Wolf RPG
Why does my character not fit the guidelines? - Printable Version

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Why does my character not fit the guidelines? - Depp - April 16, 2016

I've been having trouble getting my character Gypsy accepted, but she's been denied twice, I've checked the character Guidlines multiple times and I can't seem to find anything wrong with her acc, can someone point it out to me so I can fix it?

RE: Why does my character not fit the guidelines? - RIP Fox - April 16, 2016

Quote:Your character's appearance must be somewhat natural; as a rule of thumb, we permit coat colors that occur naturally in canines. This includes colors such as black, white, gray, blue, brown, tan, and red, and markings such as socks, saddles, and patches. Spots such as those that occur in dalmatians are not permitted, but stippling of a lighter or darker shade of the base coat is. Some brindling is okay, but stripes are not. If you are unsure if something is acceptable, ask the administration.

I wasn't the one to deny you, so I can't say with 100% certainty, but it looks like that may be the culprit.

RE: Why does my character not fit the guidelines? - Indra - April 16, 2016

(April 16, 2016, 11:00 AM)Fox Wrote:
Quote:Your character's appearance must be somewhat natural; as a rule of thumb, we permit coat colors that occur naturally in canines. This includes colors such as black, white, gray, blue, brown, tan, and red, and markings such as socks, saddles, and patches. Spots such as those that occur in dalmatians are not permitted, but stippling of a lighter or darker shade of the base coat is. Some brindling is okay, but stripes are not. If you are unsure if something is acceptable, ask the administration.

I wasn't the one to deny you, so I can't say with 100% certainty, but it looks like that may be the culprit.

wolves can and do have dorsal stripes (as well as ventral)-- so maybe the rule should be clarified to "dorsal/ventral stripes" allowed, but vertical/horizontal stripes on limbs and flanks (transverse markings) are not. wolves, particularly agouti wolves, sometimes have dark dorsal markings from nose to tail -- it's why you see the standard agouti color with a dark upper (dorsal) and pale/white lower (ventral).

RE: Why does my character not fit the guidelines? - Ferret - April 16, 2016

IIRC the appearance field was not filled out.
Dorsal stripes are ok but tiger stripes etc are not.
I'll accept her now. :)

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RE: Why does my character not fit the guidelines? - Depp - April 16, 2016

@Ferret @Indra thank you both!