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Jade Fern Grove The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Printable Version

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RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Spring - February 18, 2016

Spring nodded.  “Sounds close then.”  She remarked in a friendly tone.  She found herself too thinking about them seeing each other in each others packs, but knew that daydream would probably never come true.  Maybe one day they would be in the same Pack.  Maybe...

“I’m from Phoenix Maplewood.”  Spring replied vaguely, although she could probably talk about her pack all day, she knew that information given to other Packs could get turned against her own.  So she decided to keep her answers vague about Phoenix Maplewood, she really liked Ishi a lot, but she felt it would be extremely disloyal to give away too much information.

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Little Voice - February 22, 2016

Ishi nodded. He felt buzzy and happy. Partly because he'd made a new friend, partly because he'd done so by having a ferny adventure with her, and partly because that friend was from a pack — a new place to learn about.

But having said that... What's a Feenix? he asked, stifling a giggle. What a bizarre word!

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Spring - February 22, 2016

Spring laughed at Ishi’s failure to pronounce Phoenix.  It was kind of cute in her opinion.  “It’s pronounced Phoenix not Feenix Ishi.”  She gave him a playful nudge.  Her eyes lighting up in a playful happier mood.

“Phoenix Maplewood is a large forest of towering Maplewood's.”  Spring then explained passionately.  “It’s north from here.”  Spring then added.  “It’s pretty nice in my opinion.”  Spring paused for a moment.

“What does the Lost Creek Hollow look like Ishi?”  Spring asked out of curiosity for knowledge.  She found herself suddenly really starting to trust Ishi, which surprised her since they were from different packs.

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Little Voice - February 23, 2016

Ishi blinked, confused, then just gave up and joined Spring's laughter. He couldn't tell the difference between the way he'd pronounced Phoenix and they way she had. Maybe it was an accent thing. But he decided it wasn't very important anyway, and listened with interest as she gave an overview of the geography and then proceeded to ask more about the Hollow.

It's pretty nice too, he confirmed. It's huge, both in width and up-the-ways. Little streams snake through it, and there's this big waterfall called Antares Falls. I'm a Scout, you see, so I travel far and wide, but it's always wonderful going back there.

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Spring - February 23, 2016

Spring nodded in awe imaging the Lost Creek Hollow.  Imagining it’s cool flowing streams, a big waterfall that seemed to fly fall from the sky when you looked up from the base... in her imagination it sounded beautiful.  Although she still preferred the Maplewood, she had her endless loyalty there.  Spring listened as Ishi continued on to speak of how he was a Scout.  That perked up her interest.

“Sounds gorgeous Ishi.”  Spring remarked still in awe, then paused for a moment.  “What is it like being a scout, getting to travel far and wide on adventures?  Do you enjoy your travels?”  She suspected Ishi did enjoy being a scout in general, but was still curious to see how he answered to her question as she thought of all the adventures that were possibilities as a scout.

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Little Voice - February 29, 2016

It's fantastic and yep, definitely, he replied at once — meaning being a Scout was fantastic, and yes he enjoyed his travels. Ishi had been very lucky in them so far. You get to discover new lands and meet new friends, he gave Spring an affectionate nudge. Maybe you should be a Scout too!

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Spring - February 29, 2016

Spring considered the thought of being a scout.  She had to admit, she did enjoy an occasional adventure... but she felt that she enjoyed staying in her pack territory most of all.  She loved it in the Maplewood and doubted that would ever change no matter where she ended up in the end.

“Maybe...”  Spring considered, still thinking it over.  “The adventures would be fun and all.”  Spring admitted lightheartedly.  “But... I think I prefer Phoenix Maplewood’s ground.”  She remarked with a passion in her tone as she decided on her final answer that she would probably not be a scout... at least for now.

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Little Voice - March 01, 2016

Fair enough, he smiled.

But as light from the sky caught him, he looked up and realised they'd been here for ages — probably at least an hour! Time flies when you're having fun.

Y'know what, we should totally arrange a friend date, he decided. Maybe some day I could hang out round one of the neutral territories close to the Maplewood and howl for you? We could explore!

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Spring - March 01, 2016

Spring glanced up at the sky too.  Wow, we’ve been here for quite a while now.  The brown, gray, black and cream female thought quietly to herself.  Her tail then gave a happy wag at Ishi’s idea.  She would love to see  him again, it sounded just lovely.  

“I would love that.  Maybe in a week or so from now we could meet up again and then go exploring from there.  Maybe we could met up here, since we both know how to get here!”  Spring offered with enthusiasm.  Already excited about getting to see her newly made friend again with bursts of delight.

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Little Voice - March 02, 2016

Shall I start a friend-date thread for us? :3

Perfect! he agreed happily, and, realising that their meeting was coming to a natural close, he got to his feet with a sprightly spirit. See you soon?

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Spring - March 02, 2016

Of course

Spring nodded happily.  "Yes.  In a few days time."  She smiled and surprised herself at that.  Why was she so... happy?  This wolf was from Lost Creek Hollow, she was from Phoenix Maplewood.  They had their own lives to work on for their homes, their family, their packs.  Yet... she knew she would not let that get in her way.

RE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Little Voice - March 03, 2016

Deal! he chirped happily, then with a final smile and a skip to his first step, Ishi was on his way, buzzing with the warmth of friendship.