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Whitefish River I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Printable Version

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I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Speedy - May 29, 2020

@Dandelion @Primrose @Blackberry @Nutmeg welcome too
set for early morning 5/29

She was getting too uncomfortable to sleep for long periods of time, which meant she often napped randomly throughout the day. Usually she was woken by the unbearable urge to pee or the feeling of not being able to breath if she shifted into a weird position while sleeping. Her worries over the continued disappearance of Evergreen and Winterbourne and the stress it was causing Ira were what woke her early this morning. She checked on the new mother often throughout the day, probably to the extent of being a bother, but she didn't care. And it didn't help her worries that the Constable was greeting strangers at the borders so soon after giving birth. It wasn't like it was an uneventful birth either; the puppies had come early and she had needed help, and Speedy just needed her to rest. 

Mind heavy with worry and body already protesting her business, she pulled a rabbit from the nearest cache and headed to Ira's den. When she arrived, she paused at the entrance, setting the food down to call out: Ira? She made it a point to never just barge in even if she visited many times a day. Besides, she might be sleeping and the absolute last thing the healer ever wanted to do was wake her when she was resting.

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Ira - May 29, 2020

Again no news, day by day went by as Ira waited for something, anything. Even a body would be better than never knowing at this point, but it was just as she thought. The Count would likely never know and now she was left to lead and raise her children alone. Well...perhaps not alone alone, she luckily had the pack for help and support, but they would never get a father. After sleeping for most of the first day Ira found herself struggling once again to get any shut-eye. Her eyes almost never left the pups, the only exception being when she had visitors or she did manage to sleep.

Ira knew the stress she was causing to Speedy, and how she wished she could make her stop. The last thing the Count wanted was to cause another early birth or problems with Speedy's litter, but she trusted that she would take care of herself. She was a healer after all, she should know when she needs to step back, and with how often she visited Ira would be fine for a few hours left on her own. Speak of the devil— Ira raised her head from her paws tearing her gaze from the slumbering bodies to ensure she hadn't just imagined the voice. I'm here, Speedy. Not that she could really be elsewhere, it was more so just an assurance that she was awake.

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Speedy - May 31, 2020

Speedy picked up the rabbit and quietly padded inside the den, setting the food down near Ira and looking over the Constables children with smile. So far, they all seemed okay and so did Ira, which was a huge relief to the healer. She looked back to Ira. I brought you some breakfast, she said first, nosing the rabbit closer. Then she carefully took a seat. She tried to sit as often as she could these days. How are you feeling today? she asked, unable to completely keep the concerned frown from twisting her expression. She knew Ira was strong and capable, but she couldn't erase the image of her after she had given birth, and she couldn't forget how sick with worry she had been. It was all part of being a healer, but when it was wolves who were important to you, it was harder to compartmentalize things. So until she was absolutely certain that her leader was okay, she would continue to worry and check in.

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Ira - June 03, 2020

The rabbit was a welcomed sight, Ira hadn't even noticed the hunger that grew until the reminder stirred a growl within her stomach. Thank you, I'm feeling better. The strong fatigue had passed even if her sleep was inconsistent but in comparison to a few days prior it was safe to say that she was recovering. Besides, being tired was a part of raising kids or so she was told at least. Ira wouldn't hesitate to pull the rabbit closer to eat, How is the pack? Is Reiko still fairing well?

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Speedy - June 03, 2020

It really was a relief to see Ira feeling better. And she took the rabbit readily, which also made the healer happy. Good, I'm glad, she told her. She looked over the puppies once and then back to mom. And the children? How are they all doing? She assumed there had been no problems so far since Ira hadn't said anything, but she would give her an opportunity to ask questions or tell her any concerns if she had them. 

As far as I know, the pack seems okay, Speedy answered. Although, I'm probably not the best judge of that since most of my time has been split between you and Reiko. @Emrik hasn't told me anything, though, and I know he's been keeping an eye on things when he's not looking— she cut herself off for a moment, sadness filling her expression. —for...Evergreen and Winterbourne, she finished hesitantly. I'm sorry; I didn't meant to bring it up, she quickly offered. She didn't want to give the new mother more reasons to be upset, although she suspected she was probably already feeling that way. Reiko and her pups are doing well so far, she quickly added to change the subject and because Ira had asked. The healer did worry about when she would head home with the newborns; she had suggested that the empress stay here for a while and heal and let the children get bigger, but she had no idea if Reiko would do that.

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Ira - June 08, 2020

The Count turned her attention once more to the pups. They all seemed content enough and Ira hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary with them. At least now her knowledge was beginning to line up it took a lot of unwanted guesswork out of the picture. They have been doing fine as well. The occasional disturbance, but nothing that can't be settled quickly. Ira was relieved to hear no other disasters had occurred since she retreated to her den.

The healer had to cut herself off only to quickly apologize, but as far as Ira was concerned she had not overstepped. It's fine. There's no getting around facts, even if you had said nothing their absence is obvious. Honestly, she wasn't sure how to feel now. Ira had been mulling over that question for a few days. Worried? Pissed? Something about the situation felt inevitable, she was always alone in a sense, it should be no surprise that even now she was alone again. Ira had never been much of an optimistic, more so a realist. She wished her children could at least have a father, but she knew how to handle being alone. It would be fine, she grew accustomed to the feeling long ago.

The timing is unfortunate. I would have liked to visit but I suppose I wouldn't have seen her pups until they were older originally too. Perhaps if she stayed she would have the chance to meet them, but Ira had a feeling the girl would want to travel home as soon as possible. She was a leader now afterall.

