Bearclaw Valley With our hands over our hearts
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
All Welcome 

The svelte dove had not wasted time once she was accepted into the pack, busying herself with gathering whatever herbs still grew during the winter and digging a small den to fill with these medical supplies she was sure to need sometime in the future. Despite being a hunter at heart, she still had a passion for healing and caring for pups, so she had siezed this opportunity and would work as hard as she could to provide for and help this new home that she had come upon. It was a new start, and despite the lingering loneliness, she would use this to distract herself - perhaps then these broken puzzle pieces of a life would finally fit together.

By the time the den was dug, her feet felt numb and stiff, for the bitter chill of the snow was relentless even in the smallest amounts. The ghost supposed she was grateful for the thick pelage of white coating her body, for not only did the plush fur hide her scars but it helped remove the sting of the winter.

She glanced back at the herbs and few supplies she had gathered over the last day or two, and began placing them into the den - she was glad spring would soon approach, for then she would have a far better opportunity to fill this den with many herbs to aid the pack if injuries or sicknesses were to come. Herbs were scarce in a time such as this. As she worked, the Eruna hummed lightly, though the tune was quiet and might not be picked up by a wolf too far away. Again, she was alone, but she found she didn't really care - she felt indifferent to it. Not the eternal loneliness that had made a home inside her heart, but being by herself in this moment as she tried to busy herself, and prepare herself for a new life.
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
She had been watching the others since they had arrived, yet made no move to introduce herself. Maybe it was because they were already close, and she was still an outsider. Maybe it was the fact of what happened when she had been in this situation before. Whatever it was, the woman with sunshine on her pelt felt none of it as she yawned and stretched. The nightmares had not let her sleep well, and her shoulder was still extremely sore. 
Shaking her herself, she saw the newest one yet again. Blue eyes, snow white fur. She seemed..quieter than the others. Watching her since she had come in, she didn't step out to introduce herself either. Even as the reluctance clung to her soul, the comfortableness of staying beside Dakarai like the warmth of the sun on a cold day, something about this new one tugged at her heart, called to her. Was it because she reminded her of herself? 
Resisting for a while, the tug had become almost a pain, and she scowled slightly at her soft heartedness, yet got up and slowly made her way towards the newest of the pack. Stopping several feet from her, she chuffed softly and spoke in her alto voice. Welcome to the pack. The words stung her, the words leaving an almost sour taste in her mouth. Those words had not yet been spoken to her, but she knew that this woman needed to hear them. She was alone, she had Dakarai. Wagging her tail, her eyes were encouraging, her smile warm as she glanced at this white woman.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
The scent reached her nostrils before any words were spoken, but the pale girl did not react, simply continuing to move the last of her few supplies into the little den she had made for herself as though she had not noticed the stranger - the ghost was incredibly wary of any interaction, fearing the worst in every situation, worrying that the next corner would bring more pain than she was able to manage. And so her solemn silence remained, oceanic gaze trained on the ground as she worked.

