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Phoenix Maplewood What if the witches wrote the book - Printable Version

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RE: What if the witches wrote the book - Starbuck - September 12, 2016

She laughed, probably bouncing his head on her shoulders a few times. Ah, but awake we are, and we must face the day and that which we would not say in the dark, she teased. Starbuck rolled onto her side, then around again so that there was a gap between them and she could turn to face him. Tell me, she urged gently. I will think no less of you. He had been nothing but friendly and kind. She hated to think that he might say something to change that perception.

RE: What if the witches wrote the book - Arch - September 12, 2016

His jaw snapped shut with a harsh click as her vibrations jostled his chin. With a breathy laugh, he removed his weight from her back as she twisted round to face him. As her enquiery slid softly out of her mouth, he could feel his own gaze slipping to the ground accompanied by an inaudible mumble as his stomach did another backflip. "I hope that's true," he began, lifting his muzzle to hold her gaze as steady as he could, hoping and trusting that she would keep to her word.

"Look... I've led you off on a bit of a hoax," his words felt like sandpaper as he spoke, yet he wanted Star to at least know he meant what he said. "Visiting the Marauders was never on my agenda, nor even searching for a pack. I was given a task by Heda, to infiltrate and gain information on behalf of her cohort." He hated to dampen the mood, yet sooner or later he would've had to spill the beans. The guilt of leading her off was more immense than he would've ever anticipated. "If I am to succeed, she would reconsider offering me a place within her empire." He finished his explanation with a distressed snort, honeyed eyes searching his companions face for a reaction.

RE: What if the witches wrote the book - Starbuck - September 12, 2016

With brows furrowed, she listened. His voice was rough, and in it she found true sincerity. He had mislead her, yes. But had he harmed her? He had not even waylaid her. There had been no harm in his lies, except for the innate hurt that came with the sin. She was upset, yes, but she found forgiveness easily. I forgive you, she said emphatically. But you meant me no harm, and I do not believe that you are evil at heart. Why must you fulfill this Heda's mission? What draws you to her empire so? Clearly a part of him regretted his actions, and perhaps even his actions to come should he stay his course. Perhaps she could save him and bring him to Donnelaith.

RE: What if the witches wrote the book - Arch - September 12, 2016

Traces of hurt were clear in her eyes, something that the pale fellow deserved. Yet her words spoke a different story; one of forgiveness and of friendship, to his ears at least. She went on to question him about his decisions, why Heda's kingdom when surely there were others out there that he could've turned to. "I keep true to my word," he began, finding himself backing up his exchange with Thuringwethil. "And I fear for my life if I don't. From what I've gathered, her empire is strong. She could offer protection for me and a safe haven to base myself." The second sentence was perhaps was a little far fetched, yet who knew what the dark ruler would do if she found he was bypassing her instructions. Probably not much to a loner like him, yet one should never be so certain. "The northern grounds also remind me strangely of my homeland," he finished with a slight twitch of his tail. "But that doesn't mean to say I couldn't visit other places from time to time."

RE: What if the witches wrote the book - Starbuck - September 12, 2016

She gasped when he admitted that, should he not follow this Heda's instructions, his life might be forfeit. Immediately she wanted to pull him into the safety of Donnelaith, because surely any pack that so threatened its hopeful joiners was not a safe one. But to do so would threaten Donnelaith, placing them at the mercy of Blackrock Depths to serve as their protector. She misliked it every way the cards fell. I fear for you, dear Arch, but I will not try to sway you, she murmured. Know that I will vouch for you if you ever seek a home at Donnelaith, though. You have been good to me. It hurt her so, to be unable to protect those she called friends. Alas, she was weak, and could not offer them the bodily protection she yearned to give.

RE: What if the witches wrote the book - Arch - September 13, 2016

At her sudden intake of breath, an aggrieved whine escaped his maw and he thumped his tail against the forest matter in a lame attempt to quell her astonishment. "Thank you, Star," he rumbled, his words not so heavy as they had once been. "I'll make sure to keep your offer in mind should things not go as planned from now on." As much as he wanted to join the dark rulers kingdom, a small part of him yearned to follow the little woman back to her homeland, wherever that may be, and settle down there. Though that would mean possibly putting her cohort in jeopardy of his actions, and doing such a thing like that to those that he called his friends, that had shown him good nature and gratitude? Well, even the thought of that put pained thoughts running through his mind. "But hey, I better be on my way and leave you to return," he spoke, a small smile twitching upon his muzzle as he rose to all fours. "Providing you aren't still lost." Though his words carried various hints of humour, his gaze still tickled his companions' own with a pained expression; one of not wanting to say goodbye.

RE: What if the witches wrote the book - Starbuck - September 13, 2016

At his whine, her innate desire to comfort drew her closer to him. She nosed at his cheek, then his neck, the gestures meant to be comforting. And thank you, Arch, she returned. I was so very pleased to meet you, I do hope to see you again very soon. But now it is time to part, and what sorrow it is! I will find my own way, and if I need help, I will ask the Mauraders to point the way, she assured him. She dove forward again, pressing against him in something akin to a hug. Farewell, and I wish you all of the luck in the world on your journey. After he left she would stay in the area little longer to hunt before going on her way.

RE: What if the witches wrote the book - Arch - September 13, 2016

Much like her, he found it quick to return to his jovial mood as her embrace put a cease to his worries. "May the north winds bless you upon your return," he spoke, returning her gestures with a nuzzle of his own before pulling away. "Goodbye Star! I'll remember to look out for those berries you showed me. They were delicious!" Full of confidence from her encouraging words, he shot a final glance over his shoulder before starting at a steady lope back the way they had come. He'd return to the maplewoods once departing this small woodland, hunting for himself and for a possible gift for the Larksomg wolves he was promised to meet. With many things still uncertain, he could at least put one thought aside for now; he'd definitely pay the little woman and her band a visit soon enough.

I'll close this up now if that's ok!