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Phantom Hollow Stay off our yard - Printable Version

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Stay off our yard - RIP Issun - February 24, 2016

Set a day after this thread. For @Malice (@Sage and/or @Cogitemus could hop in too!)

The yearling had meant to inform Malice about the Nemesis ordeal asap, but with the intruder and pack meeting, he hadn't the time. But now, he was sure that the alpha would have the free time.

Issun lifted his head, calling for the female. Hopefully Sage could hear him and come to back up his claim. The boy wasn't sure if Cogitemus would come to his call.

RE: Stay off our yard - Sage - February 24, 2016

Sage soon answered his call with one of her own, informing him that she would be coming his way. He had also called for the alpha's, and she assumed it was to speak about their meeting with Nemesis, a harsh and stubborn wolf who spoke rudely of Malice. She believed she had handled the situation well enough, and had Issun by her side for most of the occurrence. Hopefully, their leaders wouldn't be too worried of her coming, as they stated for each other to stay away from their borders and all would be well. Nemesis had a large hate against Mal, and she was sure why. What could have happened between them for such a distasteful feeling towards each other. Then again she wasn't sure how her alpha felt towards the woman either, but assuming she was sure it wasn't good.

RE: Stay off our yard - Malice - February 25, 2016

It was a surprise to hear the familiar voice of Issun, the young fighter, break the silence the queen had found herself in. She was doing nothing at the moment, just finished refreshing the borders and hunting critters. She raised an eyebrow. What was so important that made the young male call out?

Malice found herself running toward the young boy, eager to find out what was going on. Upon arriving, even Sage was there. Hello, the both of you. She greeted, nodding at them both. What is the matter? 

RE: Stay off our yard - RIP Issun - February 25, 2016

The boy didn't have to want long. Sage and Malice were quick to his call. "Hello Malice. Sage," he greeted with a dip of his head. "There are important things to discuss."

"Sage and I met this wolf from Blackfeather," he started. "Nemesis is what she called herself. Beta of Blackfeather."

"She was insane. It felt like she was fueled by her ego. She said that she knew you and questioned your leadership in a rude way." The words came out in a hissing tone. Issun looked up to Malice and didn't take kindly to the female throwing blind words. "Even said that there was going to be tension between us, when we haven't even done anything to them!"

RE: Stay off our yard - Sage - February 27, 2016

"I managed to keep the situation as calm as possible, and Nemesis went her way, but it's still concerning to know she has such a rude mindset towards you, and our pack." Sage said, lowering her position in the presence of Malice. She wasn't the type to be bothered by much, but this definitely did something to her, the idea of their new pack falling because some pack issues made her stomach ache.

RE: Stay off our yard - Malice - February 27, 2016

The queen listened carefully to the two, and knew of who the young boy was talking about. It was that crazy bitch who she had fought with only moments after arriving in Teekon Wild. Now that she thought about, she had said something about her being in a pack that was called Dark Brotherhood. Nemesis, so that was her name... Beta?! How can anyone want a beta that is so full of herself? So disgustingly stupid?

Malice growled softly, so angered by all of this that she couldn't keep it in anymore. They now had neighbors with one of her enemies as a leader. Great, this was absolutely fantastic. Now she definitely knew that she was going to speak with the other pack's alpha to discuss peace, and she wanted Sage to come along. As an almost Beta, she needed to know how to handle this. I see. Yes, this crazy wolf does know me, but not who I am now. I am a changed wolf and will protect you all with my life. The me Nemesis met a few months ago is gone, and it is time to do something about this all. She said, an excited glint in her eyes.

I will speak to the neighbor's alpha, to ask if they want peace or a war. I hope they think the same as me, that war would be unnecessary for both parties. She explained, revealing her plan. Sage, as an upcoming Beta, I want you to accompany me. She said, a small smile on her muzzle but still keeping her posture serious.

RE: Stay off our yard - RIP Issun - February 27, 2016

So the story was true then. Malice and Nemesis stood on different ends. The fact could immediately make the boy have a strong dislike towards the Blackfeather girl. Any enemy of his alpha was an enemy to him.

He nodded, agreeing with the idea. It was only the delusional beta they had troubles with. For the rest, they stood on neutral ground. He doubted the Blackfeather alpha would start war just for one wolf's vengeful needs and visa versa. A selfish and foolish act indeed.

"Maybe I should go with you two," he proposed. Though he knew well that the two were capable of caring for themselves, it didn't stop the need to protect.

RE: Stay off our yard - Sage - February 28, 2016

Sage nodded towards her alpha, and tried to contain her excitement of joining Malice on a mission, it seemed she made the correct decision to join Moonlit Hills instead of staying a lone wolf. She had made friends, and possibly even more than friends like Issun, become the perfect rank, she actually had family, which the girl never had the pleasure of. "I'd love to join you," She agreed, only wagging her tail the slightest. It would also be able to speak to Nemesis easier, with them now the same rank. She had seemed to show off her rank as Beta when she spoke to Issun and her, but now she had nothing over her head.

She wouldn't object to Issun coming with them to speak to their neighboring pack, it was completely Malice's choice, in fact she'd love if he came, mainly because she just loved his company. Yet she feared for him to get hurt.

RE: Stay off our yard - Malice - February 29, 2016

1 more post from the both of you, and I think we can archive this :)

Nemesis wasn't the queen's enemy, she was just not her favorite one out there. Yes, her ego was really big and cruel words came out of the blackfeather girl's mouth, but everyone had something good. Or at least, Malice hoped so.

The queen shook her head to Issun, not wanting him to come. She didn't want to come with too many wolves, as it would probably give the wrong message. If they wanted peace, the last thing they should do is come with many and look like a threat. No Issun, Moonlit Hills needs you here. She said in a sweet tone. The boy had great skills in fighting and would one day become a great fighter, it would be a shame if his life ended so soon on the border of Blackfeather Woods.

Is that all? She asked, not knowing if Nemesis had said anything else. If not, she could go patrol the borders again since Cogitemus seemed to be gone... Hmm, weird.

RE: Stay off our yard - RIP Issun - March 02, 2016

He sighed. "Alright then." Issun would rather protect his alpha than stay. In reality however, it was best for him to stay. Still, the yearling was still naïve, young, and selfish. He didn't know about wellbeing yet.

He shook his head. "Nothing else I know of," he answered.

RE: Stay off our yard - Sage - March 03, 2016

Sage had remained quiet, not having much else to say. She listened intently to her alpha, and Issun. In her small time knowing him, he seemed rather protective of others, more aligned and bite first, ask questions later. The two were definitely opposites on that spectrum, but perhaps that was for the best? Such as a good cop, bad cop deal.