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Ravensblood Forest oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Printable Version

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RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Dakarai - December 13, 2016

"Yes many, many, many more times" the words were a promise, one that filled him with heat and caused his groin to stir yet again. How could he be wanting her yet again, and so soon? He wondered the amusement and shock causing his eyes to look distant for a moment before the movement of his love regained his attention. She moved closer to him, and he watched the graceful and smooth way she walked almost like the mist that floated on the ground sometimes. He shifted slightly as she lowered her weight onto him, the feeling not uncomfortable at all due to the fact that he was larger than her, and she seemed to be built lightly as well.

Once she settled he turned his head and lickd her chest a few times, before laying his head down once more. The heat their bodies made together made the chilly breeze bearable, and he was once again thankfull for her and for the twist of fate that led him to her. He did worry however, that he wouldn't be at his full strength when the snow came, and that she would have to hunt for the both of them. He didn't know if that would bother her too much, but she seemed to have an aversion to harming anything at all. He never wanted to make her do something that would cause her pain. He was drawn out of his thoughts by her voicing a rhetorical question, but one that intrigued him. "No my dear, I did not." he answered eyes looking at her as his face became drawn with interest. "What was it about?" he asked.

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Olive - December 15, 2016

Olive loved the way Dakarai talked to her. His voice was warm with fondness and it enchanted her easily. Even the most simple of his phrases sang and soothed her. How lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky she truly was.

“It was quite strange,” the druid huffed, readily sharing her breathless thoughts with him. Her mind was something she never had to hide from Dakarai; he saw her for who she truly was the night they met, and seemed to love her more for it. Now, her lover knew her at her most raw, most carnal, most unclothed… and they both still couldn’t get enough.

“You and I, we were… we were not here. We were someplace, without trees — there was only snow.” “We moved so silently and for quite some time.” Her pale neck picked itself up off his and looked at him. A thin line pulled the corners of her mouth taut as she remembered her dream’s sudden deviation. “We left crimson tracks in the snow.” She did not know if Dakarai would draw anything from her [somewhat simple] chimera, but in her mind’s eyes these bloody paw prints obtruded from the blanched backdrop in a mildly perturbing manner. Now that the memory had been evoked, she found it could not be suppressed.

Olive knew to take her dreams soberly, as unconsciousness handed the canvas of her mind over to the earth [the currents of which painted scenes and fortold augury]. But, quite honestly, she was hoping Dakarai would encourage her to write this one off. Nothing was ever bad when her paramour was involved and sometimes it was simply easier to ignore these things — this was especially true at that moment. How truly divine it felt to press against him, indulging in post-coital embrace.

“How…offbeat, right?” 

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Dakarai - December 15, 2016

"Indeed" he agreed his tone sober as he pondered over the dark tones of her dream. The crimson tracks signalled blood to him, and that thought caused a shiver of despair to crawl up his spine making the fur rise slightly with it. He didn't want her to worry though, to think she was in danger caused his breath to catch in his throat. To lose her now would be the death of him, the dramatic thought struck him suddenly and with a grim look in his eyes he knew it to be true. It was bad enough to lose Oxsana even though he know knew that it was fate, he had loved her deeply. But now Olive was a piece of him, an important and needed piece that would prove fatal if removed.

Choosing to soothe both his own and her fears, he spoke soothingly "Perhaps your mind is just putting images to any fears you may have. Are you worried that we may not last? Or that something will tear us apart?"  he hoped that this was not the case, for he himself had the utmost faith in their relationship. "Sometimes our minds decide to trick us into worrying, by showing us cruel images. Dont worry my dear, I would never allow any harm to come to you"  he whispered, touching his nose to her neck lovingly.

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Olive - December 16, 2016

Dakarai concurred with her assertion in his honeyed, thick tones. Laying upon him, she could perceive the faint grumble of his voice as it formed deep in his chest — then he fell silent, as if he were envisaging the frosted chimera. Olive lifted her chin to look up at him [as she could, in no way, match him on height] at he thought, pressing the top of her creamy muzzle into the beloved crease behind his jaw. There, arteries ran close to the skin and she could feel the gentle pulse pulse pulse of his heartbeat. It was these sorts of things that she loved about him, the rawness of his touch and his very existence. 

