Wolf RPG
Lost Creek Hollow The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Printable Version

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RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Ravensky - March 26, 2016

At the word Cougar I let out a growl. "Why can't those creatures mind their own business!"  mumbled. As the wolf mentioned my battles, I relaxed a bit. "Well, as you know, I was abandoned, so I had to look for a pack. I was accepted, but then they accused me of killing since I was omega. I was attacked and got a tooth stuck in the ear and it is stained red with blood. That battle I failed at, but I was two years of age so I couldn't take on an adult. Then, as I traveled, I came across a lone wolf. We fought and I won, though the poor creature was driven to fight because of starvation." I said with unease. I didn't mention my skinned leg, the mark that never lets me forget the battle. The next battle was the major one. "The last one before coming here, happened in the middle of the night. I was sleeping and then a... a cougar came and slashed at me. I tried to defend myself or get away but it was too strong. It slashed me and left me with a slight limp in my right leg. That's why I hate them so much... I just can't defend anything from them." I added. I pointed to the scar that led from my eye to my tail-tip. "I have been in littler battles like this but those were the important ones. Mostly me getting attacked by some wolf or creature bigger and stronger than me..." I said in irritation. I wish I  lived a normal life I thought...

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Shikoba - March 27, 2016

Ravensky's extensive explanation about her knowledge in battles impressed the druid, but did not move her. Her gaze never changed as the dark woman continued her explanation. She only nodded her head to show she was understanding. The scar that marked Ravensky's body was long and jagged, Shikoba was lucky to not have something like that on her body.

But she had scars, both mental and physical.

Her main attention lay on teaching this one more about puck fundamentals. "Lots of knowledge" she replied choppily. "Good to know" she said, looking around the trees and land. She let out a breath.

"Stand" she said, looking towards the dark woman. "Defend from Shikoba." Shikoba firmly believed in hands-on training, and she wanted to know what skills Ravensky had in her. Her stance was lowered into her battling one, head near her paws in defense and hackles raised.

Raven, just wanted to let you know that we settle who wins in spars using dice rolls! You can go to the community center and go under drafting table. Go to the table top to the dice rolls to do a dice roll! The code should be there to tell you what to type, but if not, the code is roll 1d#, just replace the number sign with 10! Whoever gets the highest number in their roll wins the spar! 

If you want me to do the dice rolls, I can do a roll for the both of us!

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Ravensky - March 27, 2016

(I'll pm you since I have a few... well a lot of questions. LOL! :3)

I was being tested already. Time to show my nature!  I mumbled. As the druid got into her stance, I lashed my tail. I hopped up and smiled. I sank low to the ground, my fur barely touching the coarse dirt. I slid out my claws. Wait, this is training right? I slid them back in. My eyes narrowed and I locked them on one target. The knees. I raised my hackles and fluffed out my fur to look bigger in seconds, and was ready. One more thing entered my mind. I should ask about the claws and teeth. I kept low as I talked. "Shall I keep my claws and teeth out or in?" the stocky wolf asked, her breath making puffs of smoke...

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Shikoba - March 28, 2016

I did the roll HERE! It looks like Shikoba will be victorious in this spar. Just a heads up! Wolves actually don't use their dull nails to attack, they are actually used for pushing away or holding down :) 

The dark woman was readying herself for the spar, her body's fur was spiked up already and in a battle stance. However, her jaws parted to ask a question. Was she to use claws and teeth? Shikoba thought for a second before replying hastily. "Teeth out." Seeing that her question was answered, the druid spiked up her own fur, making her own illusion.

She made her warrior stance more intimidating, she took a few steps to the right to circle Ravensky. Her tail swished side to side, her golden eyes watching each and every move of the darker fae. She would wait for her attack, it was not wise for her to shoot right off the bat. Those who are patient are rewarded, she must force herself to wait. "Ready?" She asked.

