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Ravenshook Cliffs you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Printable Version

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you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Piper - January 13, 2019

It was getting late, and the girl knew that she would need to take a break soon and find a place where she could settle for the evening. The constant crashing of the waters had provided her with a natural background melody that had put her in something of a trance while she continued her march across the coast. The further that she traveled, the more she had started to wonder if there were even any packs near there. Perhaps that was why she’d never been told about the wild waters and the sandy beaches. Maybe they just weren’t places where wolves were meant to live.
The young firefly knew that she definitely couldn’t have settled in that kind of location. She had enjoyed the sheer size of it in the beginning, but the more she’d been met with lapping waters and the cry of seagulls, the more she had started to miss her home. As she had made her way onto the plateau and then found the edge of the cliffs, Piper felt her heart leap into her throat.
There was a long way down and some pretty jagged rocks at the bottom. She was pretty sure she’d make a good splat noise if she were to tumble over the edge. With that thought, a gust of wind threatened to do the very thing she dreaded. The wildfire girl gritted her teeth and jumped back so that she was firmly planted on land.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Charon - January 16, 2019

The search for Revui had brought Charon up further to the north. He'd done some searching with @Arcturus but then had branched off on his own so that he could cover more ground without having to worry or think about his son. His leg had healed up well enough though his eye was still milky and glossed over; it was unlikely he would ever see with it again. Yet he resiliently did not seem to care -- seem to, anyway -- as he still went off on his own. But when he did, always a bit easier to startle on his left side.

Maybe he could see more from the tall cliffs, he thought at first, but soon it just became a desire to see the rolling ocean waves because it made him feel like home. Even after all these years of being Moonspear's King, the ocean of his youth still tugged at Charon's heartstrings and urged him closer to the salty sea and fresh breeze, even despite the winter chill.

As he climbed and ended up on a plateau Charon was curious to find that someone else was there. He saw her on his good side first, luckily, and chuffed to announce his presence. She seemed to be looking down the edge, so he didn't approach right away, lest he startle her into the depths of the ocean or atop some sharp cliff or peak below. She was young, he could tell from the way she was built, and he wondered what she was doing out here all alone, without a doubt far from her home.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Piper - January 18, 2019

There was a chuff, as though someone was reaching out to warn her that they were approaching. She was appreciative of this, for a second. It wasn’t until the sound of the male was coupled with another nasty gust of wind that she found herself whirling around with wildfire in her eyes. Then, she latched her sights to the pale figure who approached. He looked hardened and wild, like he had known many wars and faced many creatures far beyond her imagination. Now, Piper Redleaf was not the type to turn tail and run away – no, sir. Still, this man appeared before her as more of a brute than any other wolf she had faced in the wilds.
Foolishly, she did not flee.
Piper squared herself up and made sure that she trotted forward a few yards to avoid the wobbles that the edge had caused in her stomach. Only then did she actually offer a light waver of her tail. She wasn’t the kindest girl out there, but she was more than capable of holding up a conversation. The wildfire drew her tongue along the whiskers of her muzzle before she nodded and offered a casual, “heeey.”

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Arcturus - January 19, 2019

arcturus pulled up the rear of charon's expedition, trailing behind the alabaster monarch with his own heavy thoughts slowing him down. there was so much here he had never seen -- even the rocks were of a different texture and color than his moonspear home.

it was the wind that was strangest to arcturus -- it carried a heavy brine, and sometimes seemed warmer than it ought to be for this time of year.. and the ocean -- he had watched wide-eyed as it had gradually grown larger and larger in his vision, until all he could see was stormy waves. he had slipped from searching to investigate the shore. at first he was terrified of the snarling water, but after about an hour of playfully skipping and biting at the water (UGH, why did it TASTE so bad?), arcturus' spirits were lifted to a rare high as he bounded back to his father.

only... there was a familiar figure by his father that caused the boy to stop abruptly. his expression went from happy to hurt and unhappy -- and with a deep scowl, the boy meekly placed himself by charon's flank and regarded piper as coldly as he could manage.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Charon - January 22, 2019

The gust of wind made Charon appreciative that he did not stand as close to the cliffs. He loved the ocean but the cliffs had always had a deadly precision that made him respectful and wary; he preferred not to stay too near those edges. He watched as the girl greeted him, and just as she did Arcturus returned from his solo exploration. An ear moved backwards and he recognised Arcturus' gait before he pulled up by his father's flank.

