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Hideaway Strath Every Rose Has Thorns - Printable Version

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RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - January 07, 2021

Arlette dipped her head. She had been there but not too often. She turned into the direction of those woods. "Not sure if we can expect something special in a woods," she commented with a light chuckle. But perhaps they would be surprised by something special. "What do you expect that you would find?"

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - January 09, 2021

Listening to Arlette, Nyra hmmed softly.

"Perhaps a cavern? Or a network of them? Hopefully anyway. It would make a good denning area especially for the winter." The Harbinger answered, since this takes place just before the BWP takes full effect

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - January 11, 2021

Arlette's eyes turned big. "That does sound interesting," she grinned at the other. She never really been in a cave system before. So if they would find one that would be rather interesting. "Yes, I think so too, especially if there will be a lot of snow this year." Arlette trotted in the southern direction, curiously looking around when they reached the thicker part forest. It was hugging the sides of the mountain.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - January 15, 2021

Prowling next to Arlette, Nyra took note of where they were, the thicker forests hugging the side of the stony mountain. 
Picking up to a slow trot, the Harbinger made toward the mountain itself, getting an inkling that any caves would be located there, most likely. 
"Any caves will probably be this way." She noted aloud for her companion

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - January 17, 2021

Arlette nodded obediently. She followed through the forest until they reached rock. Arlette curiously trotted towards it and watched as the cliffs were high up in the skies. She felt very protected and probably the reason for it was this huge wall of rock. No one would be able to cross that except for mountain goats. The female stepped along the wall. "I think you might be right! Look over there?," she commented and with a quick run she had found an entrance to a cave. She wagged her tail. Though, she was not sure if she really wanted to go in there.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - January 17, 2021

Following closely behind Arlette, Nyra trotted to the yawning cave mouth at her exclaimation, eyes peering with awe as she took her time exploring around the mouth for snake dens and such.


"I think it's safe to go inside?" The Harbinger commented, sniffing into the cavern air for signs of cougar or bear or anything. 

Again, nothing. 
With a sway of her tail, the large woman stalked inside, looking around for a minute, then to what looked to be tunnels. Two to four of them lined the walls within just the first room! 
"Seems like we might've found a network of caves, huh?" Nyra smiled to her companion. 
It was a quick jump to the conclusion, but it seemed to be true, given the oceans of air that wafted into the cave from wherever the tunnels lead to and from. Along with the Strath outside, of course.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - January 18, 2021

Arlette stood next to the large female. She really felt like a pup next to the other at times. Luckily she was in no way treated like one. Arlette sniffed around the entrance. She couldn't smell anything, not any recent wild fauna. Which was good, the last thing she needed was a cougar to appear. She was not sure what she would do, probably hide behind Nyra. "It feels safe."

She followed Nyra inside and then looked around, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness. "Wow, we did," she spoke and continued further. It was really big but there were other tunnels veering off. "I hear water," she commented and curiously moved on. Now her eyes were adjusted she could see better, and there really did seem some light come from the end of the tunnel...

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - January 20, 2021

Sniffing around, Nyra ended up beside Arlette again, tilting her head slightly in curiosity as she too heard the water, and saw the light at the end of one of these tunnels. 
Slowly padding forward, the Harbinger sniffed a bit, turning to Arlette to see what the red-eyed girl wanted to do.
"Shall we explore some more? See where the sound of water takes us?" 

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - January 21, 2021

Arlette nodded eagerly. She really did want to see where the water came from, but she was glad for the bigger female to be there. She rather stuck close to her in case something jumped out at them.. She stepped forward, letting her be guided by the light that came from down the tunnel. The water was louder. Arlette continued to walk, until more light was there and she reached a lake, across from it was daylight coming in. She was amazed at the sight. "wow!," she breathed.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - January 21, 2021

Smiling in awe right beside her, Nyra echoed the wow softlky, looking at what appeared to be an island of lush greenery on one side of the cave-bound lake. 
"I think if you or any of our medics need a medicine ward, this could be it." The Harbinger suggested, approaching the towering island of greenery and herbs from a shallower point in the water - a pathway, of sorts, where the water didn't require a swim.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - January 24, 2021

