Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera The truth is in the eye of the beholder. - Printable Version

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The truth is in the eye of the beholder. - Ghidorah - February 14, 2020

The large golden wolf had been traveling with the woman that he had acquired and the journey would take a bit to get to Nightwalkers. Ghidorah was shipping his package to the home base but he couldn't quite turn the tables on the girl just yet. The golden titan looked ahead with a blank expression with his ears forward and head craned like a preying snake as he walked with strength in his stride towards the Caldera. The bloody scent of the Nightwalker's territory was swirling in his nostrils with his ghost eyes looking in the distance, and with a couple of more strides, they had both entered the strange bowl with mountains as its walls. The muscular man stopped in his tracks with the smell of death being picked up by the whistling wind, his silver eyes scanned the area and made note of the strange rock formations that were present.

But the man had other things on his mind, he knew he couldn't just go to the territory without a decoy to trick the woman into just passing by his pack's territory. Ghidorah knew the woman would have questions as to why he brought her here, so to avoid the question, Ghidorah morphed his blank mask into an assuring smile, "we will be there soon my dear, the Caldera is a shortcut despite the dangerous look." His mouth peeled into a smile that showed his dragon-like fangs but he knew he had to keep his malicious intent hidden. The giant swung his head towards the peak of the Caldera, the Nightwalker's territory is beyond the ridge, "my pack is beyond those hills, we will need to make a quick stop there so that I may assure them that I am not dead, plus I will need to bring them prey." Ghidorah looked around his surroundings, he couldn't see any prey as his back was turned to the female, and since he couldn't see anything, this would be his perfect opportunity.

He peeled back a wicked grin to himself.

Ghidorah fixed his expression to look like he was a little unsure and worried, "I can't seem to smell nor see anything, do you mind assisting me in finding some small prey?" He asked with childlike pleading in his eyes, but true to his nature, he was really not searching for prey. He knew the Caldera was dangerous and one wrong move could get anyone killed, so if the girl agreed to help him "find" prey, hopefully, her naiveness would cause her to slip up and injure herself in some way.

RE: The truth is in the eye of the beholder. - Cordelia - February 16, 2020

Traveling with the titan until this point had been rather uneventful. There had been small talk here and there and time to rest but they still knew little about one another including each other's names. Not running into others along their journey it wasn't as though they would need to distinguish themselves from one another, and it meant the princess could keep her identity further hidden from those within the land. As she spent more time with him she had seen that intensity in his eyes as they traveled, quickly changing to a smile when speaking with her. It provided her with comfort more than suspicion, seeing that his focus was on the events around them, looking out for possible danger.

As they moved onto the Caldera the scent of others became more apparent. At first, it didn't catch her mind, as though she had become a custom to it, but with its increasing intensity, she became more warry. Stopping on his tracts her sunlit guide scanned the area, something she had seen him do several times prior. Mentioning their close arrival she became worried about her escape. Prior to this moment, there hadn't been a clear time to flee/abandon her guide. It was only when he mentioned stopping at his pack that she realized why the smell was so familiar. It had been walking alongside her for a few days now. Interacting with others, let alone a pack, was not on her agenda. There was more variety in a group, different personalities, and more opportunities for her story to get out.  She thought about telling him right then to go on without her. Telling him to meet up with her once he was done and slipping away before he could return. Before she could say anything or think it through he was asking her for help. Hesitantly she nodded her head.

Despite wanting to leave, looking at his smile and thinking of what he had offered her so far, she felt guilty simply leaving him and not repaying his kindness. It wasn't a big request and likely wouldn't take much time, assuming they were present. "Of course" she said sweetly and lightly. "Luckily for you, this is my specialty" she said earnestly. 

Lifting her nose and smelling the air she tried her best to filter out the smell of the nearby territory. What caught her attention wasn't a particular smell, but rather a lack of it. She turned her head and began to lightly trot away from the male's current position. Coming across a few rough rocks she tested their stability. Her small size and light weight gave them little trouble though a few rocks shifted and rolled downward. Never needing to truly work in a group she had no thought of the possible difficulty someone larger or heavier might experience. Treading with her usual graze and balance she soon made it towards her destination. A lake of cooled water, odorless and the one thing here that would attract life. This is where she would look for her prize.

RE: The truth is in the eye of the beholder. - Ghidorah - February 20, 2020

The man could just sense her uncertainty, while he did love to see someone uncomfortable and try to make do with the situation that they are in, he had to make sure that his party wouldn't slip away. But with words, he could lose her, so instead, he peeled back a soft smile, which was a smile that could melt hearts. The false warmth that he expressed to the female with his eyes alone were as comforting as being near the ones that you held close to your heart. But thankfully, the women expressed that she was in her element when it came to hunting she had a look in her eyes the revealed that she was starting to feel comfortable.

Ghidorah continued to look at her with an assuring look as she trotted her little white paws towards a stone near the lake where she would perch and look for her prize. This was his chance. But, he had to play his cards just right, and attack on her would be too soon, so he would need a better reason for the woman to go to his camp.

He needed just a little accident.

While she was busy the man slid his ghost eyes around the area, there were sharp rocks everywhere and plenty of shards. The golden titan raised his brows and eyed the woman, she seemed still as a statue, so with this opportunity, he carefully guided his paws around the rocky earth and used his sense of touch to find the perfect shard. But the man knew better, he used his large head and swung it side to side to indicate that he was looking for prey and he would calculate his paw steps to look like a normal stride but he was secretly searching for something. 