Charon did not share Arcturus' cold expression; he smiled a charming smile and said: Hey. I'm Charon Ostrega, from Moonspear. We're looking for my son. Yearling, silver with teal eyes, his name is Uyo Revui. He's gone missing about a month ago. We're also missing my daughter Yami, brown fallish agouti fur. Same age, but she's been missing for five months... The way he trailed off sounded a lot less hopeful at finding back Yami than ever seeing Revui again. Although Revui was strong and disciplined, Charon knew he could be a hothead. What if he'd picked a fight with the wrong wolf..? He hoped that this girl knew something, but admittedly his hopes did not sail all too high.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Piper - February 06, 2019

The girl felt okay talking to the speckled white man. She thought that she was perfectly capable of carrying on a normal conversation with a stranger in the wilds. That wasn't hard, she convinced herself without much trouble. Besides, the more folks that she was able to get around to chatting with, the more likely it was that someone would notice Lucas out there and tell him to get his ass home. She just wanted someone who had seen the happy boy pass through. Piper wanted to know that he had been safe, if only for a moment.

When the large male introduced himself as Charon, another figure approached his side. At first, the wildfire girl did not recognize him. It wasn't until he had fixed her with a cold scowl that she realized just who she was looking at, and it filled her with a deeply indescribable feeling of irritation. It took everything in her power to listen to the white wolf's story. Once he'd finished, she made sure to fix him with her stare and shook her head. A frown had made its way onto her dark lips.

“I haven't seen anyone like your boy... and no one young enough to be your daughter, but I'll keep a look out as I keep going. I'm actually looking for a lost family member, myself,” the girl said with a soft smile. “My brother Lucas. He's a lot like me but instead of red fur, he's got tan fur... and blue eyes! He's my age too. Have you seen anyone like that?” Piper then offered him, hoping with all of her heart that the more verbal figure would be able to give her something to move forward with. Her eyes were eager as she gazed on the figure of Charon.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Arcturus - February 17, 2019

for the most part, arcturus was ignored -- something that he was fine with, given any time the wildfire girl fixed her sights on him, it was like being at the receiving end of a sniper's coldly calculated scope. he was not about that life  and so, just quietly flanked his father and said nothing.

there was much he could learn from charon - the way the smile came easily to him, though arcturus recognized it as fabricated, it would be difficult for a stranger not familiar with his father to detect it was anything but genuine. arcturus vowed to try such tactics later, but for now kept his gaze solidly on the girl, hoping against hope she might call him retarded in front of his father so charon could rip her a new one.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Charon - February 19, 2019

The girl seemed distracted by Arcturus, though Charon found it hard to tell whether she was positively or negatively distracted. Being a proud father, he of course leaned more towards a positive answer there. After he had asked his questions she mentioned not having seen either, but that she would keep her eyes open. He'd given his pack name for that -- odds were small but if there were some chances, this was the way to go about it.

She then mentioned someone called Lucas that she was looking for. It wasn't hard to picture with the image that she sketched but Charon had never met anyone that looked like her, let alone her brother. Lucas, she had said? I'm afraid I have not seen anyone like that, either, he admitted with a frown. What's your name and where could we find you should we happen upon him or hear of him? He wished the same, after all, so it seemed only courteous to offer it in return.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Piper - March 01, 2019