Her love suggested that she held a latent fear and inquired if she thought some universal force would eventually disassociate them. At the mention, the doe straightened out her feathered frame and began to leave a meticulous trail of kisses across his plush neck, twilight ears and slick snout.The thought of ever being without her knight was quite displeasing and she sought to drown the speculation in kisses.

“Dakarai,” the femme began in a smokey, thick voice. Her starshine eyes were bright with reinvigorated ardor. “I prom- promise you, I will love you, celebrate and delight in you… until the end of time.” She moved her black nose back to his ears, exhaling the dulcet whisper deep in his auditories. “That is a promise, as solid as the stone we…” her eyes flicked to him, the sudden heat in her eyes hinting at the act they preformed upon that stone floor, thatched with dried grasses. “…as solid as the stone we lay upon.” 

“We are one, and that means even a silly dream can’t keep me from you.” That’s what it was, after all. Just a silly, terrifying dream. "Your are right, though. I know that I am safe with you."

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Dakarai - December 17, 2016

His cerulean blue eyes met her moss green gaze and held them there for a moment, before lifting his chin ever so slightly to allow her to press her about against his pulse point. His eyes squinted closed as the steady puffs of her breath stirred his fur. She moved suddenly and he felt the moist warmth of her tongue rasping almost desperately against his throat and snout, her kisses making him emit a long sigh of pleasure.

He listened to her words, the sound of her voice holding him enraptured. The words themselves would have made him happy, but the promise in them was what caused his eyes to moisten. The tears were not from pain or sadness, but of pure unadulterated love for the small female who lay against him. The near mention of their joining on the rocks, caused a near devilish grin to stretch across his maw pride leaving him unable to stop the expression from forming."I couldn't have said it better myself. I promise to provide for everything you may need, or want. You should never have to hunt. If a fight arises by your side I shall appear to protect you from harm."  He promised her, voice thick with love for the lithe woman whose mind had not only interested him but completely captured him.

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Olive - December 18, 2016

It seemed that Olive was not the only one moved to tears by their love and union. In response to his happy tears, Olive’s charcoal lips moved along his cheekbones, unable to desist their constant ministrations  — as if, without physical touch to tether them, they would both simply float away. Dakarai made his own vow: I promise to provide for everything you may need, or want. Olive could hardly stifle the low whine that rang from her throat; hearing these words from him stoked the flames that embered deep between her legs. She wanted to give herself [again] to the knight who vowed to protect her, to love her, to give her everything she ever wanted. Nosing him lustfully, Olive deeply breathed in his spiced scent and responded to his vow. "You already have."

“My lion,” Olive found that she could produce endless terms of endearment for Dakarai, each more more accurate than the next. But above all, her favorite nomenclature was King; that’s exactly what the shadowed brute was to her. He was her king, the one lifted her to a higher plane of existence. Together, they would conquer the world; after all, such a strong passion could do little else.

“Perhaps, when you are formally part of the family we can... request that we...” Olive allowed her husky incantation to fade away, bringing to light the idea of matehood; but leaving room for Dakarai to change the subject, for if he had any surprises up his sleeve that last thing she wanted to do was ruin them. Olive knew they had to wait to formalize their love in front of the gods, as Arturo would be reluctant to give them his blessing to a wolf outside of the family [even if, in her mind, Dakarai was already one of them and had been since the day he arrived at their borders].

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Dakarai - December 18, 2016

"yes. I already plan to seek permission for our love to be made official." he finished her inquiry with confidence, though the way the last word rolled off his tongue it was apparent that he already considered their love to be final. His thoughts drifted to an image of the strong male authority, Arturo. The man made Dakarai rather uncomfortable, as if he would always be an outsider. 

