Meadowlark Prairie I was damned by the light comin' out her eyes
40 Posts
Ooc —

Freedom is just as delectable. 

Unencumbered by invisible chains, bound only by whatever morals and laws she deemed fit. 

She was Witch, Punisher, Storm-bringer as they had exalted her. 

She was free. 

One grows weary of war, of titles. It is not so with the notion of being her own. 

She savors each step into the new lands, each breath that pulls greedily into her lungs with the promise of all she had been denied. It was heady, intoxicating

Worries linger, buzzing like a noxious insect 'round and 'round the prison of a shadowed mind. It is true, a life of loneliness is not what she desires of this world. Yet, there is reluctance simmering beneath the firewood's charred flesh. 

She will not be slave again. 

Night had watched over the Wound-binder's entry of Teekon, dawn had seen her through the Flatlands. But morning, golden-rayed and so sweet of smell, greeted her upon the prarie. 

The birds had begun their daily ritual, flashes of speckled browns and vibrant yellows - almost painful to the eye in its hues - heralding the claim the song-callers held. 

Istoira was but an intruder upon their hail of the sun and warmth, unhurried stride halting and dark crown tilting. 

At the boundaries of the sea of steppes, on the cusp of a verdant fringe that rose well over her head, she stopped. 

Hellfire eyes flicked to the right as the breeze shifted, nose raising to greet the faint tendril of scent that reached and curled invitingly. 

The dark domain of a tangled and distant forest loomed upon the horizon though she was well off yet - the scent faint but hinting to the organization of a group. A group of her own kind. 

Eyes remained transfixed, searching.

535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She needed a breath of fresh air, since her return she had kept her brother in prayer as well as try to somewhat improve her vision in both exercises as well as possible herbs to help with her sight. 

During her her walk she noticed a female and cane a bit closer before calling out. “Hello.”
40 Posts
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She is not alone for long. 

Another emerges from the distant wilderness, the wind bringing her pack scent long before the svelte form of the dark lady approaches. 

A soft greeting escapes her lips, Istoira's tattered auds rising to catch it. 

"Greetings, sister," the former slave murmurs as dark crown bows deeply in respect. As she rises, the Wound-binder's hellish gaze dances over a scarred lime orb, a damaged leg, a rounded stomach that points to motherhood. She wonders idly what the blackbird has survived, what she has seen. 

"I am Istoira. Might I ask your name, dark lady?"
"my bones are stained with sin, scorched by fire, broken by betrayal, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. 
and still. you could not kill me."
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Due to Moonshadows recently found pregnancy. She found herself extremely wary of anyone though this she wolf seemed different yet she wasn’t going to let her guard down. As she asks for her name Moonshadow smiles softly. “My name is Moonshadow.@
40 Posts
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A gentle smile curves her scarred lips. "A beautiful name, it is a wonderful thing to make your acquaintance, Moonshadow."

"I must admit, I seek a pack with which to ally myself with," 
she dipped her dark crown humbly. "Would you mind telling me a bit about yours? If it is allowed, of course." Istoira knew well that some tribes did not wish for their information to leak beyond the borders of their homebase. 

"Perhaps I could be of some use to you and your leaders," she offered, her voice steady but non-assuming despite the tentative emotion that fills her - fearing rejection. 

"I am a fighter and hunter, as many are, but such skills always seem to be high in demand." The charred girl smiled in humor. "Beyond that I am a healer, and know a bit about plants in general."

"my bones are stained with sin, scorched by fire, broken by betrayal, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. 
and still. you could not kill me."
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The smile had stayed on her face as she was asked about her pack and complimented on her name. The female began to talk about her qualities and she was curious. Perhaps she could help during her pregnancy. “I know not that much about the pack as it is rebuilt with a new leader and I have distanced myself trying to find a helping den for future pups.” As she continued perhaps she could be a good recruit. “Though we could perhaps use your skills. I am willing to introduce you to our leader if you want.”
40 Posts
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"That is a most gracious offer, my lady," she murmurs in gratitude. "I hope it would not offend you if I were to wait until I could prove myself worthy of your pack," Istoira adjects, dark head dipping again. 

Perhaps if she were to bring prey of some kind, or some herbs, to prove herself a valuable addition to Moonshadow's ranks she might seem less a lone beggar. 

"Though I will not wait so long as to miss the arrival of your children; congratulions and blessings to you and the bairns," she adds with a slight smile, the knowledge that she would not approach the newborns until allowed hanging unsaid between them.
"my bones are stained with sin, scorched by fire, broken by betrayal, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. 
and still. you could not kill me."
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It had started to get rather late and Moonshadow thought she should be heading back to the pack soon. “Alright well you know where the pack is. I best be going now and thank you.” If she had nothing else left to say the female would resume her watch of the borders on her way back to her den and sleep.
last post from me