Wolf RPG
Sleepy Fox Hollow He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Printable Version

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He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Rodyn - June 22, 2022

Rodyn had been attempting to get Void to moonGlow, but they were never gonna make it. So with trepidation Rodyn sniffed out a territory line for the 2nd time with blood on his fur.

He howled long and loud. But kept his respectful distance from the claim. Void behind him.

RE: He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Mahler - June 22, 2022

mahler was about again. the hollow was becoming more fortified the longer that time went on.
and the hollow had visitors today: two darkfurred men. an instinctual pang of suspicion rumbled through him, tempered by the fact that neither of them had invaded the fox-borders. 
the scent of blood hung in the air. he glanced between each of them. "vhat is it that you seek?"

RE: He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Void - June 22, 2022

Void stood next to his friend, unsure who this wolf was. He wasn't sure if he could trust them, though if Rodyn could, he decided he could take his chances.

"My friend Rodyn here, told me that perhaps you could help heal me? I sort of got into a bad fight." Void said sheepishly.

RE: He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Rodyn - June 22, 2022

Rodyn felt a soft pang of fear. He didn't know this wolf. No idea if he could even help. But it was worth a try.

I'm Rodyn of Moonglow this is my friend Void. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm unsure ih it would be in his best interest if we attempted to get to my pack.:

Void looked pretty rough, Ro was fearful of death. He backed even further away from the territory line remaining neutral.

RE: He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Mahler - June 22, 2022

mahler snorted out a breath. he was not opposed to treatment; in fact the physician in him commanded him to do so. but he no longer thought of himself as leader here. wylla would not appreciate their nearness with their children so young.
"vhere is your pack?" he asked rodyn. "i vill help. but both of you must leave the hollow. head northvest, to the base of that mountain." he pointed with his muzzle to the one named for sleepy eagles. "it is not far. settle him there and i vill join you both shortly vith my travel-bag."
he looked at void, examining the tooth-shears in the other's flesh with a flick of his eyes. "go quickly."

RE: He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Void - June 22, 2022

Void dipped his head. "Thank you." He told the wolf. He knew he had no choice but to make it to where the man told them to go. If he passed out on the way he'd probably either die or be killed, so he had no choice. He'd have to make it.

Voids injuries are from this fight, so you know

RE: He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Rodyn - June 22, 2022

Rodyn dipped his head. The spine, great bear area. rodyn shifted and moved closer to void offering his back and his body to get void settled.

Come on Void lets get you setyled.

RE: He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Mahler - June 22, 2022

if one of u want to start at spotted eagle mountain, & tag me, ill toss him there! or i can start!

mahler watched them go, and when the men had faded from view, he went to inform wylla of the goings-on. the mention of a pack he had not heard was another reason. paleo was small and still in formation. extending knowledge to other allies might be of benefit to them.
at any rate, the mountain was visible over the edge of the hollow. he would return later that evening. mahler gathered his herbs and listened to his wife's responses before he began to make his way in that direction.

RE: He's bleeding out and I'm alone - Void - June 22, 2022

I cannot find spotted eagle mountain. ;-;

Void leaned on his friend and limped away, no longer worrying about appearing weak.