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Ravensky - March 28, 2016

(Ok. Lets hope I can rp this right. I'll defend the first attack but do bad at the second and fail the third. Pm me if I should do something else.)

The druid was circling me. My hackles were raised high, fur fluffed out, and tooth and claw showing. I let out a growl as if it were a real battle. My unusually sharp claws slid out, stained with blood. My lip curled back in a snarl. I knew I would loose, but I should give my best to make an impression. My ways of fighting were unusual, but they suited my character. In a real fight, I would draw blood with tooth and claw wherever I could, but can I hurt a wolf in the pack yet?  What if she doesn't trust me yet?  Will I be forced out if I loose? That probably won't happen, but I did trespass. Lets hope a can just get a few good swipes and two rounds before I loose. I whispered under my breath. I wasn't going down without a fight.

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Shikoba - March 28, 2016

Ravensky was ready, her lips were curled up in a snarl as growls dropped down from her parted jaws. Shikoba's light steps in circling the subordinate  drew heavier, for she could feel her heartbeat pound in her body. She was anticipating, she was having an adrenaline rush.

With her opponent ready, Shikoba drew her own growls before launching herself towards Ravensky. Her main goal was to grab the scruff and hold the dark woman down. Though Shikoba didn't look as large as her, her speed and agility made up for it. She at least had long legs to help gain some momentum. Her jaws were parted, her Ivories glimmering.

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Ravensky - March 28, 2016

As the wolf charged, I flicked my ear. I was raedy for the attack, though I didn't know what exactly she was going to do. I had some experience, yet not enough for the druid. I was bigger than her, so her weight probably wouldn't work on me, but I was not yet able to mtch her pace. The scruff was where most wolves attacked, so I wanted to protect it as well as my knees, where she could bite and my legs would buckle. My skin could be ripped of for all I cared, but I wanted to make an impression. I gathered all my strength to defend the attack. I let out a snarl as she charged and flipped onto my back, where my legs could easily push her off. This will probably be a sight! A wolf on her back pushing a druid off with her hind legs! I thought, knowing I had different ways of defense...

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Shikoba - March 28, 2016

Ah, missed! Shikoba's aim wasn't fast enough, for the behemoth woman dodged quickly. Her defense was different, she had rolled into her back! How strange, was she not exposing her belly? It turned out that right as Shikoba was above her, the black legs of Ravensky pushed her off into the air.

A strange move yes, but a tactful one! It was risky though, Shikoba would have to watch for her legs next time. She felt the paw pads push into her belly and breast, she was thrown off to the dirt.

Tumbling as if she was a babe, she rolled a bit before landing firmly. Her back was scathed from the dirt, though no serious injuries. No blood, no problem. It took her a few seconds to recollect herself before she got to her paws. At first her legs were shaky, but they soon steadied. She was impressed already, Ravensky was creative.

It was her turn again! She decided to go low and hopefully bring her balance off. She slunk around the dark woman, then charged towards her legs. If she gets enough strength into the charge, the balance would shake.

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Ravensky - March 28, 2016

As I pushed her off, she tumbled into the dirt. My claws were out that time, but didn't draw blood like usual. Probably has thick fur... I thought as I flipped onto my legs. I sung low to the ground, knees bent. I couldn't fall, so I got ready to jump. This was my weakest move, but the woman was charging quickly, and I didn't have time to recover. I was about to jump when my tail got stuck under a rock that I kicked up when going on my feet. I growled. I hope I impressed her enough... I thought. I sprung clenching my teeth a fur got ripped from my tail. I landed short and was on the ground. I tried to get up quick enough, but my jump timing was bad...

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Shikoba - April 01, 2016

Raven I'm so sorry for the delay!

Her skills were impressive, and different. Shikoba saw how the dark woman tried to spring up. However, her tail was caught on something and her timing was off. She barely missed shikoba's attack towards her legs. The druid ran clean through, though skidded to a hatl and pivoted around.

