Ocean's Breath Plateau take me to the other side
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
All Welcome 
Phox's life was neither complicated nor exciting, and he found that this did not bother him. He stuck to Moontide doing his daily chores: hunting, patrolling when he felt it necessary, and checking in to make sure everybody was doing alright. Nothing particularly eventful happened to him, but the rest of the pack certainly had plenty going on. There were two pregnant wolves, no doubt due soon if they hadn't already birthed their children.

The Redhawk kept a polite social distance from them, not wishing to interfere with any of Chakliux's fatherly duties.
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236 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
I’m here to throw a life ring to your thread. ;D Tag for reference.

The day started with Raindrop emerging from her’s and @Sumac’s den. She licked the crown of his head, between his ears as she made her way out into the warmth of the sun. Her shape had begun to change, and it made her wonder how long she could go about her normal activities before she would be den-bound, or have to cease her routine. Today, this didn’t matter, as she move across the land at a lope, to fulfill her need to move, to wander.

As she made her way more inwards, towards the center of Moontide, she came to a gentle stop when a dark figure came into view. This wolf reminded her of Towhee, perhaps a sibling, a relative? She approached, a friendly stance about her, a swish of her tail, “Hello. I don’t believe we’ve met.” And a smile she wore.
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lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
A greeting snapped him out of whatever thoughts had been thrumming their way through his mind, and he noted the subtle curve of the woman's abdomen. Well then, make that three, he said quietly to himself. This place was going to be bursting at the seams with children, and for once, Phox wouldn't be the culprit. He wouldn't let that sour his mood, though.

Name's Phox Redhawk, he said, waving a paw in her direction.
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236 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The three legged wolf respond with a friendly wave of his paw, “Well then, Phox, it’s a pleasure.” Wait a minute, a Redhawk…. Towhee was a Redhawk. In her realization, she almost forgot to introduce herself, “And I am Raindrop.” A nod of her head, then a slight tilt followed “Do happen to be related to Towhee Redhawk? I knew her, only as an acquaintance when she spent time here. She welcomed me into this village, showed me around.”
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lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
As usual, his sister's reputation preceded him. Wherever he went, Phox was often met with a wolf who knew Towhee before they knew of him. Ah, yep. That's my sister. She certainly did get around, didn't she? Hopefully she didn't tell you any embarrassing stories about me, he said with a grin. Phox was pretty sure she had loads of them, but then again, he had plenty in his arsenal about Towhee, too.
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236 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
“No, none that I can recall.” She replied, giving the man a chuckle, “Our meeting was brief, only once. I suppose she left?”

Perhaps the woman Redhawk had only been staying temporarily, because after she joined Moontide, the two patrolled once, and then she never saw Towhee again. Even though it seemed kind of strange, she wouldn’t think more of it, everyone was entitled to their privacy, their own choice. 

“Do you plan on making a home here? It’s a wonderful place.” She asked him curiously, trying to spark more convo. He seemed like a nice guy, and although it had nothing to do with personality, he did smell strongly of this land, of the sea wolves.
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lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Phox gave her a faux suspicious look, but he knew Towhee would never tell any truly embarrassing stories... right? She'd never, ever do that to him. Just kidding, she totally would if she got the chance. Yeah, she hasn't stayed put anywhere for a very long time, Phox replied. I suppose the same goes for me, although I've been here since mid-winter. He thought back to their days as children at the caldera, then at the plateau as young adults. They spent quite a bit of time at the caldera again... but after Niamh left, things had never really been the same. The siblings had hopped around quite a bit since then, usually with Phox tagging along after Towhee.

I guess I'm not really sure, Phox replied. I've kinda got my eye on somebody here, so it really depends on what she wants to do. Wherever Heph was, Phox realized that was where he wanted to be. There was just such an easy, content feeling when he was around her.

He didn't think that Raindrop had been here long, but he hadn't exactly been a social butterfly since coming to Moontide, so he didn't want to make any assumptions about how long she had or hadn't been here.
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236 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
With a look of playful suspicion, she responds with a chuckle. Phox goes on to delve a little deeper in Towhee, how she doesn’t really stick to one place. He thinks the same of himself, yet, he says he’s been here since mid-winter. Raindrop would assume that he’s been here before she arrived, but she wouldn’t press on how long.

“Well, it’s a wonderful place to live. At least, in my opinion. I traveled these lands, but it seemed like the coast drew me in, and now, my husband and I have built our home here.” She thought for a moment, whether or not to mention the coming children, but hey, anyone could tell she was pregnant at this point anyway. “And our children’s lives.” A warm smile graced her muzzle. Then, she listens, curiously to the last bit of his words; He had eyes for someone. “Really? Well, I wish you luck in your quest of love. If I may ask, does your lady live here within Moontide’s lands?”
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lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
That explained the father of the swell in her belly, at least. Phox wondered if Chakliux had picked up another wife in Raindrop, but he didn't pry. He had never been particularly fond of the coast himself, especially after all that had transpired on the island, but it wasn't too bad here. He'd grown at least somewhat used to the distant crashing of the waves, and the plateau didn't have too much sand.

She's not my lady by any means. Heph is her own gal, hah! he replied. Even if they had made anything official, Phox wasn't sure he'd ever call a partner "his." Besides "quest of love" wasn't really how he would have described his relationship with Heph either. They were more... well, something else.
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236 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
He admitted that whoever his lover was, was “not” his, and this seemed like a noble statement. Next, he admitted who this lover was, and she couldn’t help the small gasp and slightly agape expression. It was Heph?!

She wasn’t quite sure what to say, but she knew she had to say something. 

“Ah, Heph. She a wonderful woman, a great friend. She helped me out getting settled here, and….” There was a pause, “She’s also the one who helped me choose this place to call home.” 

Other than that, she hadn’t much else to say, or, couldn’t think of anything else. Perhaps this would be a good time to part ways, as she was in fact starting to feel the ache of hunger again and the slight rumbling in her stomach.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Phox. I’ve got some littles to feed. But, I’m sure we’ll meet again, and perhaps next time you’ll run into my husband, Sumac.”

And on that note, she turned to leave, only waiting for his response before slowly making her way to grab a snack.
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lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Heph was, by far, much more social than Phox. Everywhere he went, there were friends of Heph. He didn't mind (really!), but it was always amusing to him. Phox remembered how she had been a social butterfly at the large multi-pack hunt, and how he had mostly stuck to her the entire time because it was easier than being around that many folks at once. She was a kind soul, and that was part of what drew Phox to her.

Ah, of course. Enjoy the meal, and good luck with the delivery!
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