That was until the voice called out and the distance was closed, a wolf with the pelt of the sun emerging from the trees to stand before the dove. Gwen quirked her lips in a warm smile, instantly pulling down the mask of a happy woman content to talk and immerse herself in the friendships she could make in this new place. "Thank you very much." Her delicately feminine voice responded, quiet yet firm as though she was sure of her words - despite being the complete opposite inside. "Ah... my name is Gwendolyn Eruna - Gwen is fine. It's a pleasure to meet you." In her chest, her heart beat painfully against her chest, fearing she may have done something wrong yet again and this was the woman who would step forth to put her in her place. But none of this hidden emotion showed upon her face, the mask that had been constructed over much of her life skillfully disguising anything true.
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
As she turned around, the woman with the sunlight upon her pelt was curious, yet wanted to flee back to Dakarai. But she stood her ground as the voice of the wolf she abhorred ran through her mind. 'You're weak, Sunshine. Always running from something.' The nickname, at one time a joy bringer, made a cold shiver go down her spine. The woman spoke with a smile on her lips, her voice soft. It made a smile appear on her lips again. Beautiful name. 
Her tail betrayed her again, and she began to genuinely wagging her tail slowly. She opened her mouth to say the simple statement back, but her brain had other ideas, rambling yet again.
It's nice to meet you, Gwen. You seemed busy, so I wasn't going to introduce myself, but my curiousity once again perked, and I had to know more about this lonely snow woman. I don't usually introduce myself first, curiousity. It's a thing of it's own sometimes. It gets me in more trouble than I want to admit. My name is Onyx Saefyn. I just realized I am talking too much. I'm sorry.
With that statement, she shut her lips, embarrassment swelling in her. Why had she done that? When was the last time she had done that? She wouldn't be surprised if this woman ran her off for talking too much. What was she trying to prove? Why had she tried again? Maybe it was the yearning to be a part of something bigger then herself, to be...not alone. She held back a sigh and gave the woman a small sheepish smile and got ready to be ran off.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
She shifted uncomfortably on her paws, but the regal smile gracing her pale features did well to hide this. Onyx Saefyn was the name that fell from the golden wolfess' lips, a name that the ghost found herself admiring - it was a beautiful name, a variety of agate with different colours in layers. That was what Onyx meant, right? Was that to suggest that perhaps this woman had many layers, many thoughts and different personalities that could be unlocked when a trusting hand took hold of hers? Curious.

The dove's ears perked forward at the rambling, and when the other woman began to apologise, Gwen only shook her head - a glimmer of understanding washed over her expression, a glimpse of the real one beneath the mask of fake happiness. She knew what it was like to worry about rambling, to worry that you were being annoying and wishing desperately to just flee. Yet her problems had gone so much deeper, a wallowing sadness that seemed never to dissipate into the abyss and instead cursing her from the very core of her soul. 

"It's okay, you don't have to apologise. I tend to ramble sometimes." Not anymore, she thought dismally, for words were rarely spoken unless she knew them to be necessary, nowadays. "You have a lovely name." It was more of a whisper, a quiet addition to her last sentence, but a true statement nonetheless.
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

this morning had reigi in a dour mood.  there were many newcomers that she had missed during the arrival of her heat.  and normally that would not bother her, since there were many of her packmates she had yet to meet.

but indra and laurel's heat (and their resulting pushiness towards alexander) had her bristling and on edge.  on top of that, most of the new members were women and it did not sit well with reigi.

once again she was left to ponder if xan had somehow known she would cycle, and had lured her with that otter simply to fulfill his desires.  maybe he had known she was dull upstairs and taken advantage of it.  even she knew she was dull.  just because he is gentle with you does not mean that you are special.  although he had not yet mated with either of the sisters only time would tell whether he chose to take them.  either way, she would no longer remain glued to the alpha's side.

that was what she was supposed to do, right?  let him have his way?  she didn't know; she had never done whatever-this-was before... living in a pack, abiding by their foriegn and often arbitrary rules that she had no way of understanding.

her thoughts turned to the injured woman who had come to their borders with the dark man.  they were alone.  but some of these women seemed to flock towards one man (which she told by scent and not sight; she had yet to see the elusive warrior).  something about that put her mind at ease, and after her morning duties reigi took it upon herself to seek out that girl and maybe study her a bit.

but once she found her there was another, one of the new girls, and a bitter thorn worked in her heart.  what had she expected?  everyone always had the company of one another, and she was just their guard dog.

she didn't turn away to leave, instead frozen, staring at the two exchange their moment together.  if only.