Arlette nodded. "Yes, it is covered, but has light unlike a den has. Plus it has fresh water for drinking and cleaning wounds. This is amazing," she breathed and wagged her tail. She followed Nyra. Her feet only getting wet, she didn't mind that. This would be perfect, Even the moss on the rocks could be used. "We need a good name for it," she decided.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - January 24, 2021

All too inspired with names, Nyra spoke up "The Chambers, for the cave system. How about...Gaia's Altar, for this?" The Harbinger suggested, looking to Arlette for approval

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - January 25, 2021

Arlette thought about it. The caves did feel like big chambers, so that really fit to her. It also sounded warm and lovely. The place everyone in the pack would go if they needed a little warmth. She nodded. "I really like the name Chambers," she agreed. However, she did tip her head when the other told her about Gaia's altar. "Did you know a Gaia? Why that name?," she asked curiously, not aware of a meaning of it. "Altar sounds religious," she admitted. "Are we religious?," she asked Nyra curiously.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - January 27, 2021

To Arlette's questions, Nyra shook her head some "One of my ancestors had the name, I think the original name belonged to a human goddess, a deity that is all of nature and nature's forces. As for religion, I don't think we are." Nyra responded, looking around the cavern room absently.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - January 28, 2021

Arlette nodded softly to the other. Then it made sense to name it after someone from the past, perhaps a good healer. Nyra spoke then about something she didn't know. "Humans?,' she frowned, not aware of their existence.

Arlette looked at the other pale female. "Then why are we called the saints? Usually they worship something, right?" she asked, kind of with a chuckle.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - January 28, 2021

Nyra chuckled "My birth pack lived in a forest somewhat close to a human settlement. They are...weird beings. As for why our name? I really have no idea." She turned, beginning to head back out

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - January 31, 2021

Arlette blinked. Nyra only speaking of that they were weird creatures. "Are they prey?," she asked curiously, trying to indicate what kind of creature they were. She thought about the name. "Maybe I should ask Kynareth then, what his thoughts behind it was," she commented, mostly thinking out loud. She then looked at the room before here. "Gaia's altar it is then."

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - January 31, 2021

Are they prey? 
"No. Not really. We avoided them best we could. They could wield dangerous tools that will kill a wolf faster than we could kill one of them unarmed. They are dangerous." Nyra responded, furrowing her brows as she trotted back to the first cave

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - February 01, 2021

Arlette turned to Nyra with an impressed expression. "What do you mean tools? They are predator like us but different? Don't they use claws and teeth?," she asked curiously. "Well, I'm glad I never saw one of those here. Especially if they kill without reason." She felt they had enough enemies with bears, cougars and other packs sometimes.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - February 01, 2021

Nyra nodded in agreement to Arlette's gratitude. Indeed, humans are dangerous creatures and any in the Teekons may mean big trouble. 
"I don't know if they are predatory like us, but they carry these long sticks in their paws that make loud noise, and that noise kills other animals...or something in the stick kills other animals? I was only a pup when I saw some, but my mother had herded me back to the den before I could get close. Other than that, my knowledge comes from word of mouth."  Nyra explained, trying her best to paint a relatively accurate picture, but being a wolf, it was truly difficult.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - February 03, 2021

Arlette listened with an open mouth. She never knew sound could kill. She shuddered. More and more glad that she had never seen them. "They sound awful," she stated. "I hope these humans never come here. I don't want to lose anyone again,"she muttered.

She looked around, ready to change the topic. "We should tell the pack about this place!" She beamed.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - RIP Fury - February 03, 2021

we can wrap up and archive here if you'd like? :>

"Agreed." Nyra nodded once to Arlette's conclusion on humans. 

A brief silence. 
we should tell the pack about this place!
"You think so? I'll race you!" The Harbinger smiled back to Arlette, pulling into a loose run with a playful laugh.

RE: Every Rose Has Thorns - Arlette - February 06, 2021

Arlette grinned. "Hell yeah," she returned and then started to run. Nyra might be bigger than her, way bigger. But the Overseer had more mass than she did. Arlette made sure to put her best effort into racing the other, back the their central meeting place. Though she felt like these Chamber would soon be their general meeting area.

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