Shrugging off the dark thoughts he began to kiss the side of Olive's neck, his breath warm against the soft fur that lay there. "I wish to ask for breeding rights as well, my goddess.  I was hoping for springtime, when there would be plenty of flowers for our children to explore and star filled nights for them to sleep under." he spoke of his plans eagerly, his eyes meeting hers filled with the bright light of hope. He hoped that she would want to bear his children, to have a family to raise with him. If she didn't it would not change his love for her, but he would feel disappointed of course.

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Olive - December 18, 2016

That was all she needed to hear in order to melt into a puddle, right then and there. The milky nymph swooned deeply at his words. Yet again, Dakarai seemed to read her mind and bore her deepest wants and desires into reality, desires she never even knew she had. Their courtship had been the impetus for so many new emotions; one of them being a libertine itch for motherhood. Olive nearly committed herself to a life without babies, focused solely on scholarship and wanderlust; but caution had long since been thrown to the wind. The ingenue wanted to have his babies. She wanted them bad.

This was, quite honestly, something that crossed Olive’s smitten mind often — and she too, could imagine her children playfully traipsing among the tall, sweet grasses of summer [and no other season]. The woman buried her excited expression in the spun silk of his pelt, unable to fully handle the unabated mirth the she felt. “Oh Dakarai,” she breathed. “If I could, I would conceive your children this very moment.” 

Olive placed a creamy paw against the corsair’s shoulder and attempted to roll him on his back. If he would let her… she might as well try her luck anyways. Couldn’t hurt, right?

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Dakarai - December 19, 2016

He laughed joyfully the deep rich sound echoing off the walls of their den and filling it with brightness. She was so eager for more, but he found it to be adorable and sweet. He rolled over and gently wrapped his forearms around her neck, pulling her down on top of him and burying his nose in her fur. He let out a relaxed sigh and licked her head a few times reassuringly "there will be time for more my little nymph but for now rest your body. You may want more, but if we do you shall be very sore. We have all the time darling, rest beside me for now" he murmured. It was beginning to grow dark out, the stars peeking out from behind scattered puffs of white clouds.

He would have to be careful, for even though he desired to have children with her this very moment -though not technically possible- he knew it would be foolish and disrespectful to do so without permission. He knew it would earn him a solid boot out, but he feared Olive would lose her place as well or worse, be made to give up their children.

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Olive - December 19, 2016

He yielded to her touch, softly rolling to his back, hooking her with his arms and pulling her down on top of him. At first, Olive assumed this was his own carnal proposition, but further attention revealed that his touch carried notes of love and adoration, not the choir of viscosity, sensuality and torture from before [but she liked it just the same]. His beautiful melodious voice confirmed what: there would be no more lovemaking right then! Olive easily conceded to him, despite her slight disappointment. Dakarai knew so much about these things than she. If he said she would be sore, than that was the unequivocal truth.  Olive nodded resolutely at his decision and further followed his direction, sidling up against him much in the manner of their fated introduction.

Olive had never known such happiness. Again, the woman found herself wondering if she were the happiest soul on the planet at that moment — for absolutely nothing could be better than love. Amongst all the souls on the planet, their two were the made the same. They found each other within the folds of the universe. It was an incredibly, wonderful, mind altering thing: to be complete.

“I love you” The simple words were hushed, whispered into the night; curling, whisping and vanishing into the dusky sky.

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Dakarai - December 20, 2016

"I love you too Olive" For these words he spoke her name, wanting the word love to be associated with her not some nickname of affection. For he had loved her before he came up with the terms of endearment that he spoke so often, so when he said he loved her he would say it. They lay together much like the warm night of their first meeting, and he smiled to himself as he lay his head against hers, and closed his eyes. The smell of her accompanied by the gentle movements of her sides as she breathed lulled him into a peaceful sleep, one unlike anything he had experianced in quite some time.

wrapping it up?

RE: oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place [m] - Olive - December 21, 2016

I'll archive! I feel like threads between these two are so emotionally intense that it always ends with them PTFO haha
I love you, Olive.  The words were sung not unlike a lullaby.  Now that she was laying down, completely comfortable and burrowed within the confines of her lover, a deep sleep quickly overtook her and she slept deeply and dreamlessly – with no crimson steps to mar her bliss.