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Speedy - June 10, 2020

Speedy was more than relieved that mom and babies were all doing well. It seemed Ira was falling into the role of mother with ease, although the healer was not surprised by that at all; she knew the Count was going to be a good mother even if Ira had her worries before they were born. 

She should have known that Ira would face this all with her normal pragmatic attitude. Still, she felt bad bringing it up even if it was unavoidable the both fathers were for sure missing. I know... she answered first. But let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Speedy knew there probably wasn't much that could ease whatever she was feeling about the situation, but she couldn't help but offer. She wished there was something she could do to fix it, but not everything could be healed with plants and diligent care. 

Yes it is, she agreed when Ira mentioned the unfortunate timing of Reiko's delivery. It was bad timing for many reasons. They're all three beautiful and healthy, Speedy told her. I assured her that she could stay as long as she needed, but I have a feeling she'll return home sooner rather than later. The healer couldn't blame her for wanting to be within her own pack's borders, but it didn't stop her from worrying about her making the trip so soon after giving birth.

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Ira - June 12, 2020

Once more Speedy offered her services, however she might be useful. It was a kind offer, but one she had a feeling even the healer could not assist her with. This wasn't the first time the Count had been on her own though, she would manage, but there was no need to shut down Speedy so soon. Thank you, I'd be happy to do what I can in return once you deliver your pups. It probably wouldn't be much given she was now den bound for a while, but she could always help watch her kids if Speedy had others to tend to.

As unfortunate as it was that she would not have the chance to see her friend or her pups, she was relieved to hear that they were all healthy. After her own experience with giving birth, she wouldn't wish it on anyone to go through the same complications. She nodded to Speedy's words, It would be better if she stayed, but I think you are correct. She'll likely feel an urgency to leave given her ranking and how new the Empire is. At the very least, Ira knew she would feel that way. At least Reiko had others to lead at her side while she cared for her young. Perhaps she should consider those fit to lead for the empty positions within the council...

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Speedy - June 16, 2020

Speedy was always willing to let others help raise her children, and so when Ira offered help in return for her own promise of the same, she smiled and dipped her head. I would appreciate that. And when the children are older, we can have play dates and let them all get to know each other. Speedy couldn't wait for that. Last year, hers were the only pups born in Kaistleoki, and she was looking forward to have other children around the same age as her own for them to play with and learn things from. 

Ira's comment reminded Speedy of her conversation with Reiko when she had checked on her just after the empress had given birth. It was something she might usually bring up with the Kaistleoki leader during normal circumstances, but with her just giving birth and the fathers missing, the healer found she was unable to bring it up; she just couldn't add more weight the burden she was already shouldering—not right now. Maybe she would bring it up later, but for now, she just nodded and sighed. It worries me to think of her making that trip so soon, she said instead. I would go with her if I could, but I'm in no condition either. Not only was she not willing to put her unborn children through that stress, but she also wouldn't do that to Emrik; she had stressed him out enough already. She would just have to hope that the Empress made it home safely. 

had to edit the last part due to this thread going differently than i thought it would LOL

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Ira - June 23, 2020

The Count mused the healer's response. It would be cute to see their pups together, perhaps they would become close. Even though Ira had never been one to involve herself deeply with others, she wouldn't want the same for her kids. It wasn't an easy life, it was just one that she had found necessary during her own youth. I'm sure they would love that. A genuine smile shone through at the potential for her kids, she would make sure they would have more than she ever did.

Ira sighed as the conversation turned to her ex-pupil. There was still the concern about why Reiko had made such a sudden trip, but for now, the Count would have to trust that the Empress' life was fine. So would I, but she had her packmates help. I'm sure she made the trip safely. Besides, they would send someone if something had happened to their leader, wouldn't they? Given the silence though, Ira had a feeling her and her kids made it back just fine.
ack its fine lol I really need to work on these older threads

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Speedy - July 07, 2020

Speedy grinned at Ira's words, already excited about the prospect of their children being friends. Of course she still had a birth to get through and the first few especially exhausting weeks, but once they were all old enough, they could be introduced. 

I hope so, the healer agreed. She wished there was a way they could know for sure, but neither of them would be able to make the trip, and with everything going on lately, she wondered if it was a good idea to even send anyone.

She knew she had originally said she was doing fine, but Speedy couldn't help but check one more time. Are you in any pain? she asked, changing the subject to something she could fix. 

we could probably start wrapping this up if you want

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Ira - July 08, 2020

agreed! This will be my last post :)

It would be a while before any of the mothers would be traveling. As Speedy agreed with her Ira knew she would just have to put the thought to bed. Worrying about it until she could actually leave the territory sounded draining and it likely would not help her mental state.

The Count was surprised by Speedy's next question (even if it fell in line with her day to day duties), but would shake her head. No, no pain, just tired. It's been an exhausting week. She was aware pups were draining, but it felt like the world had turned upside down and spun in the opposite direction.

RE: I try to hide it, but I know that it's gonna show - Speedy - July 21, 2020

Good, she answered, a warm smile curving her lips. Tired, she couldn't really do much about, but she could help if the Count was in any pain. If anything changes, just let me know. Or if you need anything else. She knew she was about to burst with her own pups, but she would still find any way to help Ira if she needed something. 

I'm going to go rest for a bit, but I'll be close by if you need anything, Speedy told her as she turned to leave. She lingered in the den entrance for only a moment—long enough to offer another smile, and then she was gone. She was eager to find Emrik and talk him into taking a nap with her.