Yeah, if he couldn’t tell, Piper was definitely ignoring him. She wouldn’t even look at the dark boy. Her attention was fixed on the tall pale man who was speaking to her. Sure, that might have been petty of her, but she wasn’t so proud that she wouldn’t stoop to absolutely pathetic measures to feel as though she’d accomplished something. If ignoring Arcturus was successful at ruffling his feathers, she would have felt as though she was soaring. In the meantime, she would be nothing but polite and friendly to his father. The older fellow hadn’t given her any sort of reason to be anything but.
“I’m Piper Redleaf,” she introduced herself with a swift nod and a quick smile. Her tail wavered at her hocks for a moment before it returned to a neutral positioning. Then she realized she was supposed to give him a place to send Lucas if he happened upon the boy, but… the wildfire of a young woman realized that she really wasn’t sure where her brother was supposed to go. Stigmata had mentioned a new pack where everyone had moved to. “You can send him to uh… Lost Hollow? It’s not far from Bearclaw Valley,” she offered, trying to remember what Stigmata had said about her family’s new digs while she was speaking.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Arcturus - March 01, 2019

'i'm piper redleaf' the bitch, added arcturus mentally, fixating his gaze on the flame that had burnt his ego to a crisp. he said nothing, preferring to have his father take the lead. charon was stronger, smarter, and far more experienced in handling fiery wolves -- if his scars weren't proof of his tenacity, his survival at such an age was.

arcturus did not lift his gaze from piper - for every second that she ignored him, he fixed his sights full-bore upon her, hoping she could feel the intensity of his yellow gaze, and perhaps know he did not care for her and had not forgiven her, either.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Charon - March 02, 2019

Charon nodded as the girl introduced herself, completely oblivious to whatever rivalry was silently taking place between his son and the girl. He mentally noted the packs she mentioned, though he didn't really remember ever hearing from these packs before. Maybe once or twice. Anyway -- he nodded and offered, I'll keep my eyes open. Then he looked back at Arcturus, who seemed to be staring intensely at the girl. The father thought it a bit odd his son hadn't introduced himself, but he decided not to put any attention onto his son's weird behaviour in front of Piper.

Thanks for looking out, too. I hope you find him - your brother. Charon smiled ruefully at Piper, really hoping that she would find him, and then gestured at Arcturus that they would be off to continue their search along the coastline.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Piper - March 03, 2019

The pale man said that he would keep his eyes open. In turn, she would do the same. There was a moment in which she felt a hint of kinship toward the man who ventured in search of his lost children. While she may have been trying to goad a reaction out of his son for a good majority of their conversation, she had still paid close enough attention to know that their goals were not dissimilar. Piper offered a breathy, “thank you. I’ll do the same.” She dipped her head just slightly to the taller man before standing at her full height.
Piper ventured away from the duo hoping that Charon was able to find his lost kids, and also hoping that his son Arcturus could grow up and quit being such a great big shit stain. Alas, there could be no promises of the latter. With the remainder of her trek for the day, she thought about keeping a wider eye for the kids that the freckled male had asked about. She did not see them, but they remained fresh in her mind.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Arcturus - March 09, 2019

enter the third post where arcturus does nothing but stare: a fascinating thing to write about, really.

he was glad the conversation was over, and that piper was leaving. he didn't want to be in charon's shadow for much longer, and he also didn't want his father to catch onto the tension between them - the last thing he wanted to do was explain to charon that he had been called retarded by this ugly little firebrand.

oh, who was he kidding? piper wasn't ugly. just thinking about her made his stomach twist, but not in the way a spoiled dinner did. it was something a bit deeper, not so superficial - and he couldn't explain it in words other than, he liked and hated it at the same time.

kind of like how he liked and hated piper at the same time.

like piper, arcturus drew himself to his full height as she straightened up, daring her to say anything else insolent in front of his father. of course, she didn't - she remained the perfect little angel -- he drew a big sigh as she was gone, looking at the ground with some disappointment that nothing had been gleaned from this encounter about revui or yami.

RE: you can't watch willy wonka without massive amounts of junk food - Charon - March 09, 2019

Arcturus just stood there and stared for a moment as she said good-bye and they parted ways. Coming, Arc? Charon reminded his son as he seemed to be busy staring at Piper, maybe lost in thoughts. He had no idea of what was going on between them the whole time, let alone now, and so as Arcturus presumably followed him after his reminder, the pair of them set off to search the coast further, while Piper went her own way looking for her lost brother.