then it hit him, food! He perked his ears, listing for mice or rabbits. At last he herd one, and went to get it. It would help, right?

RE: transformation incomplete - Lasher - December 12, 2015

"it is a fair day's walk from here," lasher rejoined with a shake of his muzzle. the injured she-wolf was slipping into oblivion -- he licked her roughly about the eyes and mouth to rouse her, for he knew not the extent of her head-wound, the invisible sort. "cobwebs to bind her fleshwounds," he muttered, "if they can be found. she must be kept still, and hydrated. leaves for water," the man added, noticing belatedly that the aged man had gone off to hunt. "and she cannot be abandoned."

RE: transformation incomplete - RIP Krypton - December 12, 2015

With a nod of her head, Krypton knew the idea was bound to fail. Her attention turned back to the injured she-wolf who was hanging on by a thread. When the male spoke of cobwebs and leaves, she was about to run for them. However, his last words crashed her to a stop. He was right, she couldn't be abandoned.

"Cobwebs... The trees may hold them, along with the leaves." She whispered, trying to not stir the she-wolf. Her ears swiveled in confusion, wouldn't snow work just as well as leaves? She shook her head with a no answer in her head. It would lower the she-wolf's body temperature.

"I wish not to leave her until the other male returns in case there is danger, but I worry about the time until she gives out." She said, whining softly at the thought of losing this wolf. Although she was unknown, she wanted her safe and sound.

RE: transformation incomplete - RIP Eigma - December 13, 2015

They were worrying over her, each of them, but didn't know her - didn't owe her anything. This was a level of care unseen to Eigma; she would look back upon these moments and believe them to be a dream. She caught some words and knew them, somehow. It was enough to prompt her to rise - or try to - but it was a futile attempt. She sagged instantly, legs trembling, and wheezed a breath; blood seeped in to the fur of her chin.

"Go..." But go where? Was she asking them to leave her, or begging for help? She was a crumpled heap, her lungs barely working, but still she wished to move. To be less of a burden. "I can... hnng." I can walk, she wanted to say, but Eigma knew better. It was clear she was stranded here.

RE: transformation incomplete - Snow - December 13, 2015

Snow came back with a rabbit. He flicked his tail again and layed it down. Then he sat, and watched them with glittering blue eyes. Snow wondered what they would think of him. He thought of the uninjured female highly. The male from Donnelitih, he respected. The injured female gained his pitty. Snow flicked his ear, not very good at waiting. I'm five, and as impatient as a pup, he thought bitterly.

RE: transformation incomplete - Lasher - December 15, 2015

lasher knew he could not linger here for the days it would take eigma to recover, but for now he nodded at the other she-wolf. "i will bring what it is she needs; please, remain here. i shall return as swiftly as i am able." to the elder male the man turned, addressing him. "the rabbit -- please bring it to the woman. its hot blood may revive her." with that, the man departed the trio swiftly, moving deeper into the trees.

he returned a pair of hours later, mouth filled with the sticky cotton of cobwebs and drenched leaves. lying them beside the wounded girl, he began to clumsily bind her wounds, pausing from time to time to see that she still breathed.

RE: transformation incomplete - RIP Krypton - December 15, 2015

With a shaky nod of her head, the burly female watched the male leave, along with exchanging words with the other about the rabbit that was caught. She felt weak, she felt useless that she wasn't able to provide a better idea to find herbs for the female.

She glanced down at the female and lowered her head towards hers, giving her a soft nuzzle on her neck with her blunt nose. She felt as if she could do nothing else but comfort her until the larger male returned. She tossed a glance towards the other male, Snow was it?

"Please. Bring the rabbit over for her. If it is punctured, get the blood into her mouth." She said, returning her eyes back to the female. She felt angry about the unknown, who would injure a wolf and leave them here to die? Although the thought of losing the she-wolf was devastating, she felt it was an act of haste to leave a poorly injured wolf to die rather than killing her on the spot.

As the other male returned in a few hours, she observed him apply to cobwebs to her wounds, her mind taking in the knowledge and trying to store it for memory. "Is there..." She said quietly, almost worried to continue her sentence. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She finished. She didn't wish to seem like a pest, but she wanted to help in any way she could.

RE: transformation incomplete - Snow - December 24, 2015

Snow put the rabbit in Enigma's mouth. He sat, his tail twitching. Snow felt like lying down, but he went hunting again. He looked behind him, and slunk into a bush.

RE: transformation incomplete - RIP Eigma - December 26, 2015

Sorry for leaving this hanging! Christmas season + retail job = what is life. Maybe we can fade this and have a new thread nearer to Donnelaithe? @Lasher @Krypton @Snow 

Her teeth had begun to chatter - or maybe they'd been chattering the whole time. But once a meal was placed before her, the warmth fleeing its freshly killed body was enough to relax her; Eigma basked in it at first, too delirious to do much else. Thankfully, the older wolf saw this lack of action. He seemed to know what to do, and pulled apart the rabbit for her - even placing some just inside her mouth, which hastened the process. By the time Lasher returned with further aid, a pleasant calm had settled upon Eigma.

RE: transformation incomplete - RIP Krypton - December 27, 2015

Sounds good, who should end it? 

The tawny woman looked at the other female on the ground who seemed to have calmed down and somewhat gotten better. Instinctively, Krypton decided to pull away and look around, her large ears pointed forward and her fur rustling up. The others were busy with the injured, she needed to be up and ready for any threat that could be coming in any direction.

Hastily her eyes made it around the empty area of trees and snow, her tail waving the slightest bit. She let out a breath and turned her head around to check on the others before turning it around again to face out. She sat down on her haunches and kept her eyes peeled for anything.

RE: transformation incomplete - Lasher - December 27, 2015

no prob! this will be my last post <3

the elder male and the robust female attended eigma skillfully in his absence - surely the blood had invigorated the wounded she-wolf somewhat. "curl about her body with your own for warmth," he instructed. "i must return to donnelaith but i will come back. in your care she will not die," he assured the pair, wondering if they would remain with the girl when he had gone. nudging eigma gently, lasher set a quick pace for home, glancing once over his shoulder with a grim expression. blue willow would know what herbs were needed, and he hastened to donnelaith for her aid.