Seaside Moors Broken merry go round
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Ooc — Starrlight
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Despite everything happening, Maia was still bound and determined to finish what she started.  @Eljay had bailed on further trips, but as much as it hurt her feelings, Maia understood.  So she'd accepted it cheerfully enough, figuring yeah, with all the new pups he totally should stick around and help take care of them, Y'know?

She remembered.  Losing her parents had wrecked her... and she hadn't even been in a pack with them anymore.  

So she kept it up, solo, the lone road not her preference but that was fine!! She had the good old company of her stories, and that was cool, plus if she could bring him back some good news it would be even better!  He needed his kids more than anything.  Yep, she was going to do this.

Her current objective was the new, weak scent she'd taken on the wind while walking the coast.  There hadn't been a pack here before, yeah?  Either that or she was real lost.  Heck.

She raised her muzzle and called.  Worth seein if they knew anything.
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
erzulie scowled, tugging herself from the den. it was the harshest part of pregnancy, she decided: the fatness. the laboured breath at the end. she was a waddling fool, and this colored the beta's mood as she strode down to meet the caller.
a pretty young woman with moonlit eyes, youthful enough to both remind erzulie of harps and reflect upon her own fading beauty. whether or not it was the truth, the harlot had felt inferior as of late, but kept this locked behind careful mouth as she flung up  her plume and eyed the stranger with silent expectation.
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia waited patiently, and she lit up when Erzulie approached.  Oh.  Oh!! She didn't note the woman's condition until she was close, and when she did, surprise was easy to read on her face.  She'd met a good many souls wandering the area but none ever quite as pregnant as Erzulie was now.  Was she... okay?  Oh, gosh, yeah, this was weird.

Um, hi!  I'm Maia.  I'm here because we... well... there's some kids missing from our pack.  One's name is Elfie, the other is Weejay, though maybe since those aren't actually their names.  Elfie's reddish with these cute freckles, and Weejay is greyish and super cute.  Ummm.  Have you seen anyone around here like that?  After that flood Maia shut her mouth, and slowly the embarassment came over her that wow that had been a lot.  Like... more than her usual a lot.  Oh boy.
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
lol she's delightful

erzulie' mouth twitched into a smile at first the girl's reaction, then her subsequent report.
she wore a fragrance that was oddly familiar, though not necessarily in a pleasant way. however the harlot kept this to herself, shaking her muzzle at the abrupt end
"i know no one wid dese names?" she rejoined. "we are not long in dese parts."
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

Oh.  Well.  That isn't good.  She couldn't hide her face falling, though after a second she felt badly over it.  Not you! It's super cool and all you are new.  I just was really hoping for some good news to take back, but instead I just get to tell everyone that I still don't have any ideas or anything.  This part of scouting isn't much fun.  She ended on a bit of a complaining note, but she was getting pretty disheartened with it.  How hard could it be to find a freckled wolf? C'mon.

This is a super cool place.  And, um, congrats?  Yeah, I guess that isn't really a question is it.  Congrats!  She beamed, though a little nervously.  Truth was Erzulie was intimidating... she was beautiful, size included, and carried herself with an air that Maia could only dream to have.  Gosh, she'd probably look like a drunk moose if she ever had kids. Oh wow that would be awful!
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
from where had this charming girl come? "t'ank you," said erzulie to both. "dey will arrive any day now." sensing an opportunity to know more about the neighbors she suspected still resided here, the harlot straightened. "how long have dey been missing? walk wid me a bit, if you would like," she offered, limbs beginning a slow movement around the outside of the moors.
to know one's surroundings was the greatest piece of information a fighter could have. rusalka was a place of them, or it was important it became so. until then, she must use every moment to glean such. "i be erzulie."
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Listening to Erzulie talk more, Maia was absolutely smitten with her accent.  She was kind, which was putting the girl at ease, but it still felt as though she had too many words sometimes and not enough space in her mouth for them.  Settle down, spaz, she mentally berated as she began to walk alongside.

Wow.  Our pack has had a bunch too.  Not me, though! I don't know how anyone even gets started on that, it's so weird.  Okay that was kind of a lie, but she didn't want to spill to this stranger that she just hadn't found a guy worth having who was interested.  Not like, that much, at least.  Plus it'd be suuuuper hard to travel, yeah?! But that must be so exciting too!  Kids were awesome.

