Meadowlark Prairie a whisper of silk
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
All Welcome 
@Hvitserk but AW

it is cold.

and in a way, she is lonely.  the shade had an eclectic personality, wholly unsuited for pack-life, yet every once in a while she craved.. something.  someone.

she lacked the higher functioning to understand the complexities of a relationship, that word was not quite right for what she was looking for.  rather, many short-lived companionships had sated her.

the closer south she goes, she can smell both a pack to her left and a pack to her right.  it comes to her mind that she could stay here, possibly make her home in this prairie, and set up her interactions...

but something tells her that it wouldn't be taken so well.

reigi paces uncomfortably, working her way to the depths of the prairie, halfheartedly hoping for the courage to somehow charm her way into one of them.

As silent as a w i l d f i r e
214 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
gawd her avatar is so pretty

Curiosity dragged him away from the caldera, accompanied by unanswered anticipation and unease. Enough of time had passed since their arrival, should they not have gone into battle by now? Usually patient, he felt put out of place by this newly developed impatience, birthed from the stress brought on by a looming threat. He wanted nothing more than to head into battle already so that he could return home; separated from his sister, the main thing keeping him grounded was Portia, but she hadn’t travelled with them. She was still back at the coast, far from him and his worries.

And as time continued to move, he could bear the burden of his desires no longer.

Hvitserk left without warning, telling no one; someone may have seen him, he couldn’t say otherwise with confidence, but he had not intentionally shared his abandonment of the borders. He stalked through the plains, gaze focused solely on the treeline along the horizon. Yet, before he could even cross the halfway point, he was stopped dead in his tracks by the sight of another; slender and dark, discomfort evident in her gait. Appearing to be alone, he strode closer, head low and defenses high, not knowing if she was an enemy or not.
She swept in and stole the flame,
leaving a dragon without his breath

Thread titles are from Lindsey Stirling’s “Something Wild”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
thank you!!

like an answered prayer he materialized from the grasses, heavy footfalls showing little care for anonymity.  such a large creature need not stay hidden anyway; she suspected his size was enough to dissuade any with ill intent.

immediately she began scenting, leather of her nostrils thrumming in and out; he smelled of many, an unfathomable number of scents wove through his pelt.  it intimidated her.  that was a feeling she was not used to, as it worked its way through the sinew of her spine and her guard hairs stood on end.

reigi was feral — aggressive and posessive at best but downright flighty if necessary.  what if she wasn't supposed to be here?  what if he sent out a call?  that had always meant more

but he was coming closer instead.  she lowered her head as her tail brushed against the collected snow as a whining chuff came from her throat.

As silent as a w i l d f i r e
214 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
200th post for you~!

It was surprisingly easy for the yearling to forget his size. Times when he was needed to fight were few and far between, given that he was a gentle creature in nature, not yet influenced by his testosterone; the only times he truly fought were when his family was in danger, and he’d yet to be forced into said situation. So when the female lowered her head and whined, he slowed to an eventual stop, cocking his head to the side as he stared her down. He sniffed again, drawing in as much air as he could, but could find nothing—she was alone. As far as he could tell, there was no pack backing her, which begged the question: what was she doing there? Was she unaware of the troubles she could find herself in, should she stick around? He didn’t know and he didn’t ask.

Stealing a few steps closer, he huffed out a soft wuff and let his chest drop down towards the snow, bowing. After a few slow waves of his tail, he straightened himself back up, eyes never leaving her whilst he hoped to see some sort of change in her demeanour. He had no interest in harming her, realising that she wasn’t the enemy—he was pretty sure, anyways.
She swept in and stole the flame,
leaving a dragon without his breath

Thread titles are from Lindsey Stirling’s “Something Wild”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
a wild thur appeared!  let me know when she's getting closerrrr

she did not understand the tension in the air, electric in the land that separated the two packs.  she was also unaware entirely of the war itself, and the danger she put herself in by being here.

the brute's form drops to the ground and her hackles raise momentarily before she realizes he is play-bowing, and immediately she wags into one of her own, paws fwap-fwapping against the snow wildly.  her jaws loosen and her tongue comes lolling out, rounded ears slimming back before returning to attention.

she starts to vocalize, somewhere between an assertive bark and a wail, tail curled above her back and wagging with a pining eagerness.

from this position she dances, moving towards him in a mad dash before skidding to a halt while remaining a respectable distance, resuming her posturing.

As silent as a w i l d f i r e
214 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
hi i suck for leaving you waiting so long

Neither chased away nor met with aggression, Hvitserk took it as an invitation to move even closer yet; his approach was slow and halted several times as he cocked his head to the side, tail never ceasing to wag. So long had passed since he’d last played with anyone that he wasn’t entirely sure how to proceed, nor was he certain how far he could take things; being with Freyja, not once had he needed to think these things over, for his sister was always just as eager as him and he knew how to tell when she’d had enough. But this wolf—this stranger—was entirely new to him, a variable that could not be measured.

She moved towards him and bowed again, paws smacking against the snow. Curious to learn—he wanted to better familiarise himself with strangers and how to deal with them, to prove to himself that he could function somewhat decently without his sister there at his side—the burly male finished closing the distance between them, each step crunching the snow underfoot, with the contact made against the ground causing his body bounce.

Hvitserk dropped down into a bow once he was close enough to see the finer details of her face, then immediately flopped over onto his side, tail sending the snow flying as is swept through it. From his new position, he stretched his body out, simultaneously pushing and pulling himself through the snow and towards her, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.
She swept in and stole the flame,
leaving a dragon without his breath

Thread titles are from Lindsey Stirling’s “Something Wild”