Ravensky was trying to get up, though time was against her. This was her chance to pin her. Running over to where she was, Shikoba stuffed her maw with the scruff of the dark woman and pressed her weight upon her. Hopefully it would be enough to hold her down, for this would be the moment of her glory in the spar or defeat.

If she was to win, Ravensky needed to show her submission with a whine or some kind of noise and accept her state of being lower.

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Ravensky - April 02, 2016

(It's ok and this will be short since I'm supposed to be doing homework but... I have till Monday for my three reports so I have tomorrow too. I will be absent until that day, but I will check when I get free time. I will also be using third person from now on because someone pmed me to do it. Sorry I didn't see that in the guidebook!)

Ravensky grunted. She had ripped out tail fur and her leg got twisted from the pressure the woman was putting on her. I will have to submit. There is no way that I can get out of this. I could push her off, but my leg is wedged between this rock and the druid so I can't. she thought with sadness. Deep down, she was hoping to win, but she knew she wouldn't. She had to give up. Ravensky let out a soft whine and slid her claws in. She no longer growled, but started to talk. "Sorry. I should have done better... the rock got stuck on my tail and I jumped at the wrong time. I should have been more careful." she said in her low voice in utter defeat. She wondered how Shikoba would act since she had been so clumsy and got her tail stuck. Darn rock! she murmured. She lashed her tail to stop it from hurting. Then she opened her eyes wide wondering if she wasn't supposed to talk after a fight like this. Ravensky waited under the wolf in silence...

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Shikoba - April 02, 2016

Her submission was evident, the whine was what released Shikoba's jaws from the dark scruff. She removed herself from Ravensky, settling down in front of her.

 A well played spar, Shikoba was impressed. However, being thrown off from a minor thing like a rock would be a thing to fix.

She gave Ravensky a thoughtful look. "Ravensky creative, different battle moves. Must watch for obstacles, avoid trap-" she started off. "Shikoba impressed with Ravensky."

Ravensky proved her ability in sparring, and she would be a wonderful warrior in the pack with Shikoba. She would teach her more no doubt, just to tweak everything if need up. Not every battle would be perfect.

"Up" she instructed with her muzzle. "Shikoba will show Ravensky territory".

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Ravensky - April 03, 2016

(I've gotta finish my reports and the trip is coming up so today probably will be my last post unless I finish everything before 8:00 today)

Shikoba stated she was impressed with Ravensky, which lit her up. She parted her jaws happily and her eyes blazed with joy. She did need to watch out for things but that was the least thing on her mind. I get to see the territory today! She thought like a pup first walking from the den. She stood up, but remembered something. She went over to the rock and licked the spot clean of blood so the cougar wouldn't smell it and come on their trail. She would have moved the rock, but it was half her size so she couldn't. "Eh... the cougar better not follow us. If it's ok, can you show me a stream where I can wash off my blood first? Now that you told me about that beast, I don't want to be the one to lead it here." she asked, not wanting to take any chances...

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Shikoba - April 03, 2016

With the darker fae happy, she stood up to clean the blood that was spilt from her cut tail. Shikoba waited patiently, confused at first before hearing Ravensky answer her silent question. It was to take away the scent of blood and mask it away from the cougar. She nodded her head, though her ears turned forward. Ravensky wanted to see the stream, mostly to wash up her scratches.

Nodding her head, she headed throughout the land onto a trail to lead to the stream. "Follow".

Wanna archive after your post and start a new thread?

RE: The Wind that Ruffled my Fur - Ravensky - April 04, 2016

(Ok, I misunderstood myself. I did my report today so I have time but I won't be on till Saturday. And uh... heh... I would start a new thread but... how do you archive?)

Ravensky followed the wolf as she flicked her tail. She kept her tail on her fur so it wouldn't bleed on the ground and padded on. She thought of places that would probably be visited first except for the stream. The dark female thought happily of having a place to call home and know every turn and stream. She kept on a strait face on as she moved her way onto the path Shikoba was following...