But she'd asked a question! Anyway, yeah, sorry.  Weejay's only been gone like a week or two.  Elfie's been gone ever since the shaking.  She frowned.  I don't think I'm the only one who's been looking but, like, Eljay's having a super bad time right now so I was hoping.  I'm Maia, by the way!  From the Firebirds.  She gave a wave of her tail, and finished on a high note despite the kind of depressing failure of this visit.  

If nothing else, Erzulie seemed pretty awesome, and it was cool to have a close coastal neighbor yeah?  And.... wait.  These weren't... no.  They couldn't be.  Illidan was probably long gone by now.  She wasn't about to get her hopes up for that.
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
erzulie grinned again, content to listen while maia went on and on. she seemed quite innocent, but her image was that of a woman. young to be sure, but the girlishness that flowed forth surprised erzulie. perhaps this was the nature of children who did not grow up so soon.
"it be my secon' time carrying little ones. i never allow dem to stop me from doing what i like," erzulie declared, mismatched gaze mischevious. firebirds. redhawks. she could have choked upon a sudden rush of bile, but bid herself to remain measured. "do you know a woman called niamh?" the rusalkan inquired conversationally. "i am sorry to hear dey ran away. dat time was a frightening one," erzulie murmured, remembering
"but i am sure he will find his way home again. bot' of dem." eljay. weejay. elfie. were these family names?
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Yeah, I guess.  Still, 'spose I should probably look a little more.  See if anyone else south of her knows.  She glanced at the sun quickly, verifying even as she said it.  She was cutting a circle, but it was so easy to lose her way!  Especially alone.

Yeah, I know Niamh!  Not, like, super well.  But she's a part of our pack too.  So you've met some of us!  Maia's tail gave a happy wave at the news.  She was surprised then that she did not know they were here, but if they were a recent relocation, all the better!  It would be cool to have a friendly pack nearby, and if they had kids, maybe they could do story groups or something!!  Maia'd had the idea with Terance's pack, but it was soooo far away that there wasn't a chance to do it often.  Having someone closer would be awesome.

Without much pause, her mouth took off down that track.  She's got kids now, again, too, which is super great!  I don't have any, but I love telling stories.  She stopped, a little wistfully, finally allowing Erzulie a chance to respond.
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
she knew nieve. a quick, cold slant to erzulie's mouth came then, but it dissolved under the airy glow of a trained smile.
she had not thought of the golden bitch and the wolves that had cast caiaphas out due to pride: an overweening superiority that overshadowed her better judgement at times.
a mistake, but not one that could not be mended.
"it was a while ago," erzulie revealed, ears sweeping forward. children. so niamh would be uncommissioned at present. "i would like to hear a story. tell me about de firebirds, maia. an' i be erzulie," she added belatedly, keeping pace with the bubbly young woman.
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was immediately excited when Erzulie asked for a story, but that settled a bit when she expressed the Firebirds specifically.  Are you sure? I mean, they're kind of boring.  Like, not in a bad way, just in a happy but nothing ever really happens way.  Y'know?  At least lately.  Though we did have a few people die I guess, which is... Oh, yikes, that was a mood bring down.  She shrugged apologetically.  I'm, like, really bad at telling real stories.

Erzulie. That's a super cool name.  It sounded a lot more interesting than her own, but everything about this woman was interesting.  The accent, the name, her manner... gosh.  I guess I can try, if you really want?  What did you want to know?  It didn't cross Maia's mind much that there were things she maybe shouldn't share about her pack.  Stories were stories... and they couldn't hurt, right?
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
a few dead. ears flicked again. an illness? the girl's bubbly nature did little to impress upon erzulie the strength of her pack, but the jezebel decided it was a moot point. "not boring at all, maia," the rusalkan lilted. "anyt'ing you want. i am new, an' i have not heard of de firebirds before."
redhawks, once, and to know niamh was closer than the woman would have liked was jarring. unenjoyable. a sweep of salmon tongue across her own lips. it was upon the tip of her tongue to ask if the maiden often came to the sea, but for now she would wait and listen.
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Hmm, okay.  Maia could never let down an audience, though she was a little lost in where to start.  Maybe her own story?  That was probably the best way.  Well, my sister Wraen and I were traveling when she met Wildfire, who was the leader of the Firebirds then.  She was super nice and cool and all, but she got sick, so another guy took over.  Colt.  He and Niamh were one of those pairs who were going to have the prettiest kids ever, and oh my gosh did they.  She thought of Bronco and flushed a little, then continued.  But then Colt got attacked by literally the worst wolf ever, this absolute.... ugh.... named Kiwi.  So when that happened, Wraen took over!  After that I did a bunch of traveling, so I don't really know a ton, but when I got back a few wolves were missing cuz of the earthquakes.  Eljay, who was with Wildfire, seemed like super sad and all about it.  Since he'd already had a terrible year and such, I wanted to help out, so I'm here!