At last, he found what he needed, he quickly checked over his shoulder with a curious look at the woman to see if she was looking at his direction. When she wasn't he swiftly picked up the knife-like shard in his mouth and kept hold of it inside his jaws to that she wouldn't see. The man swung his body and slugged over to the same bank that the was scanning into with a defeated look on his face. Ghidorah didn't say anything as he scanned the surface of the water and tracked where he would place his sleeper agent. The man continued to act like he was hunting in a meaningful way, and as soon as a silverfish swam in his view, he plunged his muzzle into the water with the speed of a snake. 

He wasn't going for the fish itself but rather he opened his jaws and let the shard go into the water as the frightened fish's swimming caused the shard to swirl towards the naive woman. The man pulled his lion-like head out of the water with his face dripping, "missed one..." he muttered.

RE: The truth is in the eye of the beholder. - Cordelia - February 29, 2020

The slow movement of the lake coupled with the sound of the ground being disturbed underfoot honed her focus. She was aware of her companion moving past her on his own pursuit of a meal, but her eyes stayed centered on her own reflection in the water and what lay beneath it. Various fish swam by here and there that were either too small or too far from the shore. 

Her companion rustled in the background before giving up his previous efforts and approached the water's edge. An ideal catch was swimming their way and she lowered her stance ready to pounce. The titan had the first go, plunging his jaws into the water untimely missing his assumed mark. In the midst of his words, Cordelia lunged into the water missing his comment. His attempt had sent the fish rushing towards her and with great precision, she lunged into the water sinking her jaws into the flesh of the fish, her front paws submerged in water.

A sudden bit of shock rushed through her body as she entered the water, and a sharp pain emanated from her paws and wrists. That is a lot colder then I thought it would be, she thought to herself and quickly pulled herself out of the water, grasping hard with her fangs. The fish would eventually cease its movement but until Cordelia took a few moments to raise one paw after the other and shake off the water, hoping that it would result in the pain and numbing of the water to leave her extremities.

But as she lifted her left paw she noticed the color red staining her white coat. She had sustained a cut on her ankle, unnoticed earlier by the numbing of the cold water. Now deceased she dropped her catch onto the ground and further inspected her injury. "It seems I may have caught the sharp end of a rock or something of the sort. I imagine it should be fine though" she expressed, this having been one of the most minor of injuries she had sustained whilst in the wilds. "Do you suppose the size of this fish will be sufficient for you pack?" she asked diverting the topic.

RE: The truth is in the eye of the beholder. - Ghidorah - March 03, 2020

The man pretended to look defeated that he couldn't catch the fish, but in reality, his plan had set into motion and the girl had foolishly dived for the fish and snatched it swiftly. Though he wasn't impressed that she could catch a fish, he gave her a forced wagged tail to congratulate her, but his silver eye caught the fact that she had been cut at her ankle. Glee filled his heart but he forced himself to look curious and concerned for her well being as the girl tried to brush off the fact that she had an injury and asked Ghidorah if this catch will be enough for his pack.

"Of course this will do, but my dear, you can't just brush off this injury," he fretted slightly as he approached her and lowered his tilted head to get a better look at her cut. "You don't have to act tough my darling," he drifted up flirtatious eyes up to her orbs and locked onto her for a few moments before craning his head up and looking around the caldera. "There is only barren rock here," he observed, but he already planned this ahead of time, "when we stop by my pack, I can have my healer look at that cut and just put some herbs on it to make sure you don't get an infection." Even if the girl might have protested, he would be sure to soothe her nerves and bring her closer.

RE: The truth is in the eye of the beholder. - Cordelia - March 13, 2020

Sorry for the late reply. I'm getting over a stomach bacteria. I have antibiotics now so I hopefully will get better and be able to reply more regularly.

She was glad to hear that the effort she had put in to secure her catch would be appreciated by her guide and soon his pack. But his sense of gratitude was not the only emotion he expressed as a level of concern was also presented. A simple cut wouldn't be that big of an issue she thought but he insisted that even this minor injury could develop an infection and worsen. "It's really not that large of an issue, and you have already provided so much." she expressed.

When he stepped closer towards her to examine her injury and looked at her, she couldn't help but feel her sense of worry and concern diminish. His kind words and devoted demeanor were so far from savage she wondered if he might be more akin to the type of wolf Dawson was. He had to lead her to a temporary safe haven and perhaps this male would do the same. "Though if you insist, I would be willing to accept some herbs from your healer before my departure." she accepted. This may be a good way for her to see if his pack was a location worth staying in. If so she could then attempt to persuade them in allowing her stay, after apologizing for her misguidance.

RE: The truth is in the eye of the beholder. - Ghidorah - March 14, 2020


This was all coming together beautifully as he could sense the woman's nerves simmer down and her locked away trust was starting to seep out since his "concern" gave her false guidance. She expressed that this really wasn't a large issue but he raised his eyebrows and slightly shook his head and didn't say anything, he didn't want to overplay his part. "Our healer wouldn't mind sparing a few herbs, we aren't a pack of savages after all," he gave her a joking chuckle but he felt like throwing up since he felt like running out of breath with that forced chuckle.

He swung his large head and turned his body towards the direction of the Haunted woods like a snake with his entire body following suit. Ghidorah slightly moved his muzzle so that he could see the girl, "let's make haste" was all he said with a blank expression as he moved his paws and slowly headed for a way out of the caldera so that she would catch up if she hesitated. "Don't forget the fish!" He called as he continued to walk with his tail flicking like a whip.