112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
As the winter wolfess spoke again, the sunlit one raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise. Her? Ramble? It wasn't easy to picture, but she just smiled. Another surprise struck her as the woman spoke again, and her ear swiveled forward to catch it. A warmth spread through her, and for the first time, her smile was genuine. Thank you, Gwen. I love yours. It's beautiful. I... 
Her mouth closed as she glimpsed the wolfess from when they joined. She hadn't paid much attention then, just trying to contain the pain in front of Xan. The beautiful wolfess seemed almost hesitant, and a chord struck with her. Smiling, she wagged her tail. She hoped she could put her at ease. Hello. 
Her usual rambling brain was blank, and she cursed herself. It did just the opposite of what she wanted. Always. Opening her mouth again, she tried to think of something intelligent to say, and yet only came up with, We haven't officially met. I'm Onyx. She cringed inwardly at herself, wondering where her brain learned to speak. At the rate she was going, she would run this one off.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
The woman caught her softly spoken compliment and her smile seemed to grow - the ghost was glad that she may have made someone happy, even if just for a bit. At least that meant she wasn't too bad to talk to, right? Was she boring? Annoying?

The gentle compliment was returned to herself and she quirked her lips to smile back but shook her head lightly - nothing about herself was beautiful, she disliked every part. Those ugly scars, those ugly eyes, that ugly body. That, and she was weak. Pathetic. Perhaps it was simply her own hatred for herself that molded this barrier, but still, the pale girl appreciated the attempt.

The presence of another broke her from her thoughts, and Onyx trailed off. Oceanic gaze focused on this stranger for a moment, Gwen soon distantly recognised them as the woman from the borders who had stood near the alpha during the wait for her possible acceptance. "Oh... hello," She spoke softly, feeling her face grow warm at the blank stare - had she done something wrong? Already? Onyx introduced herself and the dove bit the inside of her cheek before speaking up as well. "...and I'm Gwen."
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

the women turn their attention to her and her heart catches in her chest.  an inkling gnaws at the edges of her thought — these two women will be just like laurel and indra; they will have each other and the wolf with no name will be forgotten.

they speak to her, and for once she can pick out the basics of what they are trying to articulate.  hallo, she forces out, quiet and dismal, casting her gaze to the blinding snow at her feet. 

112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
The greeting from the pale wolfess tugged at her heart, the kindness of it touching her. She should get to know her better. Then the one that was with Xan spoke, and a grin spread across her face. Maybe she wasn't as haughty as she thought she was at first. Tail wagging, she sat down and spoke again, her eyes warm, smile wide. It is nice to meet you. Thank you for saying hi. Wanting her to join them, she gestured with her head to come closer. Only if you want to. Her tail swept the snow slowly, and she waited.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
Phone post ;-;

The greeting from the other girl was spoken softly, and the ghost's ears had to cup forward in order to hear - she noted how her gaze was cast downward and the greeting sounded dismal. Perhaps... Were these two other troubled wolves? Perhaps they hadn't lost as much as she had both outside and inside of the Teekon, but Gwen had glimpsed some sort of anxiety in Onyx when she worried about her rambling, and this wolfess seemed sad about something. Maybe she was just overthinking as usual... maybe she just wanted to be able to relate with someone. Know she wasn't alone in this silent suffering.

Onyx took the lead in inviting her over, and Gwen allowed a warm smile to grace her features - this one seemed quiet... despite the dove's unwillingness to talk, perhaps she could finally find friends. That was all she wished for. Just to belong somewhere.
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she allowed herself to be coaxed from her cover, moving out into the open with these two women.  they seemed nice at face value and the raven hoped she wouldn't be proved otherwise.

she didn't like being in the open but these two women did not have the same smell as the other girls.  they were not mean.  softly, her tail matched the wagging of the other two, and a small smile perks her flews.

112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
The wolfess' small gesture of a smile and a tentative tail wag made a smile grow on her face. It wasn't often she talked to other wolves, and this meeting was going better than she expected. With a flick of her ear, she spoke again. It's nice to meet you. Again her awkwardness around strange wolves came forward, and she couldn't think of anything else to say, so she continued to smile.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.