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Greatwater Lake A Different Kind Of Meeting - Printable Version

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RE: A Different Kind Of Meeting - Burke - April 04, 2016

Burke looked at her and listened to what she had to say. "Well, if you don't want them in the end then I will take responsibility. But please do so after 3 to 4 weeks because I don't give milk," he pointed out to her, he intended it as somewhat of a joke, but he was serious. Not sure if the female that didn't know about heat was going to know that about pups. Burke looked at her curiously. "So you would let me inside of your territory to see them?," he asked, looking a bit surprised. That was definitely not the custom for wolves. He had to admit he would probably be curious how many and what gender, and most of all if they were healthy.

Burke let out a huff. "Don't be absurd," he almost growled. "Be their leader, you make decisions for them everyday and if they don't agree with this one then they are not worthy to be in your pack. If they don't believe in this decision why would they follow you? If you think you will get kicked out you will be weak mentally and that will cause a challenge, not because you are pregnant, if they are truly loyal then they would support you. Guess it will be a nice test for your new pack," he spoke. Burke did had the idea that she was a bit inexperienced with leading and if she showed a weaker leadership she could be challenged.

RE: A Different Kind Of Meeting - Malice - April 05, 2016

Not because I don't like this thread, because honestly this is one of the best threads ever, we may want to end it soon?

What he had to say surprised her a bit. Maybe Sebastian had been right, that Burke was a good father now. Of course, this wouldn't excuse his behavior toward Sebastian. What had been done cannot be forgotten, only forgiven. They were mere mortals, they couldn't judge the past. She chuckled softly, a confused but genuine sound. She knew males didn't give milk, but that she must feed them milk for around a month was unknown information. She made sure to store it in the back of her mind for later, if she was indeed pregnant. She would keep them though, she was sure of it. Thank you. She responded, a small smile on her face. It wasn't something she did often, smiling, nor did she think she would ever do it because of Burke.

You, and only you. No one else. I'll make sure the Moonlit wolves know about it so they won't attack on sight. She said in a serious tone. Not that she though Burke was weak, but because she thought four against one could end grim for the man. Speaking of those four wolves, she ought to get back to them before they would grow worried. But first, Burke had to give her another lesson about leading.

What he said could only be appreciated by Malice. She was their alpha, she was in charge. And while she did respect all of her members individually, they had to listen to her. She finally had the same power her father had, but now realized it was a lit harder than it looked. You're right, as always. She added the last bit as a sort of joke, but it was meant as a compliment too. Guess it'd be a test for all of us.

Speaking about them, I better get back. I'm usually not so long gone and I don't want them to get worried. She said, stretching out as she said so. It was a... Pleasure seeing you again. She added, a mischievous grin on her muzzle. 

RE: A Different Kind Of Meeting - Burke - April 06, 2016

I agree! This was super fun though!

Burke shook his head lightly because he didn't think that he deserved a thank you it was common sense for him now. He knew what pups could do to a pack if not properly cared for. Especially with emotional mothers in the mix. Now a he did not have the feeling that Malice was too emotional but still. Plus it would mean more recruits for the dark brotherhood. If they had more of his blood then they would like that regardless of the gender. Sebastian was the absolute example of one of his young that did not have much of his blood. He was more a mother's child.

Malice then mentioned that he only was allowed in their home. Curiously enough. Burke would have respected Malice decision. But what he could conclude from this was that she truely saw something in him. She was pretty keen on having his children. Yet his suspicion rose too. It was all too easy it seemed. Him being alone in Malice her territory. He was big and knew how to fight but he could in no way survive an attack from that many wolves. Burke had stayed quiet, this was something he needed to think about more.

Burke shook his head. "It won't be a test for me," he stated because he ew his members would accept it, maybe not all but he had been a solid leader since the beginning of last summer and so far he didn't any complains from anyone. "Ha, you are hilarious. I will see you around then," he returned, though there was a hint of a smile on his lips as he walked away back to his own home. When he did that he also dipped himself into the lake. He then realized he had missed an opportunity to push Malice in it. Still that might made him too playful around her. She was not a pack mate. He needed to keep that in mind.

- Burke exits. -