She paused for a moment after allllll that, making sure she'd gotten the numbers straight.  It sounded boring but maybe that was because it felt... weird to her, dramatizing deaths that actually happened? Like, she knew Wildfire and Colt.

Ah well, it was good enough!  She smiled, then turned her head a little.  What about here?  Do you have a story?
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
wildfire. wraen. colt. niamh. kiwi. eljay.
erzulie locked the names away tightly in the vault of her mind. who knew when she might need to invoke one of them. to maia she gave a curious look. "that is quite de tale. you soun' as t'ough you enjoy carrying de stories of your family," the harlot commented lightly. lorekeepers were the backbone of any pack; it was known.
a story. "when i was your age, i went to a witch in de swamps. she was an old woman, and she scared me. bent over, long white hairs on her chin." she laughed. "she said, 'come here, child,' an' i went. an' she told me dat i would be mot'er to many, and dat i must go to de sea." her eyes rested upon maia.
"de witch was correct."
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
You bet I do!  My sister Wraen is, like, way better at telling stories, but I like to.  Well.  She hesitates, feeling a little flustered admitting it to this woman who seemed so.  She couldn't describe it.  All the sudden it seemed childish?  I like to make up my own stories.  

Erzulie's had been transfixing though.  She had a manner of speaking, a cadence, that was magical.  Maia knew she'd never be able to recreate that, but it did make her think about her own usual style.  Fast and loose worked, but wow.

Wow she repeated, this time out loud. A witch?  Who was she? And where?  Swamps, but which ones?  Ohhhh what Maia wouldn't give to meet an actual witch!  Something clear by the light that suddenly overtook her eyes.
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
this girl! erzulie chuckled. "i do not know her name. only dat she had two purple eyes." a roll of her shoulders. "she went back into de trees, i expect. witches decide to be invisible when dey be wantin'." the woman paused, grinned at maia. "wraen is a pretty name, but you are more creative wid words den you know, girl."
erzulie stretched in her steps, rolled her shoulders. "are you fond of more besides a story, though?" she teased gently, eyes shining at the prospect of a hunt with this charming little stranger.
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Purple eyes.  Perfect.  Maia was clearly lost in the description, imaging now a pair of flaming purple eyes that disappeared into the shadows of some unknown forest.  Hero, or villain?  Or maybe a little bit of both, since the best villains could be heroes sometimes.  She was so caught, actually, that she almost missed the praise.

Oh... really?!  She beamed.  It meant a lot to hear that from anyone, but from this woman, it was the highest acclaim.  She didn't imagine she'd ever be able to hold anyone captive with her voice the way Erzulie seemed to, but it was something to strive for at least!  Another goal, another thing to practice.

Um, yeah, some things.  Exploring, eating, napping... especially napping.  She said, still grinning.  Why?
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
we can fade or continue! up to u <3

"it is the truth," erzulie laughed, turning more fully to regard the girl. "would you be wantin' to hunt up de coast wid me a bit, maia?" the harlot inquired. such prospects to be had in the warming air; already she thought of the fish and the salted plants they might overturn in their query.
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
We can wrap! they should have another soon though <3 if Maia goes traveling again!!

Hunt, with her, up the coast?  And get to hear even more?  It was way too good of an offer to resist, and she took it eagerly.  Yes! I mean, yeah, of course!  I could definitely eat.  As long as, yknow, your pack won't mind... she said, unable to hide her enthusiasm even with the second attempt to back it off a tidge.

She'd never hunted near the ocean, and she had an expert here.  Not only that, but she had a chance then to impress Erzulie, something that tickled the girl a lot since she was becoming increasingly smitten with this woman who spoke so well of witches and compliments.
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
absolutely! <3

"i am a leader here," she purred, and led maia off to show her the coastline delicacies, and perhaps glean more about the firebirds in the interim.
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