Boartusk Heights Some might say "euphoric", no, there's really no words for it
a determination so powerful it could turn the sky storm black
683 Posts
Ooc — Athena


Waitno, back up.  You've got an entire pack coming after you?  So did they like, need to move faster??? Were they going to get like, jumped and killed?  Details, man!  Soo like, did you catch any important details?  Like, a pack name, or whatever?

Oh yeah, and she was taking him home with her.  Cue eye roll — he couldn't have told her this before?  Now she had to try to convince the Redhawks to house a fugitive... not that they had to know.

Unless he was joking with her and she was mistaken for just taking him at face value.

Mhmm, I know how it is.  The look she gave him was something between incredibly unamused and playful.  She couldn't really be mad at him for it.  Nothing.  They're just.  Cool.  Time to do a looot of backtracking.  Like, the alpha.  She doesn't like.. rule with an iron fist or anything?  She's really nice.  She rolled her shoulders.  Colt reminds me of us.

Definitely not boys.  Nope.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Some might say "euphoric", no, there's really no words for it - by Fire - June 05, 2018, 06:39 AM